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[Xen-API] [PATCH 01 of 21] CP-1739: create XAPI datamodel stubs for PR-1

To: xen-api <xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Xen-API] [PATCH 01 of 21] CP-1739: create XAPI datamodel stubs for PR-1031 (VM protection policy)
From: Marcus Granado <marcus.granado@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2010 17:52:20 +0100
Delivery-date: Fri, 20 Aug 2010 10:32:47 -0700
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 ocaml/idl/datamodel.ml           |  136 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 ocaml/xapi/OMakefile             |    1 +
 ocaml/xapi/api_server.ml         |    1 +
 ocaml/xapi/cli_operations.ml     |    2 +-
 ocaml/xapi/create_misc.ml        |    4 +-
 ocaml/xapi/create_templates.ml   |    2 +
 ocaml/xapi/import_xva.ml         |    1 +
 ocaml/xapi/message_forwarding.ml |   11 ++-
 ocaml/xapi/xapi_host.ml          |   14 ++++
 ocaml/xapi/xapi_host.mli         |    1 +
 ocaml/xapi/xapi_pool.ml          |    2 +
 ocaml/xapi/xapi_pool.mli         |    2 +
 ocaml/xapi/xapi_vm.ml            |    4 +
 ocaml/xapi/xapi_vm.mli           |    5 +-
 ocaml/xapi/xapi_vm_clone.ml      |    5 +-
 ocaml/xapi/xapi_vm_helpers.ml    |    8 +-
 ocaml/xapi/xapi_vmpp.ml          |   69 +++++++++++++++++++
 17 files changed, 259 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

# HG changeset patch
# User Marcus Granado <marcus.granado@xxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1282322886 -3600
# Node ID 1f0e971a9665a927a9424d8926c3c9d49147eee9
# Parent  86ec25f567788cb5a3272e3ec09581a892c9275c
CP-1739: create XAPI datamodel stubs for PR-1031 (VM protection policy)

Signed-off-by: Marcus Granado <marcus.granado@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

diff -r 86ec25f56778 -r 1f0e971a9665 ocaml/idl/datamodel.ml
--- a/ocaml/idl/datamodel.ml
+++ b/ocaml/idl/datamodel.ml
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
 let _vm = "VM"
 let _vm_metrics = "VM_metrics"
 let _vm_guest_metrics = "VM_guest_metrics"
+let _vmpp = "VMPP"
 let _network = "network"
 let _vif = "VIF"
 let _vif_metrics = "VIF_metrics"
@@ -149,6 +150,12 @@
     | x::xs -> if x=in_product_since then "closed"::x::xs else 
go_through_release_order xs
   in go_through_release_order release_order
+let cowley_release =
+  { internal=get_product_releases rel_cowley
+  ; opensource=get_oss_releases None
+  ; internal_deprecated_since=None
+  }
 let midnight_ride_release =
        { internal=get_product_releases "midnight-ride"
        ; opensource=get_oss_releases None
@@ -3410,6 +3417,16 @@
+let host_get_server_localtime = call ~flags:[`Session]
+  ~name:"get_server_localtime"
+  ~in_oss_since:None
+  ~in_product_since:rel_cowley
+  ~params:[Ref _host, "host", "The host whose clock should be queried"]
+  ~doc:"This call queries the host's clock for the current time in the host's 
local timezone"
+  ~result:(DateTime, "The current local time")
+  ~allowed_roles:_R_READ_ONLY
