Just out of curiosity,
two questions about Xen project,
I happen to know the word "Xen" is used in two ways:
a) 'Xen' - Xen is a virtual machine monitor for x86
b) 'Xen' - programming language unites C#,
XML and SQL programming languages.
Both are coming from University of Cambridge
as far as I understand,
so I nearly sure both have the same roots.
It would be nice anybody could tell me the
relationships between different 'Xen's.
I know 'VMM-Xen' is working with Microsoft Research
to bring XenWindowsXP,
and also, the 'C#-Xen' is a product
from Univ-Cambridge and Microsoft Research.
Speaking about 'VMM-Xen' (and Xenoservers) project,
is there any "position paper" kind-of-thing
regarding the direction for
the open-source and proprietary products release plan?
Questions might be:-
- I don't mind XenWindows is not gonna
be open source,
but what else can be proprietary if any?
- Is there any plan to develop proprietary softwares
which support VMM-Xen and realtive projects?
I'm sorry it can be political question easily,
but it's grateful if I would be able to know
the future plan of the product licensing around
this project.
Best regards,
Latte <latte@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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