ocaml/idl/datamodel.ml | 16 +++++++-
ocaml/idl/ocaml_backend/rbac_audit.ml | 1 +
ocaml/xapi/xapi_vmpp.ml | 73 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
3 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
# HG changeset patch
# User Marcus Granado <marcus.granado@xxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1282322886 -3600
# Node ID c1fbbbc4f64defb66c6e6bdfafd734daf295b8ee
# Parent 69e3ee3fb691d14532504fa5014451a9fad58be6
CP-1846: add new api call vmpp.create_alert
Signed-off-by: Marcus Granado <marcus.granado@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
diff -r 69e3ee3fb691 -r c1fbbbc4f64d ocaml/idl/datamodel.ml
--- a/ocaml/idl/datamodel.ml
+++ b/ocaml/idl/datamodel.ml
@@ -5875,12 +5875,25 @@
~result:(String, "An XMLRPC result")
+let vmpp_create_alert = call ~flags:[`Session]
+ ~name:"create_alert"
+ ~in_oss_since:None
+ ~in_product_since:rel_cowley
+ ~params:[Ref _vmpp, "vmpp", "The protection policy where the alert should be
+ String, "name", "The name of the message";
+ Int, "priority", "The priority of the message";
+ String, "body", "The body of the message";
+ ]
+ ~doc:"This call creates an alert for some protection policy"
+ ~allowed_roles:_R_LOCAL_ROOT_ONLY
+ ~hide_from_docs:true
+ ()
let vmpp_get_alerts = call ~flags:[`Session]
~params:[Ref _vmpp, "vmpp", "The protection policy";
- DateTime, "since", "oldest record to fetch";
+ Int, "hours_from_now", "how many hours in the past the oldest record to
fetch is";
~doc:"This call fetches a history of alerts for a given protection policy"
@@ -6116,6 +6129,7 @@
+ vmpp_create_alert;
diff -r 69e3ee3fb691 -r c1fbbbc4f64d ocaml/idl/ocaml_backend/rbac_audit.ml
--- a/ocaml/idl/ocaml_backend/rbac_audit.ml
+++ b/ocaml/idl/ocaml_backend/rbac_audit.ml
@@ -199,6 +199,7 @@
(* used for VMPP alert logs *)
+ ("VMPP.create_alert",["name";"body"]);
(* manual ref getters *)
diff -r 69e3ee3fb691 -r c1fbbbc4f64d ocaml/xapi/xapi_vmpp.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/xapi_vmpp.ml
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/xapi_vmpp.ml
@@ -35,15 +35,68 @@
-let add_alert ~__context ~vmpp ~name ~priority ~body =
- ()
+let add_to_recent_alerts ~__context ~vmpp ~value =
+ let recent_alerts = value ::
+ (Db.VMPP.get_recent_alerts ~__context ~self:vmpp)
+ in
+ (* keep up to 10 elements in the set *)
+ let rec trunc i alerts =
+ if i<1 then []
+ else match alerts with [] -> []|x::xs -> x::(trunc (i-1) xs)
+ in
+ Db.VMPP.set_recent_alerts ~__context ~self:vmpp
+ ~value:(trunc 10 recent_alerts)
-let get_alerts ~__context ~vmpp ~since =
+let inside_data_tag str =
+ let tag_begin="<data>" and tag_end="</data>" in
+ let tag_begin_idx=try List.hd (Stringext.String.find_all tag_begin str) with
_-> -1 in
+ let tag_end_idx=try List.hd (List.rev (Stringext.String.find_all tag_end
str)) with _-> -1 in
+ try
+ let start=(tag_begin_idx+(String.length tag_begin)) in
+ let len=tag_end_idx - start in
+ Some (String.sub str start len)
+ with _->None
+let add_alert_to_audit_log ~__context ~vmpp ~name ~priority ~body =
+ let session_id=Context.get_session_id __context in
+ let action="message.create" in
+ let permission=action in
+ let uuid = Db.VMPP.get_uuid ~__context ~self:vmpp in
+ let name_label = Db.VMPP.get_name_label ~__context ~self:vmpp in
+ let s_name = Rbac_audit.get_sexpr_arg "name" name "" "" in
+ let s_obj_uuid = Rbac_audit.get_sexpr_arg "obj_uuid" name_label uuid
(Ref.string_of vmpp) in
+ let s_body = Rbac_audit.get_sexpr_arg "body" body "" "" in
+ let sexpr_of_args = s_name::s_obj_uuid::s_body::[] in
+ Rbac_audit.allowed_post_fn_ok ~__context ~session_id ~action ~permission
~sexpr_of_args ()
+let create_alert ~__context ~vmpp ~name ~priority ~body =
+ match inside_data_tag body with
+ | None ->
+ debug "invalid body: %s" body
+ | Some value ->
+ let successful = priority < 5L in
+ if successful
+ then ( (* alert indicates a vmpp success *)
+ add_to_recent_alerts ~__context ~vmpp ~value;
+ (*add_alert_to_audit_log ~__context ~vmpp ~name ~priority ~body*)
+ )
+ else ( (* alert indicates a vmpp failure *)
+ add_to_recent_alerts ~__context ~vmpp ~value;
+ let cls = `VMPP in
+ let obj_uuid = Db.VMPP.get_uuid ~__context ~self:vmpp in
+ Xapi_message.create ~__context ~name ~priority ~cls ~obj_uuid ~body;
+ ()
+ )
+let get_alerts ~__context ~vmpp ~hours_from_now =
let vmpp_uuid = Db.VMPP.get_uuid ~__context ~self:vmpp in
- let filter=["unix-RPC|message.create";vmpr_username;vmpp_uuid] in
+ let filter=["unix-RPC|VMPP.create_alert";vmpr_username;vmpp_uuid] in
let tmp_filename = Filename.temp_file "vmpp-alerts-" ".dat" in
let fd = Unix.openfile tmp_filename [Unix.O_RDWR] 0o600 in
- let since = Date.to_string since in
+ let now = (Unix.time ()) in
+ let since = Date.to_string (Date.of_float (now -. ( (Int64.to_float
hours_from_now) *. 3600.0))) in
let messages=Audit_log.transfer_all_audit_files fd ~filter since in
let cout = Unix.out_channel_of_descr fd in
flush cout;
@@ -85,16 +138,6 @@
) lines
let alerts = List.fold_right (fun a acc->match a with None->acc|Some
a->a::acc) alerts [] in
- let inside_data_tag str =
- let tag_begin="<data>" and tag_end="</data>" in
- let tag_begin_idx=try List.hd (Stringext.String.find_all tag_begin str)
with _-> -1 in
- let tag_end_idx=try List.hd (List.rev (Stringext.String.find_all tag_end
str)) with _-> -1 in
- try
- let start=(tag_begin_idx+(String.length tag_begin)) in
- let len=tag_end_idx - start in
- Some (String.sub str start len)
- with _->None
- in
let alerts = List.fold_right (fun a acc->if List.mem_assoc "body" a then
(let data=inside_data_tag(List.assoc "body" a) in match data with
None->acc|Some data->data::acc) else acc) alerts [] in
Description: Text Data
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