On Wed, 2005-01-19 at 14:37, Ian Pratt wrote:
> I'd prefer not to tie domain administration privilege to the concept of
> unix uid's, but have some higher level concept of
> identification/authorization the tools know about.
Yeah, I understand this desire. The unix security model is not very
However, it's awfully convenient to use user-based security.
Particularly in dealing with networks. If security can be based on unix
users then with pam, you automatically have security solutions that work
in a kerberos, ldap, or even windows network environment.
It doesn't have to be the only way or even the preferred way.
> > 2) control interface multiplexing (xsc does this)
> >
> > 3) intelligent dom0 rebooting (autostart domains like Xend does)
> We've been thinking on terms of having a 'persistent' flag on domains to
> inidicate that they should always be running, and hence started on boot.
A domain information database would be useful. It would be nice for it
to be accessible via many applications though. Otherwise, you have the
problem you have in Xend right now where the domain 'names' are not
visible to other applications that can still see the domain.
> > 4) domain consoles interfaced through pseudo-terminals
> I'm not sure of the advantage of this, as its frequent you want to
> export them over a network, either via tcp, or ssl.
You're right. It's not a make-or-break feature. But it is still useful
for some scenarios.
> Thanks,
> Ian
Anthony Liguori
Linux Technology Center (LTC) - IBM Austin
E-mail: aliguori@xxxxxxxxxx
Phone: (512) 838-1208
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