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[Xen-API] [PATCH 01 of 17] Remove no longer used module that was still l

To: xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-API] [PATCH 01 of 17] Remove no longer used module that was still lying around
From: Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2011 16:57:44 +0000
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# HG changeset patch
# User Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1294419411 0
# Node ID 70b29fc7d5e0449354b1ac373fb9e08ca70a8968
# Parent  00a9b7b7cf540d84898fda2494a95dc1290c5e30
Remove no longer used module that was still lying around

Signed-off-by: Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>

diff -r 00a9b7b7cf54 -r 70b29fc7d5e0 ocaml/license/restrictions.ml
--- a/ocaml/license/restrictions.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Citrix Systems Inc.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
- * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 only. with the special
- * exception on linking described in file LICENSE.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *)
-(* Restrictions *)
-open Threadext
-open License
-module D = Debug.Debugger(struct let name="license" end)
-open D
-(* The skus *)
-type sku = Express | Enterprise
-let is_floodgate_free x = 
-       x = Express
-let sku_of_string = function
-       | "XE Express" -> Express
-       | "XE Enterprise" -> Enterprise
-       | x -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Unknown SKU type: '%s'" x)
-let string_of_sku = function
-       | Express -> "XE Express"
-       | Enterprise -> "XE Enterprise"
-(** CA-26992: to avoid confusing the user with legacy SKU names we trivially 
obfuscate them *)
-let obfuscated_string_of_sku = function
-       | Express -> "RF" (*free*)
-       | Enterprise -> "RP" (*paid*)
-(** The restrictions that are applied *)
-type restrictions = {
-       enable_vlans : bool;
-       enable_qos : bool;
-       enable_shared_storage : bool;
-       enable_netapp : bool;
-       enable_equalogic : bool;
-       enable_pooling : bool;
-       enable_xha: bool;
-       enable_mtc_pci: bool;
-       enable_email : bool;
-       enable_performance : bool;
-       enable_wlb : bool;
-       enable_rbac : bool;
-       enable_dmc : bool;
-       enable_checkpoint : bool;
-       enable_vswitch_controller : bool;
-       enable_cpu_masking : bool;
-       restrict_connection : bool;
-       platform_filter : bool;
-       regular_nag_dialog : bool;
-(** Used for printing compact host x restriction tables *)
-let to_compact_string (x: restrictions) =
-       let tag_flag_pair_list = [
-               "VLAN"    ,     x.enable_vlans         ;
-               "QoS"     ,     x.enable_qos           ;
-               "SStorage",     x.enable_shared_storage;
-               "NTAP"    ,     x.enable_netapp        ;
-               "EQL"     ,     x.enable_equalogic     ;
-               "Pool"    ,     x.enable_pooling       ;
-               "XHA"     ,     x.enable_xha           ;
-               "MTC"     ,     x.enable_mtc_pci       ;
-               "email"   ,     x.enable_email         ;
-               "perf"    ,     x.enable_performance   ;
-               "WLB"     ,     x.enable_wlb           ;
-               "RBAC"    ,     x.enable_rbac          ;
-               "DMC"     ,     x.enable_dmc           ;
-               "chpt"    ,     x.enable_checkpoint    ;
-               "DVSC"    ,     x.enable_vswitch_controller;
-               "Mask"    ,     x.enable_cpu_masking;
-               "Cnx"     , not x.restrict_connection  ;
-               "Plat"    , not x.platform_filter      ;
-               "nag"     ,     x.regular_nag_dialog   ;
-       ] in
-       let to_string (tag, flag) =
-               if flag then tag else String.make (String.length tag) ' ' in
-       String.concat " " (List.map to_string tag_flag_pair_list)
-(** Represents no restrictions at all *)
-let most_permissive = {
