Re: [Xen-devel] Re: xenning gentoo
Eric S. Johansson wrote:
Barry G wrote:
Not really. It is nice to know that I am not alone though.
I updated the gentoo bug report with this information two days
ago (http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=70161#c38).
went a little further. Repackaged the source tarball so that the
top-level directory ended in 2.0.4. Build went further but I got
something I've never seen before:
ACCESS DENIED mkdir: /usr/portage/distfiles/install
install: cannot create directory `/usr/portage/distfiles/install':
Permission denied
make[1]: *** [install] Error 1
went further this morning and posted this series of observations and
questions on the gentoo user mailing list in search of answers:
trying to use the xen ebuild from bugzilla and I've encountered a series
of problems which have overcome in less than ideal ways and I'd like to
try and fix them the right way.
The xen source tarball is delivered with a ./xen-2.0/ path and not with
the version number is part of the path. As a result $(S) is wrong and
I'm wondering what's the right way to handle this?
I worked around the problem by rebuilding the tarball with the version
number in the path and encountered a situation where it was trying to
make a directory in someplace it shouldn't.
(/usr/portage/distfiles/install). looking further into the makefile
generating the error, it appears that $(DESTDIR) is the culprit. My
second question is it legitimate to change DESTFILE or should I create a
patch or dynamically edit makefiles to change DESTFILE. If I change it,
what do I change it to?
Scott, do you want me to update the bugzilla entry?
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