> On Tue, 13 Jul 2004, Ian Pratt wrote:
> > Which nvidia driver? One in the Linux kernel, or can it work just
> > by using a suitable driver in the Xserver? What mechanism does
> > it use to write the mtrr's ? (these could be virtualised without
> > too much trouble -- there's already an rd/wrmsr.)
> latest driver, which is of course mostly a binary module. I'll look for
> what source I can.
> I am guessing it stupidly does a rdmsr/wrmsr since it got the GPF.
Ouch, if its a binary driver its probably pretty doomed. All
sorts of things could be causing problems e.g. cli/sti. Doing an
objdump -d and doing a bit of grep'ing might reveal the scale of
the problem.
For a laugh, why not fire-up your favourite binary editor and
turn the rd/wrmsr's into nops. (You could do do them in the
src wrapper anyhow.)
If you actually get somewhere with this approach, we could
consider having a special linux GPF handler that decodes the
instruction and patches these up. Barf.
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