Re: [Xen-devel] Re: Virtual block devices (vbd) still not working... :-(
> This refreshes Linux's view of its partition table, and also polls Xen
> to find out the current parameters of the VBD. Without doing this,
> Linux will never see the correct capacity for the VBD (it will
> probably continue to think that it has zero size!).
Whenever Alex or I have used VDs they've just worked: There's
no way to populate a vd with a file system unless you can access
it from domain0, so its obviously been working for some people.
I wander if it's got something to do with whether the newly
created virtual disk just happens to have something approximating
a valid partition table or not?
Having the refresh tool seems like a good solution until we
figure out how to make Linux do it automatically. I can't think
of any real block devices that have their size change dynamically
that we can borrow the mechanism from. I guess we could use
'media change' events, but it would be good to be able to
extend a virtual disk that's already mounted.
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