Re: [Xen-API] Howto do a benchmark of VHD with/whthout local caching ove
Simply use lager file size of iozone. 100-200GiB will solve any caching
В Пн., 14/03/2011 в 13:52 -0300, Marco Sinhoreli пишет:
> Hi all:
> I'm trying to make a VM filesystem benchmark of XCP 1.0 using NFS with
> local caching enabled and disabled. I'm using iozone.
> My infrastructure is configured as above:
> Storage: NetAPP - NFSv3 - 4x gbit ethernet aggregated with Jumbo Frame
> enabled.
> All switches have 10 gbit/s port link and have Jumbo frame enabled in all
> ports
> Servers: blade HP with 10 gbit ethernet - Nehalem processors model
> L5640 (2 x 6 cores with Hyper-Threading) - 24GB RAM
> The problem: I've 8 gbit/s to write and I think the host is making
> cache. It's unfeasible my tests. The iozone is running over a CentOS
> 5.4 64bit.
> Thoughts?
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