Re: [Xen-devel] RTL8139 support
> Success! Your suggestions worked first time, and my RTL8139 NIC now
> appears to be working fine.
Great! I cleaned up and applied your patch to the unstable tree.
> I tested the performance between my regular Linux kernel on Fedora and
> Xen 1.3. An NFS (using default UDP) copy of a large file was almost 5%
> slower on Xen than Linux, and a scp (TCP) took just over 13% longer.
> Presumably these are reasonable results given the driver's having to
> make extra copies in Xen?
There are no extra copies happening: in both setups, every packet that
is transferred is copied by the main CPU to or from an on-card
The extra slowdown on Xen is due to using IO_REGS (ie. inb/outb)
rather than memory-mapped IO (readb/writeb). If you want to get that
performance back you'll need to get the driver working without setting
USE_IO_REGS. It *ought* to work --- ioremap() exists in Xen and is
used by other drivers.
> The only unusual result was that Xen's time to flood ping 1000 packets
> over 100 Mbps Ethernet was 10306ms, less than Fedora's 19503ms for the
> same test. For comparison an nVidia nForce in another machine achieved
> only 861ms, which makes both results for the RTL8139 look slow.
Well yes, the RTL8139 is a slow card! :-)
The nVidia NIC can DMA to/from host memory, so you're avoiding tying
up the host CPU executing PIO cycles to perform the transfer itself.
-- Keir
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