-       enable_vlans          = true;
-       enable_qos            = true;
-       enable_shared_storage = true;
-       enable_netapp         = true;
-       enable_equalogic      = true;
-       enable_pooling        = true;
-       enable_xha            = true;
-       enable_mtc_pci        = true;
-       enable_email          = true;
-       enable_performance    = true;
-       enable_wlb            = true;
-       enable_rbac           = true;
-       enable_dmc            = true;
-       enable_checkpoint     = true;
-       enable_vswitch_controller = true;
-       enable_cpu_masking = true;
-       restrict_connection   = false;
-       platform_filter       = false;
-       regular_nag_dialog    = false;
-(** Return a new restrictions record which, for each field, takes the least 
-  * permissive of the two arguments *)
-let least_permissive (a: restrictions) (b: restrictions) = {
-       enable_vlans          = a.enable_vlans          && b.enable_vlans;
-       enable_qos            = a.enable_qos            && b.enable_qos;
-       enable_shared_storage = a.enable_shared_storage && 
-       enable_netapp         = a.enable_netapp         && b.enable_netapp;
-       enable_equalogic      = a.enable_equalogic      && b.enable_equalogic;
-       enable_pooling        = a.enable_pooling        && b.enable_pooling;
-       enable_xha            = a.enable_xha            && b.enable_xha;
-       enable_mtc_pci        = a.enable_mtc_pci        && b.enable_mtc_pci;
-       enable_email          = a.enable_email          && b.enable_email;
-       enable_performance    = a.enable_performance    && b.enable_performance;
-       enable_wlb            = a.enable_wlb            && b.enable_wlb;
-       enable_rbac           = a.enable_rbac           && b.enable_rbac;
-       enable_dmc            = a.enable_dmc            && b.enable_dmc;
-       enable_checkpoint     = a.enable_checkpoint     && b.enable_checkpoint;
-       enable_vswitch_controller = a.enable_vswitch_controller && 
-       enable_cpu_masking = a.enable_cpu_masking && b.enable_cpu_masking;
-       restrict_connection   = a.restrict_connection   || 
-       platform_filter       = a.platform_filter       || b.platform_filter;
-       regular_nag_dialog    = a.regular_nag_dialog    || b.regular_nag_dialog;
-let pool_restrictions_of_list (hosts: restrictions list) = List.fold_left 
least_permissive most_permissive hosts
-(* Returns true if the pool SKUs are 'floodgate free' (ie if any are express *)
-let pool_is_floodgate_free_of_list (license_params: ((string * string) list) 
list) = 
-       (* Some of the license_params might be malformed due to initial startup 
glitches *)
-       let valid = List.filter (fun license_params -> try 
ignore(License.of_assoc_list license_params); true with _ -> false) 
license_params in
-       let licenses = List.map License.of_assoc_list license_params in
-       List.fold_left (||) false (List.map (fun x -> is_floodgate_free 
(sku_of_string x.License.sku)) licenses)
-let _restrict_connection = "restrict_connection"
-let _restrict_pooling = "restrict_pooling"
-let _restrict_qos = "restrict_qos"
-let _restrict_pool_attached_storage = "restrict_pool_attached_storage"
-let _restrict_vlan = "restrict_vlan"
-let _enable_xha = "enable_xha"
-let _restrict_netapp = "restrict_netapp"
-let _restrict_equalogic = "restrict_equalogic"
-let _restrict_marathon = "restrict_marathon"
-let _platform_filter = "platform_filter"
-let _restrict_email_alerting = "restrict_email_alerting"
-let _restrict_historical_performance = "restrict_historical_performance"
-let _restrict_wlb = "restrict_wlb"
-let _restrict_rbac = "restrict_rbac"
-let _restrict_dmc = "restrict_dmc"
-let _restrict_checkpoint = "restrict_checkpoint"
-let _restrict_vswitch_controller = "restrict_vswitch_controller"
-let _restrict_cpu_masking = "restrict_cpu_masking"
-let _regular_nag_dialog = "regular_nag_dialog"
-let to_assoc_list (x: restrictions) = 
-       [ (_restrict_connection,string_of_bool x.restrict_connection);
