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[Xen-API] [PATCH] SMAPI: Pass writable flag on vdi_activate as well as v

To: xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-API] [PATCH] SMAPI: Pass writable flag on vdi_activate as well as vdi_attach
From: Jon Ludlam <jonathan.ludlam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2010 17:27:23 +0100
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# HG changeset patch
# User Jon Ludlam <jonathan.ludlam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1285343164 -3600
# Node ID e8da99c62c3e9ae692285a3b5d016547bc503192
# Parent  b3d298b4ebab2ccfe6e481410008f54758615f2a
Pass the writable flag to the SM backends on activate as well as attach. This 
is a temporary fix to work around
an implementation hurdle in the backends.

Signed-off-by: Jon Ludlam <jonathan.ludlam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

diff -r b3d298b4ebab -r e8da99c62c3e ocaml/xapi/sm.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/sm.ml
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/sm.ml
@@ -156,9 +156,9 @@
   let call = Sm_exec.make_call ~sr_ref:sr ~vdi_ref:vdi dconf "vdi_detach" [] in
   Sm_exec.parse_unit (Sm_exec.exec_xmlrpc (driver_type driver)  
(driver_filename driver) call)
-let vdi_activate dconf driver sr vdi =
+let vdi_activate dconf driver sr vdi writable =
   debug "vdi_activate" driver (sprintf "sr=%s vdi=%s" (Ref.string_of sr) 
(Ref.string_of vdi));
-  let call = Sm_exec.make_call ~sr_ref:sr ~vdi_ref:vdi dconf "vdi_activate" [] 
+  let call = Sm_exec.make_call ~sr_ref:sr ~vdi_ref:vdi dconf "vdi_activate" [ 
sprintf "%b" writable ] in
   Sm_exec.parse_unit (Sm_exec.exec_xmlrpc (driver_type driver)  
(driver_filename driver) call)
 let vdi_deactivate dconf driver sr vdi =
diff -r b3d298b4ebab -r e8da99c62c3e ocaml/xapi/storage_access.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/storage_access.ml
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/storage_access.ml
@@ -218,14 +218,15 @@
           debug "Executed detach succesfully on VDI '%s'; attach refcount now: 
%d" (Uuid.to_string uuid) newval
-    let activate ~__context ~self =
+    let activate ~__context ~self ~mode =
       (fun () ->
         if (check_enclosing_sr_for_capability __context Smint.Vdi_activate 
self) then
+                  if mode=`RW then debug "foo";
             Sm.call_sm_vdi_functions ~__context ~vdi:self
               (fun device_config sr_type sr ->
-                 Sm.vdi_activate device_config sr_type sr self);
+                 Sm.vdi_activate device_config sr_type sr self (mode = `RW));
             let newval = increment_activate_refcount self in
             debug "Executed activate succesfully on VDI '%s'; activate 
refcount now: %d" (Ref.string_of self) newval
@@ -270,7 +271,7 @@
 let use_vdi ~__context ~vdi ~mode =
   VDI.attach ~__context ~self:vdi ~mode;
-    VDI.activate ~__context ~self:vdi
+    VDI.activate ~__context ~self:vdi ~mode;
   with e ->
     (* if activate fails then best effort detach VDI before propogating 
original exception *)
@@ -311,7 +312,7 @@
       let do_single_attach (vdi,mode) =
        VDI.attach ~__context ~self:vdi ~mode;
        Hashtbl.replace attached vdi ();
-       VDI.activate ~__context ~self:vdi;
+       VDI.activate ~__context ~self:vdi ~mode;
        Hashtbl.replace activated vdi () in
       (* Attach/activate vbds recording what we've done *)
       List.iter do_single_attach vdis;
diff -r b3d298b4ebab -r e8da99c62c3e ocaml/xapi/storage_access.mli
--- a/ocaml/xapi/storage_access.mli
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/storage_access.mli
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
   val attach     : __context:Context.t -> self:API.ref_VDI -> mode:[`RO|`RW] 
-> unit
   val detach     : __context:Context.t -> self:API.ref_VDI -> unit
-  val activate   : __context:Context.t -> self:API.ref_VDI -> unit
+  val activate   : __context:Context.t -> self:API.ref_VDI -> mode:[`RO|`RW] 
-> unit
   val deactivate : __context:Context.t -> self:API.ref_VDI -> unit
   val check_enclosing_sr_for_capability : Context.t -> Smint.capability -> [ 
`VDI ] Ref.t -> bool
diff -r b3d298b4ebab -r e8da99c62c3e ocaml/xapi/xapi_vm_migrate.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/xapi_vm_migrate.ml
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/xapi_vm_migrate.ml
@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@
         debug "Receiver 7a. Activating VDIs";
-        List.iter (fun (vdi,_) -> Storage_access.VDI.activate ~__context 
~self:vdi) needed_vdis
+        List.iter (fun (vdi,mode) -> Storage_access.VDI.activate ~__context 
~self:vdi ~mode) needed_vdis
      if delay_device_create_until_after_activate then

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  • [Xen-API] [PATCH] SMAPI: Pass writable flag on vdi_activate as well as vdi_attach, Jon Ludlam <=