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Re: [Xen-cim] Xen CIM call Fri March 31 7-8am PST

On Thu, Mar 30, 2006 at 10:45:49AM -0800, Gareth S Bestor wrote:
> Lets have the call tomorrow morning as planned as there appears to be
> enough to talk about. 7-8amPST. Callin #'s are 650 798 5900 x 8605 p 6870#

  Okay, I will be there.

> I'm putting together some background info on CIM, CMPI, the LTC Xen CIM
> providers and the DMTF Virtualization modelling work that I'll send out in
> the next day or two, and I'll setup a call next week to do a walk through
> of the current LTC Xen CIM codebase and describe its architecture; or
> perhaps we can use next Friday's call for this if there is no other
> pressing business (eg libvirt...). I had talked of doing a review this week
> but I've been very busy with other (Xen) stuff, sorry.

  I think next week the internal libvirt refactoring will be mostly complete
and I will make a new release. I usually tag the releases in libvirt CVS
as LIBVIRT_{major}_{minor}_{rev} e.g. LIBVIRT_0_0_6 in case you want to
track those.


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat http://redhat.com/
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