RE: [Xen-devel] performance problems
> yup. the only difference was that I didn't touch dumU's
> kernel config; in
> dom0 I already disabled the debugging flags (except magic
> sysreq), but in
> default domU's config they were still enabled.
> Overall impression from my newer benchmark experiments:
> - Harddisk IO is about 30% faster in XenU than in vmware ws
> (both accessing
> the same raw partition)
> - Network IO is at the same level in xenU and vmware, which
> is about 30%
> slower than dom0/native net io (netpipe, 2 machines using
> 1000Mbit ethernet
> connected via a switch, xenU and vmware bridged).
It's odd to see such a drop in network performance unless you're on a
machine with a slow CPU. It should be possible to saturate a Gigabit
Ethernet (900Mb/s) with a relatively modern CPU. What are you using?
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