Re: [Xen-devel] win4lin-like porting of win98 to xen?
> This approach would enable running Win4Lin. My idea would be, instead,
> to replace Win4Lin entirely.
That suggests using some kind of Xen-compatible kernel that can provide the
DOS syscalls Win 9x needs to run. Maybe this could be a (perhaps suped-up)
FreeDOS, as you suggest, if someone were to port it to Xen. I don't know if
FreeDOS can host Win 9x currently...
OTOH, maybe its still possible to use a ported Win4Lin kernel patch to allow
Win 9x to be hosted on a XenLinux kernel. Instead of using the Win4Lin
virtual device drivers, you'd want to write some Xen-compatible ones for
Win9x to talk to the block / net backends. You'd also need to figure out a
suitable solution for display virtualisation. This approach would avoid you
using the parts of Win4Lin that are non-free.
There was another thread involving porting ReactOS (GPL licensed Windows
clone) to Xen, recently. Something like this would be another option for
Windows compatibility, although for now ReactOS is probably less compatible
with Windows apps than Win 9x is ;-)
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