+  ()
 let host_emergency_ha_disable = call ~flags:[`Session]
@@ -3666,6 +3683,7 @@
+                host_get_server_localtime;
@@ -5246,6 +5264,17 @@
+let pool_test_archive_target = call ~flags:[`Session]
+  ~name:"test_archive_target"
+  ~in_oss_since:None
+  ~in_product_since:rel_cowley
+  ~params:[Ref _pool, "self", "Reference to the pool";
+    Map(String,String), "config", "Location config settings to test";
+  ]
+  ~doc:"This call tests if a location is valid"
+  ~allowed_roles:_R_POOL_OP
+  ()
 (** A pool class *)
 let pool =
@@ -5307,6 +5336,7 @@
                        ; pool_disable_redo_log
                        ; pool_audit_log_append
                        ; pool_set_vswitch_controller
+                       ; pool_test_archive_target
                        [uid ~in_oss_since:None _pool
@@ -5759,6 +5789,8 @@
        field ~writer_roles:_R_VM_POWER_ADMIN ~qualifier:DynamicRO 
~in_product_since:rel_midnight_ride                                 ~ty:(Set 
(Ref _vm)) "children"     "List pointing to all the children of this VM";
        field ~qualifier:DynamicRO ~in_product_since:rel_midnight_ride 
~default_value:(Some (VMap [])) ~ty:(Map (String,String)) "bios_strings" "BIOS 
+  field ~writer_roles:_R_VM_POWER_ADMIN ~qualifier:RW 
~in_product_since:rel_cowley ~default_value:(Some (VRef (Ref.string_of 
Ref.null))) ~ty:(Ref _vmpp) "protection_policy" "Ref pointing to a protection 
policy for this VM";
+  field ~writer_roles:_R_POOL_OP ~qualifier:StaticRO 
~in_product_since:rel_cowley ~default_value:(Some (VBool false)) ~ty:Bool 
"is_snapshot_from_vmpp" "true if this snapshot was created by the protection 
@@ -5818,6 +5850,105 @@
+(* VM protection policy *)
+let vmpp_protect_now = call ~flags:[`Session]
+  ~name:"protect_now"
+  ~in_oss_since:None
+  ~in_product_since:rel_cowley
+  ~params:[Ref _vmpp, "vmpp", "The protection policy to execute";]
+  ~doc:"This call executes the protection policy immediately"
+  ~allowed_roles:_R_POOL_OP
+  ()
+let vmpp_archive_now = call ~flags:[`Session]
+  ~name:"archive_now"
+  ~in_oss_since:None
+  ~in_product_since:rel_cowley
+  ~params:[Ref _vm, "snapshot", "The snapshot to archive";]
+  ~doc:"This call archives the snapshot provided as a parameter"
+  ~allowed_roles:_R_VM_POWER_ADMIN
+  ()
+let vmpp_backup_type = Enum ("vmpp_backup_type",
+  [
+    "snapshot", "The backup is a snapshot";
+    "checkpoint", "The backup is a checkpoint";
+  ])
+let vmpp_backup_frequency = Enum ("vmpp_backup_frequency",
+  [
+    "hourly", "Hourly backups";
+    "daily", "Daily backups";
+    "weekly", "Weekly backups";
+  ])
+let vmpp_archive_frequency = Enum ("vmpp_archive_frequency",
+  [
+    "never", "Never archive";
+    "always_after_backup", "Archive after backup";
+    "daily", "Daily archives";
+    "weekly", "Weekly backups";
+  ])
+let vmpp_archive_target_type = Enum ("vmpp_archive_target_type",
+  [
+    "none", "No target config";
+    "cifs", "CIFS target config";
+    "nfs", "NFS target config";
