Re: [Xen-devel] trying to understand interrupts from xen->guest
> I'm enabling interrupts by this:
> _shared->vcpu_data[0].evtchan_upcall_pending = 0;
I presume you actually mean 'evtchn_upcall_mask'?
> I get an interrupt but the stack is really odd. I can't make sense of it.
> Nothing looks like it is in the right place, though bits and pieces are
> recognizable: I can see the address for _shared, for example on the stack.
The interrupt stack frame is identical to that for a real x86 hardware
interrupt. i.e.: EIP, CS, EFLAGS[, ESP, SS]. No pointers to
shared_info, or anything like that.
> I'm trying to find out where Xen might have invoked the interrupt but no
> luck. Plan 9 is mostly working and I want to get Xen interrupts going to
> it, but this last bit is puzzling.
> I do have the callback addresses set.
It will enter the callback address you specified via
HYPERVISOR_set_callbacks(). It has nothing to do with the 'virtual
IDT' you specify via HYPERVISOR_set_trap_table().
> Does xen interrupt on vector 0x82 to send interrupts to the guest? This is
> a guest in dom > 0.
No. 0x82 is the trap used to enter Xen from a guest OS.
-- Keir
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