Re: [Xen-devel] lvm + iscsi + raid
I can still saturate 100Mbps here with ide+BBR+raid5+lvm+snapshot over
NFSv3 with no discernable overhead beyond the normal IDE stuff. Haven'g
gotten iSCSI up yet. My domains run on xen machines that then hook up to
the two nfs servers.
I'll be adding mirror later for same purpose as your's, redundant disk
in case of total iscsi server loss.
On Sun, 2004-08-29 at 07:33, Keir Fraser wrote:
> > Currently my environment consists of lvm volumes on Xen0, with iscsi
> > exporting them, which are then imported into the xenU domains and raid1'd
> > there. It would be nice to have a single raid1 volume in xenU which is
> > sliced and diced via lvm, but then i've got lvm + iscsi + raid1 + lvm,
> > which can't be good for performance. Performance isn't a really high
> > concern here but still...
> >
> > the idea of running lvm in xen0 is to be able to resize volumes with
> > comparative ease.
> >
> > Any comments or suggestions?
> I haven't measured it, but I see no reason why LVM should have much of
> an impact on block-device performance. It's only doing block address
> translation on the data path.
> -- Keir
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