[Xen-devel] Re: txenmon: Cluster monitoring/management
> On Sun, Feb 08, 2004 at 09:19:56AM +0000, Ian Pratt wrote:
> > Of course, this will all be much neater in rev 3 of the domain
> > control tools that will use a db backend to maintain state about
> > currently running domains across a cluster...
> Ack! We might be doing duplicate work. How far have you gotten with
> this?
We haven't even started, but have been thinking about the design,
and what the schema for the database show be etc.
> Right now I'm running python code (distantly descended from
> createlinuxdom.py) that is able to:
> - monitor each domain and restart as needed
> - migrate domains from one host to another
> - dynamically create and assign swap vd's, and garbage collect them at
> shutdown or after crash
> ...and a few other things. Right now migration is via reboot, not
> suspend; haven't had a chance to troubleshoot resume further.
Cool! It's always a nice surprise to find out what work is
going on by people on the list.
You might want to try repulling 1.2 and trying the newer versions
of the tools which are a bit more user friendly.
> Right now I'm calling this 'txenmon' (TerraLuna Xen Monitor) but was
> already considering renaming it 'xenmon' and posting it after I got it
> cleaned up.
Great, we'd love to see stuff like this in the tree.
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