+  ])
+let vmpp_set_is_backup_running = call ~flags:[`Session]
+  ~name:"set_is_backup_running"
+  ~in_oss_since:None
+  ~in_product_since:rel_cowley
+  ~params:[
+    Ref _vmpp, "self", "The protection policy";
+    Bool, "value", "true to mark this protection policy's backup is running"
+  ]
+  ~doc:"This call marks that a protection policy's backup is running"
+  ~allowed_roles:_R_LOCAL_ROOT_ONLY
+  ~hide_from_docs:true
+  ()
+let vmpp_set_is_archive_running = call ~flags:[`Session]
+  ~name:"set_is_archive_running"
+  ~in_oss_since:None
+  ~in_product_since:rel_cowley
+  ~params:[
+    Ref _vmpp, "self", "The protection policy";
+    Bool, "value", "true to mark this protection policy's archive is running"
+  ]
+  ~doc:"This call marks that a protection policy's archive is running"
+  ~allowed_roles:_R_LOCAL_ROOT_ONLY
+  ~hide_from_docs:true
+  ()
+let vmpp =
+  create_obj ~in_db:true ~in_product_since:rel_cowley ~in_oss_since:None 
~internal_deprecated_since:None ~persist:PersistEverything 
~gen_constructor_destructor:true ~name:_vmpp ~descr:"VM Protection Policy"
+    ~gen_events:true
+    ~doccomments:[]
+    ~messages_default_allowed_roles:_R_POOL_OP
+    ~messages:[
+      vmpp_protect_now;
+      vmpp_archive_now;
+      vmpp_set_is_backup_running;
+      vmpp_set_is_archive_running;
+    ]
+    ~contents:[
+      uid _vmpp;
+      namespace ~name:"name" ~contents:(names None RW) ();
+      field ~qualifier:RW ~ty:Bool "is_policy_enabled" "enable or disable this 
policy" ~default_value:(Some (VBool true));
+      field ~qualifier:RW ~ty:vmpp_backup_type "backup_type" "type of the 
backup sub-policy";
+      field ~qualifier:RW ~ty:Int "backup_retention_value" "maximum number of 
backups that should be stored at any time" ~default_value:(Some (VInt 1L));
+      field ~qualifier:RW ~ty:vmpp_backup_frequency "backup_frequency" 
"frequency of the backup schedule";
+      field ~qualifier:RW ~ty:(Map (String,String)) "backup_schedule" 
"schedule of the backup containing 'frequency', 'hour', 'min', 'days'. 
Date/time-related information is in XenServer Local Timezone";
+      field ~qualifier:DynamicRO ~ty:Bool "is_backup_running" "true if this 
protection policy's backup is running";
+      field ~qualifier:RW ~ty:DateTime "backup_last_run_time" "time of the 
last backup" ~default_value:(Some(VDateTime(Date.of_float 0.)));
+      field ~qualifier:RW ~ty:vmpp_archive_target_type "archive_target_type" 
"type of the archive target config" ~default_value:(Some (VEnum "none"));
+      field ~qualifier:RW ~ty:(Map (String,String)) "archive_target_config" 
"configuration for the archive, including its 'type' in {'cifs','nfs'}" 
~default_value:(Some (VMap []));
+      field ~qualifier:RW ~ty:vmpp_archive_frequency "archive_frequency" 
"frequency of the archive schedule" ~default_value:(Some (VEnum "never"));
+      field ~qualifier:RW ~ty:(Map (String,String)) "archive_schedule" 
"schedule of the archive containing 'frequency', 'hour', 'min', 'days'. 
