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Re: [Xen-devel] (free)dos under xen

To: xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] (free)dos under xen
From: Travis Newman <panickedthumb@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 23:15:17 -0500
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Just use dosbox. Very capable. I played Quake under it just to test it out (spent most of my time there playing Crystal Caves) or if you're looking for more than games, dosemu.
James Harper wrote:

I may have already asked this a while ago... would it be possible for
dos (free or ms) to run under xen, or does it have to be 'protected'
mode operating system?

And if dos worked, what are the chances of getting some of the 386
extender (dos4gw if I remember correctly) style games working? Or is
that precisely the thing that would need to be recompiled to work under

If only real mode dos could work, how easy would it be to modify the xen
scheduler to simulate a much slower machine?



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