-               (_restrict_pooling,string_of_bool (not x.enable_pooling));
-               (_restrict_qos,string_of_bool (not x.enable_qos));
-               (_restrict_pool_attached_storage,string_of_bool (not 
-               (_restrict_netapp, string_of_bool (not x.enable_netapp));
-               (_restrict_equalogic, string_of_bool (not x.enable_equalogic));
-               (_restrict_vlan,string_of_bool (not x.enable_vlans));
-               (_enable_xha, string_of_bool (x.enable_xha));
-               (_restrict_marathon, string_of_bool (not x.enable_mtc_pci));
-               (_platform_filter, string_of_bool x.platform_filter);
-               (_restrict_email_alerting, string_of_bool (not x.enable_email));
-               (_restrict_historical_performance, string_of_bool (not 
-               (_restrict_wlb, string_of_bool (not x.enable_wlb));
-               (_restrict_rbac, string_of_bool (not x.enable_rbac));
-               (_restrict_dmc,                    string_of_bool (not 
x.enable_dmc           ));
-               (_restrict_checkpoint,             string_of_bool (not 
x.enable_checkpoint    ));
-               (_restrict_vswitch_controller,     string_of_bool (not 
x.enable_vswitch_controller ));
-               (_restrict_cpu_masking,            string_of_bool (not 
x.enable_cpu_masking   ));
-               (_regular_nag_dialog, string_of_bool x.regular_nag_dialog);
-       ]
-(* Read an association list possibly generated by a slave running a previous 
version and hence possibly 
-   missing some values. In the case where a value is missing we default to the 
most_permissive. *)
-let of_assoc_list x = 
-       let find fn key = if List.mem_assoc key x then Some (fn (List.assoc key 
x)) else None in
-       { 
-               enable_vlans          = Opt.default 
most_permissive.enable_vlans          (Opt.map not (find bool_of_string 
-               enable_qos            = Opt.default most_permissive.enable_qos  
          (Opt.map not (find bool_of_string _restrict_qos));
-               enable_shared_storage = Opt.default 
most_permissive.enable_shared_storage (Opt.map not (find bool_of_string 
-               enable_netapp         = Opt.default 
most_permissive.enable_netapp         (Opt.map not (find bool_of_string 
-               enable_equalogic      = Opt.default 
most_permissive.enable_equalogic      (Opt.map not (find bool_of_string 
-               enable_pooling        = Opt.default 
most_permissive.enable_pooling        (Opt.map not (find bool_of_string 
-               enable_xha            = Opt.default most_permissive.enable_xha  
                       (find bool_of_string _enable_xha);
-               enable_mtc_pci        = Opt.default 
most_permissive.enable_mtc_pci        (Opt.map not (find bool_of_string 
-               restrict_connection   = Opt.default 
most_permissive.restrict_connection                (find bool_of_string 
-               platform_filter       = Opt.default 
most_permissive.platform_filter                    (find bool_of_string 
-               enable_email          = Opt.default 
most_permissive.enable_email          (Opt.map not (find bool_of_string 
-               enable_performance    = Opt.default 
most_permissive.enable_performance    (Opt.map not (find bool_of_string 
-               enable_wlb            = Opt.default most_permissive.enable_wlb  
          (Opt.map not (find bool_of_string _restrict_wlb));
-               enable_rbac           = Opt.default most_permissive.enable_rbac 
          (Opt.map not (find bool_of_string _restrict_rbac));
-               enable_dmc            = Opt.default most_permissive.enable_dmc  
          (Opt.map not (find bool_of_string _restrict_dmc));
-               enable_checkpoint     = Opt.default 
most_permissive.enable_checkpoint     (Opt.map not (find bool_of_string 
-               enable_vswitch_controller = Opt.default 
most_permissive.enable_vswitch_controller (Opt.map not (find bool_of_string 