Date/time-related information is in XenServer Local Timezone" 
~default_value:(Some (VMap []));
+      field ~qualifier:DynamicRO ~ty:Bool "is_archive_running" "true if this 
protection policy's archive is running";
+      field ~qualifier:RW ~ty:DateTime "archive_last_run_time" "time of the 
last archive" ~default_value:(Some(VDateTime(Date.of_float 0.)));
+      field ~qualifier:DynamicRO ~ty:(Set (Ref _vm)) "VMs" "all VMs attached 
to this protection policy";
+      field ~qualifier:RW ~ty:Bool "is_alarm_enabled" "true if alarm is 
enabled for this policy" ~default_value:(Some (VBool false));
+      field ~qualifier:RW ~ty:(Map (String,String)) "alarm_config" 
"configuration for the alarm" ~default_value:(Some (VMap []));
+      field ~qualifier:DynamicRO ~ty:(Set (String)) "recent_alerts" "recent 
alerts" ~default_value:(Some (VSet []));
+    ]
+    ()
 (** events handling: *)
 let event_operation = Enum ("event_operation",
@@ -6089,6 +6220,7 @@
+               vmpp;
@@ -6175,6 +6307,8 @@
     (_subject, "roles"), (_subject, "roles");
     (*(_subject, "roles"), (_role, "subjects");*)
     (_role, "subroles"), (_role, "subroles");
+    (_vm, "protection_policy"), (_vmpp, "VMs");
 (** the full api specified here *)
@@ -6218,7 +6352,7 @@
     or SR *)
 let expose_get_all_messages_for = [ _task; (* _alert; *) _host; _host_metrics; 
_hostcpu; _sr; _vm; _vm_metrics; _vm_guest_metrics;
        _network; _vif; _vif_metrics; _pif; _pif_metrics; _pbd; _vdi; _vbd; 
_vbd_metrics; _console; 
-       _crashdump; _host_crashdump; _host_patch; _pool; _sm; _pool_patch; 
_bond; _vlan; _blob; _subject; _role; _secret; _tunnel ]
+       _crashdump; _host_crashdump; _host_patch; _pool; _sm; _pool_patch; 
_bond; _vlan; _blob; _subject; _role; _secret; _tunnel; _vmpp; ]
 let no_task_id_for = [ _task; (* _alert; *) _event ]
diff -r 86ec25f56778 -r 1f0e971a9665 ocaml/xapi/OMakefile
--- a/ocaml/xapi/OMakefile
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/OMakefile
@@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
        xapi_subject \
        xapi_role \
        audit_log \
+       xapi_vmpp \
        xapi_vm_lifecycle \
        xapi_vm_clone \
        xapi_vm_snapshot \
diff -r 86ec25f56778 -r 1f0e971a9665 ocaml/xapi/api_server.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/api_server.ml
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/api_server.ml
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
        module VM_metrics = struct end
        module VM_guest_metrics = struct end
+       module VMPP = Xapi_vmpp
        module Host = Xapi_host
        module Host_crashdump = Xapi_host_crashdump
diff -r 86ec25f56778 -r 1f0e971a9665 ocaml/xapi/cli_operations.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/cli_operations.ml
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/cli_operations.ml
@@ -1434,7 +1434,7 @@
     ~actions_after_shutdown:`destroy ~actions_after_reboot:`restart 
~actions_after_crash:`destroy ~pV_bootloader:""
     ~pV_kernel:"" ~pV_ramdisk:"" ~pV_args:"" ~pV_bootloader_args:"" 
~pV_legacy_args:"" ~hVM_boot_policy:"" 
     ~hVM_boot_params:[] ~hVM_shadow_multiplier:1. ~platform:[] ~pCI_bus:"" 
~other_config:[] ~xenstore_data:[] ~recommendations:"" ~ha_always_run:false 
-    ~tags:[] in
+    ~tags:[] ~protection_policy:Ref.null ~is_snapshot_from_vmpp:false in
   let uuid=Client.VM.get_uuid rpc session_id vm in
   printer (Cli_printer.PList [uuid])
diff -r 86ec25f56778 -r 1f0e971a9665 ocaml/xapi/create_misc.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/create_misc.ml
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/create_misc.ml
@@ -174,7 +174,9 @@
                ~ha_restart_priority:"" ~ha_always_run:false ~recommendations:""
                ~last_boot_CPU_flags:[] ~last_booted_record:""
