Re: [Xen-devel] Problem creating new domain in unstable
You need to start xend if you have not. Without it you can not create any
Brian Wolfe | Phone 1-(214)-764-1204
President, | Email brianw@xxxxxxxxxxxx
TerraBox.com Inc. |
pub 1024D/73C5A2DF 2003-03-18 Brian Wolfe <brianw@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Key fingerprint = 050E 5E3C CF65 4C1E A183 F48F E3E3 5B22 73C5 A2DF
sub 1024g/BB87A3DD 2003-03-18
Yan-Ching CHU said:
> Hi,
> I just had a try using the xeno-unstable. When I used the
> xc_dom_create.py to create a new domain I got the followings:
> =============================================Traceback (most recent call
> last):
> File "/usr/bin/xc_dom_create.py", line 332, in ?
> (current_id, current_port) = make_domain()
> File "/usr/bin/xc_dom_create.py", line 238, in make_domain
> xend_response = xenctl.utils.xend_control_message(cmsg)
> File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/xenctl/utils.py", line 198, in
> xend_control_message
> ctl.sendto(message, '/var/run/xend/management_sock')
> socket.error: (2, 'No such file or directory')
> ============================================ I would guess the
> '/var/run/xend/management_sock' is created dynamically and I should not be
> doing anything with it manually. Any idea of what could have gone wrong
> please?
> Thanks,
> Yan-Ching CHU
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