Re: [Xen-devel] Create DOM1 problems again
hi Ian,
Thanks a lot for your kind reply.
yes, it is part of the console output when domain1 is booting.
Here is the output:
[1] Setting network parameters: [OK]
[1] Bringing up loopback interface: Error, some other host already uses
[1] [FAILED]
[1] Bringing up interface eth0:
[1] Determining IP information for eth0 ... failed.
[1] [FAILED]
So I can't get eth0 up. I can ping, but can't for
which confirms that the nat is working but the eth0 isn't up.
I tried adding NOZEROCONF=yes to ifcfg-lo. But the problem is still there.
What could be possiblely wrong?
On Tue, 30 Mar 2004, Ian Pratt wrote:
> > I'm trying to create the new domain, using the Xen 1.2 installation. I
> > met problems before, it turned out that's because insufficiency of memory.
> > But still don't have luck to make it run.
> > Two things are confusing me:
> >
> > (1) The xen_read_console prints:
> > "Bringing up loopback interface: Error, some other host already uses
> > address
> > [Failed]"
> > Is this normal? If not how to solve it?
> You mean that this message is part of the console output of the
> other domain that is booting?
> What root file system are you using? RH9?
> If so, append "NOZEROCONF=yes" to /etc/sysconfig/networking-scripts/ifcfg-lo
> > (2)In the end, the xen_read_console prints:
> > "INIT: Id "1" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
> > INIT: Id "4" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
> > INIT: Id "2" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
> > INIT: Id "3" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
> > INIT: Id "5" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
> > INIT: Id "6" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
> > INIT: no more processes left in this runlevel
> > ..."
> > what does this mean?
> It means that you need to edit your /etc/inittab to comment out
> the lines that are running a *getty on tty[123456]. If you were
> running 1.3 you could start a mingetty on xen/cons (having done
> the mknod), but in 1.2 you'll have to log in over the network.
> If sshd is starting in your new domain, and you've configured
> its network correctly, you should be able to ssh in.
> Best,
> Ian
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