RE: [Xen-devel] [Fwd: Installing from distribution CDs]
> Apparently what's happening is that at some point during the
> domain boot
> process, Xen decides that the root device is /dev/ram0 if there is no
> root= command line on the kernel. In
> init/do_mounts_rd.c:rd_load_image() if the ramdisk loads to what it
> thinks is the root device, the initrd actions are never taken.
> Of course, patching that function to remove that check results in the
> same behavior. I've not yet tracked down what's going on but
> that's the problem.
Thanks for looking into this. I wander if it's something to do with the
way xen packages up the module as an initrd for dom0? Maybe there's some
difference between an initrd and a ramdisk?
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