                ~guest_metrics:Ref.null ~metrics
-               ~bios_strings:[];
+               ~bios_strings:[] ~protection_policy:Ref.null
+               ~is_snapshot_from_vmpp:false
+       ;
        Xapi_vm_helpers.update_memory_overhead ~__context ~vm:domain_zero_ref
 and create_domain_zero_console_record ~__context ~domain_zero_ref =
diff -r 86ec25f56778 -r 1f0e971a9665 ocaml/xapi/create_templates.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/create_templates.ml
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/create_templates.ml
@@ -208,6 +208,8 @@
        vM_tags = [];
        vM_bios_strings = [];
+  vM_protection_policy = Ref.null;
+  vM_is_snapshot_from_vmpp = false;
 let other_install_media_template memory = 
diff -r 86ec25f56778 -r 1f0e971a9665 ocaml/xapi/import_xva.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/import_xva.ml
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/import_xva.ml
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@
                                ~pCI_bus:"" ~other_config:[] ~xenstore_data:[] 
                                ~ha_always_run:false ~ha_restart_priority:"" 
+                               ~protection_policy:Ref.null 
                  TaskHelper.operate_on_db_task ~__context
diff -r 86ec25f56778 -r 1f0e971a9665 ocaml/xapi/message_forwarding.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/message_forwarding.ml
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/message_forwarding.ml
@@ -505,6 +505,7 @@
   module Role = Local.Role
   module Task = Local.Task
   module Event = Local.Event
+  module VMPP = Local.VMPP
   (* module Alert = Local.Alert *)
   module Pool = struct
@@ -850,9 +851,9 @@
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
     (* don't forward create. this just makes a db record *)
-    let create ~__context ~name_label ~name_description ~user_version 
~is_a_template ~affinity ~memory_target ~memory_static_max ~memory_dynamic_max 
~memory_dynamic_min ~memory_static_min ~vCPUs_params ~vCPUs_max 
~vCPUs_at_startup ~actions_after_shutdown ~actions_after_reboot 
~actions_after_crash ~pV_bootloader ~pV_kernel ~pV_ramdisk ~pV_args 
~pV_bootloader_args ~pV_legacy_args ~hVM_boot_policy ~hVM_boot_params 
~hVM_shadow_multiplier ~platform ~pCI_bus ~other_config ~recommendations 
~xenstore_data  ~ha_always_run ~ha_restart_priority ~tags ~blocked_operations =
+    let create ~__context ~name_label ~name_description ~user_version 
~is_a_template ~affinity ~memory_target ~memory_static_max ~memory_dynamic_max 
~memory_dynamic_min ~memory_static_min ~vCPUs_params ~vCPUs_max 
~vCPUs_at_startup ~actions_after_shutdown ~actions_after_reboot 
~actions_after_crash ~pV_bootloader ~pV_kernel ~pV_ramdisk ~pV_args 
~pV_bootloader_args ~pV_legacy_args ~hVM_boot_policy ~hVM_boot_params 
~hVM_shadow_multiplier ~platform ~pCI_bus ~other_config ~recommendations 
~xenstore_data  ~ha_always_run ~ha_restart_priority ~tags ~blocked_operations 
~protection_policy =
       info "VM.create: name_label = '%s' name_description = '%s'" name_label 
-      Local.VM.create ~__context ~name_label ~name_description ~user_version 
~is_a_template ~affinity ~memory_target ~memory_static_max ~memory_dynamic_max 
~memory_dynamic_min ~memory_static_min ~vCPUs_params ~vCPUs_max 
~vCPUs_at_startup ~actions_after_shutdown ~actions_after_reboot 
~actions_after_crash ~pV_bootloader ~pV_kernel ~pV_ramdisk ~pV_args 
~pV_bootloader_args ~pV_legacy_args ~hVM_boot_policy ~hVM_boot_params 
~hVM_shadow_multiplier ~platform ~pCI_bus ~other_config  ~recommendations 
~xenstore_data  ~ha_always_run ~ha_restart_priority ~tags ~blocked_operations
+      Local.VM.create ~__context ~name_label ~name_description ~user_version 
~is_a_template ~affinity ~memory_target ~memory_static_max ~memory_dynamic_max 
~memory_dynamic_min ~memory_static_min ~vCPUs_params ~vCPUs_max 
