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[Xen-API] [PATCH] CA-45104: renice gzip so that it is nice to the other

To: xen-api <xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Xen-API] [PATCH] CA-45104: renice gzip so that it is nice to the other dom0 processes
From: Marcus Granado <marcus.granado@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 11:16:43 +0100
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User-agent: Mercurial-patchbomb/1.4.3
 stdext/gzip.ml |  21 +++++++++++++++++++--
 1 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

# HG changeset patch
# User Marcus Granado <marcus.granado@xxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1284397485 -3600
# Node ID 2095ed131b6343e0a08406246705e793aecd5ee7
# Parent  164f63521e8262f541059a13a7f1d4d5f5ed7f2b
CA-45104: renice gzip so that it is nice to the other dom0 processes

Signed-off-by: Marcus Granado <marcus.granado@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

diff -r 164f63521e82 -r 2095ed131b63 stdext/gzip.ml
--- a/stdext/gzip.ml
+++ b/stdext/gzip.ml
@@ -28,6 +28,20 @@
   | Active  (** we provide a function which writes into the compressor and a 
fd output *)
   | Passive (** we provide an fd input and a function which reads from the 
compressor *)
+(* renice/ionice the pid with lowest priority so that it doesn't *)
+(* use up all cpu resources in dom0 *)
+let lower_priority pid =
+  let pid=Printf.sprintf "%d" (Forkhelpers.getpid pid) in
+  (* renice 19 -p pid *)
+  let renice="/usr/bin/renice" in
+  let renice_args = ["19";"-p";pid] in
+  let _=Forkhelpers.execute_command_get_output renice renice_args in
+  (* ionice -c 3 [idle] -p pid *)
+  let ionice="/usr/bin/ionice" in
+  let ionice_args = ["-c";"3";"-p";pid] in
+  let _=Forkhelpers.execute_command_get_output ionice ionice_args in
+  ()
 (** Runs a zcat process which is either:
     i) a compressor; or (ii) a decompressor
     and which has either
@@ -57,8 +71,11 @@
               zcat_out in                                 (* close this before 
waitpid *)
         let pid = Forkhelpers.safe_close_and_exec stdin stdout None [] gzip 
args in
         close close_now;
-        finally
-          (fun () -> f close_later)
+   finally
+     (fun () -> 
+       lower_priority pid;  (* lowest priority to gzip *)
+       f close_later
+     )
           (fun () ->
              let failwith_error s =
                let mode = if mode = Compress then "Compression" else 
"Decompression" in

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