-               enable_cpu_masking    = Opt.default 
most_permissive.enable_cpu_masking    (Opt.map not (find bool_of_string 
-               regular_nag_dialog    = Opt.default 
most_permissive.regular_nag_dialog                 (find bool_of_string 
-       }
-(* Encodes the minimum set of restrictions available in all SKUs (ie FG-Free 
and FG-PaidFor) *)
-let common_to_all_skus =
-       {
-               enable_vlans = true;
-               enable_qos = true;
-               enable_shared_storage = true;
-               enable_netapp = false;
-               enable_equalogic = false;
-               enable_pooling = true;
-               enable_xha = false;
-               enable_mtc_pci = true;
-               restrict_connection = false;
-               platform_filter = true;
-               enable_email = false;
-               enable_performance = false;
-               enable_wlb = false;
-               enable_rbac = false;
-               enable_dmc = false;
-               enable_checkpoint = false;
-               enable_vswitch_controller = false;
-               enable_cpu_masking = false;
-               regular_nag_dialog = true;
-       }
-let get_sku () = sku_of_string !License.license.License.sku
-let get_sku_from_license l = sku_of_string l.sku
-let rec restrictions_of_sku = function
-       | Express -> common_to_all_skus
-       | Enterprise ->
-               {
-                       common_to_all_skus with
-                       enable_xha = true;
-                       platform_filter = false;
-                       enable_netapp = true;
-                       enable_equalogic = true;
-                       enable_email = true;
-                       enable_performance = true;
-                       enable_wlb = true;
-                       enable_rbac = true;
-                       enable_dmc = true;
-                       enable_checkpoint  = true;
-                       enable_vswitch_controller = true;
-                       enable_cpu_masking = true;
-                       regular_nag_dialog = false;
-               }
-let get () =
-       restrictions_of_sku (get_sku ())
-let get_pool ~__context =
-       let pool = List.hd (Db.Pool.get_all ~__context) in
-       of_assoc_list (Db.Pool.get_restrictions ~__context ~self:pool)
-let update_pool_restrictions ~__context =
-       let pool = List.hd (Db.Pool.get_all ~__context) in
-       let pool_restrictions = of_assoc_list (Db.Pool.get_restrictions 
~__context ~self:pool) in
-       let hosts = List.map (fun (_, host_r) -> 
host_r.API.host_license_params) (Db.Host.get_all_records ~__context) in
-       let new_restrictions = pool_restrictions_of_list (List.map 
of_assoc_list hosts) in
-       if new_restrictions <> pool_restrictions then begin
-               info "Old pool restrictions: %s" (to_compact_string 
-               info "New pool restrictions: %s" (to_compact_string 
-               Db.Pool.set_restrictions ~__context ~self:pool 
~value:(to_assoc_list new_restrictions)
-       end
-let license_ok_for_wlb ~__context =
-       (get_pool ~__context).enable_wlb
-let license_ok_for_rbac ~__context =
-       (get_pool ~__context).enable_rbac
-let context_ok_for_dmc ~__context = 
-       (get_pool ~__context).enable_dmc
-let ok_for_checkpoint ~__context =
-       (get_pool ~__context).enable_checkpoint
-let ok_for_vswitch_controller ~__context =
-       (get_pool ~__context).enable_vswitch_controller
-let ok_for_cpu_masking ~__context =
-       (get_pool ~__context).enable_cpu_masking
diff -r 00a9b7b7cf54 -r 70b29fc7d5e0 ocaml/license/restrictions.mli
--- a/ocaml/license/restrictions.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Citrix Systems Inc.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
- * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 only. with the special
- * exception on linking described in file LICENSE.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *)
-(** Module that controls license entitlements.