~vCPUs_at_startup ~actions_after_shutdown ~actions_after_reboot 
~actions_after_crash ~pV_bootloader ~pV_kernel ~pV_ramdisk ~pV_args 
~pV_bootloader_args ~pV_legacy_args ~hVM_boot_policy ~hVM_boot_params 
~hVM_shadow_multiplier ~platform ~pCI_bus ~other_config  ~recommendations 
~xenstore_data  ~ha_always_run ~ha_restart_priority ~tags ~blocked_operations 
     (* don't forward destroy. this just deletes db record *)
     let destroy ~__context ~self =
@@ -2068,6 +2069,12 @@
       do_op_on ~local_fn ~__context ~host
        (fun session_id rpc -> Client.Host.get_servertime rpc session_id host)
+    let get_server_localtime ~__context ~host =
+      (* info "Host.get_servertime"; *) (* suppressed because the GUI calls 
this frequently and it isn't interesting for debugging *)
+      let local_fn = Local.Host.get_server_localtime ~host in
+  do_op_on ~local_fn ~__context ~host
+  (fun session_id rpc -> Client.Host.get_server_localtime rpc session_id host)
     let enable_binary_storage ~__context ~host =
       info "Host.enable_binary_storage: host = '%s'" (host_uuid ~__context 
       let local_fn = Local.Host.enable_binary_storage ~host in
diff -r 86ec25f56778 -r 1f0e971a9665 ocaml/xapi/xapi_host.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/xapi_host.ml
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/xapi_host.ml
@@ -928,6 +928,20 @@
 let get_servertime ~__context ~host =
   Date.of_float (Unix.gettimeofday ())
+let get_server_localtime ~__context ~host =
+  let gmt_time= Unix.gettimeofday () in
+  let local_time = Unix.localtime gmt_time in
+  Date.of_string
+  (
+    Printf.sprintf "%04d%02d%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d"
+      (local_time.Unix.tm_year+1900)
+      (local_time.Unix.tm_mon+1)
+      local_time.Unix.tm_mday
+      local_time.Unix.tm_hour
+      local_time.Unix.tm_min
+      local_time.Unix.tm_sec
+       )
 let enable_binary_storage ~__context ~host =
   Unixext.mkdir_safe Xapi_globs.xapi_blob_location 0o700;
   Db.Host.remove_from_other_config ~__context ~self:host 
diff -r 86ec25f56778 -r 1f0e971a9665 ocaml/xapi/xapi_host.mli
--- a/ocaml/xapi/xapi_host.mli
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/xapi_host.mli
@@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
 val sync_data : __context:Context.t -> host:API.ref_host -> unit
 val backup_rrds : __context:'a -> host:'b -> delay:float -> unit
 val get_servertime : __context:'a -> host:'b -> Date.iso8601
+val get_server_localtime : __context:'a -> host:'b -> Date.iso8601
 val enable_binary_storage :
   __context:Context.t -> host:[ `host ] Ref.t -> unit
 val disable_binary_storage :
diff -r 86ec25f56778 -r 1f0e971a9665 ocaml/xapi/xapi_pool.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/xapi_pool.ml
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/xapi_pool.ml
@@ -1456,3 +1456,5 @@
        (* copy audit record from slave exactly as it is, without any new 
prefixes *)
        Rbac_audit.append_line ~raw:true "%s" line;
+let test_archive_target ~__context ~self ~config = ()
diff -r 86ec25f56778 -r 1f0e971a9665 ocaml/xapi/xapi_pool.mli
--- a/ocaml/xapi/xapi_pool.mli
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/xapi_pool.mli
@@ -192,3 +192,5 @@
 (** VSwitch Controller *)
 val set_vswitch_controller : __context:Context.t -> address:string -> unit
 val audit_log_append : __context:Context.t -> line:string -> unit
+val test_archive_target : __context:Context.t -> self:API.ref_pool -> 
config:API.string_to_string_map -> unit
diff -r 86ec25f56778 -r 1f0e971a9665 ocaml/xapi/xapi_vm.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/xapi_vm.ml
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/xapi_vm.ml
@@ -822,6 +822,8 @@
+               ~protection_policy
+               ~is_snapshot_from_vmpp
