[Xen-devel] Re: Lockup at boot with nFroce SATA
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On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 22:52:16 +0000
Ian Pratt <Ian.Pratt@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Is the sata_nv (based on SCSI) driver supposed to work with Xen?
> I'd have hoped it would have worked, but it hasn't been tested.
> Xen is less forgiving of technically buggy drivers than standard
> x86. Drivers that have been made to work on other architectures
> such as Alpha and PPC tend to have had such bugs beaten out of
> them, but I guess sata_nv isn't in that category.
Nope, since the nForce chipset is currently only used for x86/x86_64
hardware (afaik).
> My guess would be that there's some code in the driver that is
> taking liberties with treating physical and bus addresses as the
> same. If you can add some tracing to the driver to narrow things
> down we may be able to help you.
Well I have some basic knowledges of C, (at the very least enough for
printing/logging some numbers :) ) but I haven't done anything with the
Linux kernel or hardware related stuff so far, so can you give any
generally applicable pointers where to start with what? (or point me to
some pointers :) )
> Ian
thanks for your help
PS: currently I'm reading this list via gmane.org, so no real need to CC
me :)
- --
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