Re: [Xen-API] RFC: Shuffling xen-api-libs
There's not much point in, e.g. the cpuid module being it's own findlib
package. For some of the larger ones, there's a more reasonable argument (e.g.
log). That's the whole point. Which modules do you feel should have their own
findlib package?
On 28 Oct 2011, at 05:38, Vincent Hanquez wrote:
> On 10/27/2011 11:43 PM, Jonathan Ludlam wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> In order to get xen-api-libs into Debian, it's got to be in a reasonable
>> state. I believe we're quite a long way off reasonable at the moment, so I'd
>> just like to send out a Plan of Action to define how we're going to get from
>> where we are to where we need to be.
>> So, is this a crazy plan? Does anyone agree/disagree/have an opinion?
> I think, that's sad that it's going in the wrong direction. module should
> have a
> chance to become useful in their own right, not be stuffed in a xapi-only
> munbo
> jumbo of modules. This nullify the splitting work too and somewhat goes
> against
> the debian way of packaging.
> --
> Vincent
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