- * @group Licensing
- *)
-(** Licensing mode. *)
-type sku =
-| Express              (** Express (free) license *)
-| Enterprise   (** Enterprise (paid-for) license *)
-(* the following three functions are used by the CLI *)
-(** Convert a string to a {!sku}. *)
-val sku_of_string : string -> sku
-(** Whether whether the given {!sku} corresponds to the free edition. *)
-val is_floodgate_free : sku -> bool
-(** Convert a {!sku} to a cryptic abbreviation. *)
-val obfuscated_string_of_sku : sku -> string
-(** Holding the flags that control which features are enabled or not. *)
-type restrictions = {
-       enable_vlans          : bool; (** not used anymore *)
-       enable_qos            : bool; (** not used anymore *)
-       enable_shared_storage : bool; (** not used anymore; perhaps XenCenter 
does? *)
-       enable_netapp         : bool; (** used by XenCenter? *)
-       enable_equalogic      : bool; (** used by XenCenter? *)
-       enable_pooling        : bool; (** not used anymore *)
-       enable_xha            : bool; (** enable High Availability (HA) *)
-       enable_mtc_pci        : bool; (** not used anymore *)
-       enable_email          : bool; (** enable email alerting *)
-       enable_performance    : bool; (** used by XenCenter? *)
-       enable_wlb            : bool; (** enable Workload Balancing (WLB) *)
-       enable_rbac           : bool; (** enable Role-Based Access Control 
(RBAC) *)
-       enable_dmc            : bool; (** enable Dynamic Memory Control (DMC) *)
-       enable_checkpoint     : bool; (** enable Checkpoint *)
-       enable_vswitch_controller : bool; (** enable use of a Distributed 
VSwitch (DVS) Controller *)
-       enable_cpu_masking    : bool; (** enable masking of CPU features *)
-       restrict_connection   : bool; (** not used anymore; perhaps XenCenter 
does? *)
-       platform_filter       : bool; (** filter platform data on domain 
create? *)
-       regular_nag_dialog    : bool; (** used by XenCenter *)
-(** Returns a compact list of the current restrictions. *)
-val to_compact_string : restrictions -> string
-(** Return the 'pool_restrictions' being the greatest set of permissions 
allowed by all licenses. *)
-val pool_restrictions_of_list : restrictions list -> restrictions
-(** Convert a {!restrictions} value into an association list. *)
-val to_assoc_list : restrictions -> (string * string) list
-(** Convert and association list of restictions into a {!restrictions} value. 
-val of_assoc_list : (string * string) list -> restrictions
-(** Get the current restrictions. *)
-val get : unit -> restrictions
-(** Return cache of pool restrictions, always updated at least once when the 
master reads its license.
- *  Called on the master to gate some operations. *)
-val get_pool : __context:Context.t -> restrictions
-(* called by xapi_host *)
-(** Called whenever a slave resets its Host.license_params after reading in a 
license. *)
-val update_pool_restrictions : __context:Context.t -> unit
-(** Object the {!restrictions} for a given {!sku}. *)
-val restrictions_of_sku : sku -> restrictions
-(** Checks whether we are entitled to enable Workload Balancing (WLB) in the 
pool. *)
-val license_ok_for_wlb : __context:Context.t -> bool
-(** Checks whether we are entitled to enable Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) 
in the pool *)
-val license_ok_for_rbac : __context:Context.t -> bool
-(** Checks whether we are entitled to enable Dynamic Memory Control (DMC)
-  * in the pool. *)
-val context_ok_for_dmc : __context:Context.t -> bool
-(** Checks whether we are entitled to enable checkpoint *)
-val ok_for_checkpoint : __context:Context.t -> bool
-(** Checks whether we are entitled to use a VSwitch Controller *)
-val ok_for_vswitch_controller : __context:Context.t -> bool
-(** Checks whether we are entitled to mask CPU features *)
-val ok_for_cpu_masking : __context:Context.t -> bool

Attachment: xen-api.hg-01.patch
Description: Text Data

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