[Xen-devel] XenCD prerelease available
[Gregor == gm281@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on Thu, 27 Jan 2005 10:32:10 +0000]
>> A prerelease version of a Xen-integrated bootable CD I've been
>> working on is available for download here:
>> http://files.wordzoo.com/xencd/xencd.iso.gz
Gregor> The link seems to be broken. I tried downloading the image
Gregor> but it said "no such file".
Unfortunately, your DNS server cache is broken as I'm pretty sure
you're not getting the correct IP address ( for this
host (files.wordzoo.com). (Try 'nslookup files.wordzoo.com' to
confirm; the mapping was changed a while back but I've bumped the
version number again to helpful help through I've seen DNS caches stay
out of date for months in some broken implementations). Other have
successfully downloaded the file.
As a workaround for anyone having this problem, you can do this:
wget --header 'Host: files.wordzoo.com'
The use of a separate download server is because files.wordzoo.com is
a throttling server (thttpd) so I can safely publish URLs of ISOs
without having my bandwidth hammered.
-- jared@xxxxxxxxxxx
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