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[Xen-cim] Re: example cim indication subscription commands

To: <xen-cim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Xen-cim] Re: example cim indication subscription commands
From: "Szymanski, Lukasz K" <Lukasz.Szymanski@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2007 11:40:48 -0500
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Thread-topic: example cim indication subscription commands
Gareth -

Thanks for your input.  I believe the syntax I have for OpenWbem is
correct.  It looks like this:

# owcimindicationlistener -u http://localhost/root/cimv2 -f 'SELECT *
FROM CIM_InstCreation'

The reason I think the syntax is correct is because the output looks
like this:
[1115703616] safeLibCreate::create called.  createFuncName =
[1115703616] Got query statement (SELECT * FROM CIM_InstCreation) in
[1115703616] query is for indication class: CIM_InstCreation
[1115703616] isaClassNames =
[1115703616] CppProviderIFC::loadProvider loading library:
[1115703616] C++ provider ifc successfully loaded library
/usr/lib64/openwbem/c++providers/libowprovindIndicationRepLayer.so for
provider owprovindIndicationRepLayer
[1115703616] C++ provider ifc calling initialize for provider
[1115703616] C++ provider ifc: provider owprovindIndicationRepLayer
loaded and initialized
[1115703616] CPPProviderIFC found indication provider
[1115703616] CPPProviderIFC found indication provider NovellHMS
[1115703616] CppProviderIFC::loadProvider loading library:
[1115703616] C++ provider ifc successfully loaded library
/usr/lib64/openwbem/c++providers/libomc_linux_process.so for provider
[1115703616] C++ provider ifc calling initialize for provider
[1115703616] C++ provider ifc: provider omc_linux_process loaded and
[1115703616] CPPProviderIFC found indication provider omc_linux_process
[1115703616] Found 3 providers for the subscription
[1115703616] Calling authorizeFilter for provider 0
[1115703616] Calling authorizeFilter for provider 1
[1115703616] Calling authorizeFilter for provider 2
[1115703616] Calling mustPoll for provider 0
[1115703616] got pollInterval 30
[1115703616] Calling mustPoll for provider 1
[1115703616] got pollInterval 0
[1115703616] Calling mustPoll for provider 2
[1115703616] got pollInterval 0

However, when I try this: 

# owcimindicationlistener -u http://localhost/root/cimv2 -f 'SELECT *
FROM Xen_ComputerSystemIndication'

I get this:
[1115703616] safeLibCreate::create called.  createFuncName =
[1115703616] Got query statement (SELECT * FROM
Xen_ComputerSystemCreation) in wql1
[1115703616] query is for indication class: Xen_ComputerSystemCreation
[1115703616] isaClassNames =
[1115703616] Found 0 providers for the subscription
[1115703616] Indication Server Subscriptions: No work after 1 sec. I'm
not waiting any longer

I get the same result if I try the interop namespace, or
Xen_CopmuterSystemIndication/Creation/Deletion/Modification.  BTW, the
Xen indication stuff shows up only in root/cimv2 - there is nothing in
Interop.  Also, there is no Xen_CopmuterSystemIndication - just

The result from CIM_InstCreation got me looking at
owprovindIndicationRepLayer where I realized there were a few functions
missing from the Xen provider, namely: getIndicationProvider,
getIndicationProviderInfo, and getIndicationProviderInfoWithEnv.

I was going to keep looking down that path. The functions have
structures passed into them which I have not quite matched to ours (I'm
pretty sure they're there, I just haven't gotten there yet).  Let me
know if that sounds like a reasonable plan.


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