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[Xen-devel] xen-stable vs. xen-testing

To: xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-devel] xen-stable vs. xen-testing
From: Derek Glidden <dglidden@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2005 15:11:46 -0500
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So given the recent announcement of the linux local-privilege-escalation I want to upgrade my Xen box/VM to the latest kernel. I see that the xen-2.0 tree still has 2.6.9 and xen-testing has 2.6.10 patches. So I have a few questions:

a) how stable is "testing" really?

b) can I just build new kernels from the -testing tree or should I build the Xen VMM as well?

c) do any of the Xen folks track BUGTRAQ or anything to keep up on potential kernel-level bugs that should be addressed relatively quickly? Granted, I don't think I've seen a legitimate linux kernel exploit in like four or five years now, but should another one pop up and I do track security lists would it be worth my effort to relay the info to the xen-list?

d) I realize that Xen is really still R&D for the most part, but how do the Xen team feel about security issues like this?

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