[Xen-devel] Re: Xen kernel issue
Travis Newman wrote:
Sorry to keep posting, just wanted to update this on where I am now.
I've gotten Xen working for dom0, but I haven't gone past that because
when using the Xen kernel, there's no support for fat filesystems
and no support for sound
Sorry to keep replying to my own posts here, but I think I may have
figured out something of interest. For a second I thought everything was
going to work, until I realized I'd left off ARCH=xen this time. make
oldconfig did exactly what I thought it should. It only asked me a very
few questions, which I assumed were from missing entries in the config
file, but that's when I realized I'd left off the ARCH argument. This is
the point in the documentation when it says it should ask you just a few
questions about Xen stuff, to which you should leave the defaults. Well
it did ask those questions, but it also seemed to completely ignore the
.config file altogether. Just thought that may shed some light on the
Again, thanks for putting up with me ;)
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