Re: [Xen-devel] xen, OpenMosix + pretty gui = virtual iron killer
The impression I got from a couple of questions to
the speaker was that they supported DSM in the hypervisor, and that the
Linux was not terribly aware. OpenMosix + Xen could do much better
I think. Interesting synchronization questions to be worked out though.
-- Orran
> Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2005 11:04:35 -0000
> To: "Denis Bohm" <denis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
> "Jerry Normandin" <jerryn@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] xen, OpenMosix + pretty gui = virtual iron
> From: "Jerry Normandin" <jerryn@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Cc: <xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Your right Denis. I checked thier website. It's not a
mozilla friendly
> website either, you can't get
> to all the links. I believe we all can do a better job on the
> From what I saw at Linux world the interface is broseer driven. I
> trying to get a chance to get to an xterm window so I can do ldd on
> libraries and binaries but I didn't get a chance. they were too busy
> the demo. From what I saw it looked an aweful lot like Xen running
on top
> of Open Mosix with
> a gui to glue it all together.
> This motivated me enough to try to scrap some equipment together and
> together a two node
> Open Mosix Cluster and load Xen up. Possibly start testing. I
don't have
> enough $$$ right now
> to get some Infiniband hardware, but I can complete some testing with
> hardware I have.
> Denis Bohm <denis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> said:
> > I searched around a bit on the web, but couldn't find anything
> > their GUI. Anyone have any pointers to info on it?
> >
> > Jerry Normandin wrote:
> >
> >>Hi,
> >>
> >> I was at Linux World today and stopped by the Virtual
> booth. Could this
> >>be a copy of xen technology? Virtual Iron appears to
be a
> combination of xen
> >>and open mosix technology. Has anyone tried running
xen on an Open Mosix
> >>cluster? With the new Infiniband hardware out I bet
we could
> build an effecient
> >>cluster. I can test with low end hardware for now, I
don't have
> the $$$ to buy
> >>two dell poweredge 6600 series servers and some Infiniband
> equipment. But I can
> >>build a 2 node AMD cluster with a gigibit interconnect for
> >>
> >>
> >> I kind of confronted the sales engineer at LinuxWorld
and asked,"hey does
> >>this products' roots from Xen and OpenMosix?" The attendant
> pretty angry and
> >>said "If Xen used Open Mosix to come up with a competing
soultion they would
> >>sue!" What a jerk! This company has no clue
what open source is about!
> >>I say, as a community, lets do it! If we can get true
virtualization on the
> >>hardware so we can be OS agnostic that would be even better.