Re: [Xen-API] One resource pool and local lvm SR mirrored using DRBD
Right now we running last tests before product deployment of DRBD-backed
iscsi target with multipath. I found no specific problem at this moment
(except the need to patching ISCSISR.py for complete multipath support).
But I don' understand, why you need to do cross-pool migration for FT.
In any way you can not achive FT with current XCP state, only HA.
The difference between FT and HA: If server broken, FT-machine continue
to run without any traces of fault, in case of HA machine just (almost
instantly) restarting on other available hosts in the pool. FT is not
magic key, because if VM do some bad thing (crashed) HA restart it, and
FT will do nothing.
On 15.08.2011 13:38, Jakob Praher wrote:
Dear List,
I have a question regarding a fault-tolerant setup of XCP.
We have two hosts that are in one resource pool.
Furthermore we are trying to make two SRs (storage repos) as local lvm
volume groups where one volume group is active (owned) by one server,
and the other volume group is active on the other server.
In case of failure because of the common resource pool all the meta
information concerning VMs are still available. After degrading the
system to one host the SR is still owned by the failed server. Is there
an easy way to migrate the SR? Is anybody using a similar solution or
what are your best practices?
I think CrossPool-Migration is not an option for us since we want to
keep only one resource pool for both servers.
Another question: I am currently using 1.1 of XCP - what is the best way
to compile system (like DRBD) RPMs for this version. Since the DDK is
not available I also have troubles getting the XCP distribition
installed into a guest VM so that I can add development packages to it
and compile the package there. Is there a base image that I can use so
that I have the right devel rpms? From yum repos.d I see that it is a
CentOS 5.
Any help is appreaciated.
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