Re: [Xen-devel] how to see the data changing in a running domain?
On Sun, 23 Jan 2005 14:22:59 -0000, Ian Pratt <m+Ian.Pratt@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > I wonder how I can see the (on-disk) data changing in a running
> > domainU. I tried to do it, but the data looking from outside remains
> > intact, no matter what I modified inside the domainU.
> Use NFS root, otherwise the caching (in both kernels) will stop you
> seeing what's going on.
> An alternative is to use GFS or OCFS2.
OK, so I suppose that there is a (fixed) policy that determines when
to "flush" the "dirty" data from the cache to the virtual disk? If I
dont like to use NFS or other special filesystems, can I expect that
after certain "timeout", I will see the updated data in domainU from
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