Re: [Xen-devel] mapping guest domain memory to Dom0
> >Right now, domains which need to map other domains
> >memory are privileged and can map what they like
> Is anybody doing this? If so, what kernel mechanisms are you using?
> (I'm sure this question is very easy to answer for a kernel hacker)
Yes, shared memory is an important part of Xen's architecture.
The userspace xc library and the xcs control switch map another domain's
memory to put the kernel image, etc into it. The code for this is in
The blkback.c, netback.c (and usbback.c if you are on unstable) drivers under
drivers/xen/{blk,net,usb}back/ show how to map another domain's memory from
kernel space (it's a bit less user friendly than the userspace interface).
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