[Xen-cim] Re: CIM_ResourcePool keys
The current CR in the SVPC workgroup has InstanceID as the key.
It looks like the files in the MOF folder may be a bit out of date.
We've been focusing on the CR since that's what we'll have to push
through the DMTF process. Perhaps we should raise the topic on the
SVPC-V call to ask if we should deprecate the MOF folder so we don't
create more confusion and/or busywork to keep things in sync.
On Tue, Jul 18, 2006 at 05:26:57PM -0600, Jim Fehlig wrote:
> Currently there are no keys defined in CIM_ResourcePool.mof. Will this
> class be abstract with subclasses defining keys or will the Name
> property be overridden to be a key - as described
> CIM_ManagedSystemElement (parent class defining Name property)? For now
> think I'll override Name and make it a key in the various subclasses of
> CIM_ResourcePool, e.g. Xen_ProcessorPool, etc.
> Thanks,
> Jim
Daniel Hiltgen (dhiltgen@xxxxxxxxxx) 650-384-4156
Virtual Infrastructure Management CIM SDK
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