Re: [Xen-devel] Xen cpu usage limting
Hmmm, maybe I should add a section called "Developer Wishlist" on the
Wiki. ;)
I'm taking a break from any more real work today since a person is suposed
to relax on their birthday.
Brian Wolfe | Phone 1-(214)-764-1204
President, | Email brianw@xxxxxxxxxxxx
TerraBox.com Inc. |
pub 1024D/73C5A2DF 2003-03-18 Brian Wolfe <brianw@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Key fingerprint = 050E 5E3C CF65 4C1E A183 F48F E3E3 5B22 73C5 A2DF
sub 1024g/BB87A3DD 2003-03-18
Mark Williamson said:
>> I hope you didn't push this out just because I asked about the
>> schedulers.
> I'd been working on it anyway - you just had good timing ;-)
>> I'd feel kind of guilty of making ya'lls work go in the direction i'm
>> asking about.
> Suggestions of useful things are always welcome, although depending on the
> suggestion we can't guarantee when / if we'd get around to implementing
> them.
> Cheers,
> Mark
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