Re: [Xen-devel] Porting of Guest OS
Yeah, it worked but I had to edit /etc/fstab file in the guest OS:
1) replaced the LABLE=/ with /dev/sda1
2) removed the line with /boot
3) removed the line with swap
Even after that it gave errors for filesystem check. So, I just replaced the
/sbin/fsck.ext3 file in guest OS with a script that does nothing.
Here are some other errors that I still have:
During boot-up:
1) Applying Intel IA32 Microcode update: insmod:
/lib/modules/2.6.5-7.97-smp/kernel/arch/i386/kernel/microcode.o: insmod
char-major-10-184 failed
2) Starting keytable: Loading keymap: /etc/rc5.d/S17keytable: line 26:
/dev/tty0: No such device
3) Starting console mouse services: gpm: oops() invoked from gpn.c(132)
loadlut: is your kernel compiled with CONFIG_SELECTION on?: Invalid argument
(This is probably because the initial OS installation was configured to have
a graphical interface)
During Halt:
1) Sending all processes the KILL signal...
Syncing hardware clock to system time modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate
module char-major-10-135
hwclock is unable to get I/O port access: the iopl(3) call failed.
Guest OS boots-up and halts fine. (except for the above errors)
Any suggesstions??
From: "M.A. Williamson" <maw48@xxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: maw48@xxxxxxxxxx
To: "Fajar A. Nugraha" <fajar@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
CC: Amitabh Tamhane <amitabh_2k@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] Porting of Guest OS
Date: 30 Dec 2004 14:50:25 +0000
> The exact error I am getting is: Could not find LABLE=/ and boots in >
the "repair filesystem" mode.
that's /etc/fstab allright. Change the line that says LABEL=/ to /dev/sda1.
You might also need to remove the line that mounts /boot For
kernel-2.6-based or nptl-enabled distro, you also need to remove /lib/tls
and /usr/lib/tls on the domain root file system (Xen will tell you to do
this when it boots).
Using LABEL=blah requires a) you to set the label on the disk file you
created b) you to boot with a suitable initrd (e.g. one that came with your
distro) to perform the lookup of filesystem labels.
You will find it easier to get stuff working if you just specify
/dev/whatever explicitly in the config file and edit the guest fstab to
> The guest OS could talk with the outside world but `xm list` command >
shows state as -b--- (blocked) for the domain I am trying to boot.
Is that what "-b---" means? All my virtual domains shows that, and yet
they're working perfectly.
If they're not doing work on the CPU at this instant then they're probably
blocked - unless they're doing something CPU intensive they'll be in that
state a lot.
If you've only got one CPU then you'll never see another domain in the
running state - the fact that dom0 is running at this instant implies that
the other domains aren't :-)
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