Re: [Xen-devel] xen page fault
> In the process of sorting out my ganglia setup, I faulted two xen's,
> one of which just happened to be on a serial line.
> The fault occured when I shutdown the xenU domains on 16 hosts. The two
> hosts that crashed are the two to which gmetad linked from a host
> outside the cluster. So I am guessing some funny business with multicast
> pkts on a xenU that did _not_ have IP_MULTICAST configured. In fact, I
> was rebooting to start a xenU that did have MULICAST configured.
> xen0 does not have MULTICAST configured either but it does have
> Have people run gmond on xenU as a data_source for gmetad?
This is unlikely to have anything to do with networking or
multicast. Xen's per-page reference counts ahve got out of sync, such
that a page has ended up freed whil eit still has a non-zeo 'type
count'. This may be related to the crashes doing decrease_reservation
in the net frontend driver. Look slike at least on epage-management
bug lives on... :-(
-- Keir
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