Re: [Xen-devel] time jumping back and forth
On Mon, Sep 20, 2004 at 10:50:28PM +0100, Ian Pratt wrote:
> Presumably you're running your un-priv domains with
> /proc/sys/xen/independent_wallclock set to the default of 0?
> Are you 100% sure you haven't got ntpdate running in your startup
> scripts or crontab? It should be ignored, but its possible that
> the port from 2.4 to 2.6 wasn't quite right.
Yup. There's nothing in the running processes that should try to mess
with the clock; in the init scripts, the only thing that does try is
hwclock, and that bails out because it tries to to I/O access and
can't -- and even if it could, it's a one-time thing, and I'm seeing
jumps long after it tries to run.
Now that I've written a few lines of perl to report time jumps, I
don't see them. Heisenbug.
I did, however, run a script over Domain0's syslog files to verify
time continuity there, and it seems Dom0 is not affected.
** christian mock in vienna, austria -- http://www.tahina.priv.at/~cm/
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