Re: [Xen-devel] xm pause <domain>
> Wouldn't ELF header based dump files, like those used for netdump or
> diskdump, be useful because you could use gdb to read them?
That was my original thought but (as Kip says) there are good arguments for
supporting other dump formats as well.
> Isn't the
> kexec/kdump project doing something in this area? Since kexec/kdump has
> quite a bit of backing, wouldn't it be helpful to dump something in the
> same format so a single tool like crash could read vmcores dumped by
> either method?
Yes, that seems logical. I suspect that if basic dumping functionality works,
it won't be very difficult to support various formats.
> I haven't had the chance to look this up yet, but does a crashdump done
> through Xen require the dumping OS to help with the dump?
It can all be done by a userspace program in dom0 mapping the dumpee's memory
and outputting it in a suitable format. It shouldn't be necessary to require
any co-operation (or, in fact, for the guest to even be aware of it). The
dump functionality would be used for guests, not for dom0 or Xen itself.
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