[Xen-devel] Re: Porting Openbsd to Xen?
Nicholas Lee wrote:
Has there been any thoughts on porting Openbsd to Xen?
Both Freebsd (unstable)
and Netbsd (stable)
have been ported.
The principle of Xen, having an insecure (linux) layer running as a host
OS might go against the philosophy of Openbsd. It would be nice though to
be able to use pf/altq and other Openbsd goodies in Linux land.
It would be really great, because OpenBSD has a lot of built-in security
features, for example W^X.
I think one of the biggest problems preventing usage of Xen in some
environments is lack of possibilities to highly secure guest systems -
for example great PaX (most important part of grsecurity).
We all know, that standard linux is totally defenceless against so
popular buffer overflows exploitation, or format string bugs ...
voices (at) metallicrain (dot) com
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