                : API.ref_VM =
        let gen_mac_seed () = Uuid.to_string (Uuid.make_uuid ()) in
        (* Add random mac_seed if there isn't one specified already *)
@@ -864,6 +866,8 @@
+               ~protection_policy
+               ~is_snapshot_from_vmpp
 let destroy  ~__context ~self = 
        let parent = Db.VM.get_parent ~__context ~self in
diff -r 86ec25f56778 -r 1f0e971a9665 ocaml/xapi/xapi_vm.mli
--- a/ocaml/xapi/xapi_vm.mli
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/xapi_vm.mli
@@ -181,7 +181,10 @@
   xenstore_data:(string * string) list ->
   ha_always_run:bool ->
   ha_restart_priority:string ->
-  tags:string list -> blocked_operations:'a -> API.ref_VM
+  tags:string list -> blocked_operations:'a ->
+  protection_policy:[ `VMPP ] Ref.t ->
+  is_snapshot_from_vmpp:bool
+-> API.ref_VM
 val destroy : __context:Context.t -> self:[ `VM ] Ref.t -> unit
 val clone :
   __context:Context.t -> vm:API.ref_VM -> new_name:string -> [ `VM ] Ref.t
diff -r 86ec25f56778 -r 1f0e971a9665 ocaml/xapi/xapi_vm_clone.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/xapi_vm_clone.ml
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/xapi_vm_clone.ml
@@ -307,7 +307,10 @@
-               ~bios_strings:all.Db_actions.vM_bios_strings;
+               ~bios_strings:all.Db_actions.vM_bios_strings
+               ~protection_policy:Ref.null
+               ~is_snapshot_from_vmpp:false(*from_protection_policy*)
+       ;
        ref, uuid
diff -r 86ec25f56778 -r 1f0e971a9665 ocaml/xapi/xapi_vm_helpers.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/xapi_vm_helpers.ml
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/xapi_vm_helpers.ml
@@ -115,7 +115,8 @@
            ~pCI_bus ~other_config ~xenstore_data ~recommendations
           ~ha_always_run ~ha_restart_priority ~tags 
-          ~blocked_operations
+          ~blocked_operations ~protection_policy
+     ~is_snapshot_from_vmpp
           : API.ref_VM =
        (* NB parameter validation is delayed until VM.start *)
@@ -175,7 +176,10 @@
                ~ha_always_run ~tags
-               ~bios_strings:[];
+               ~bios_strings:[]
+    ~protection_policy:Ref.null
+    ~is_snapshot_from_vmpp:false 
+    ;
        Db.VM.set_power_state ~__context ~self:vm_ref ~value:`Halted;
        Xapi_vm_lifecycle.update_allowed_operations ~__context ~self:vm_ref;
        update_memory_overhead ~__context ~vm:vm_ref;
diff -r 86ec25f56778 -r 1f0e971a9665 ocaml/xapi/xapi_vmpp.ml
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/xapi_vmpp.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Citrix Systems Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 only. with the special
+ * exception on linking described in file LICENSE.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *)
+module D = Debug.Debugger(struct let name="xapi" end)
+open D
+    val protect_now : __context:Context.t -> self:ref_VMPP -> unit
+    val archive_now : __context:Context.t -> self:ref_VM -> unit
+    val test_archive_settings :
+      __context:Context.t -> settings:API.string_to_string_map -> unit
+    val create :
+      __context:Context.t ->
+      name_label:string ->
+      name_description:string ->
+      is_policy_enabled:bool ->
+      backup_frequency:API.vmpp_backup_frequency ->
+      backup_retention_value:int64 ->
+      backup_schedule:API.string_to_string_map ->
+      backup_last_run_time:API.datetime ->
+      archive_target_config_type:API.vmpp_archive_target_config_type ->
+      archive_target_config:API.string_to_string_map ->
+      archive_frequency:API.vmpp_archive_frequency ->
+      archive_schedule:API.string_to_string_map ->
+      archive_last_run_time:API.datetime ->
+      is_alarm_enabled:bool ->
+      alarm_config:API.string_to_string_map -> API.ref_VMPP
+    val destroy : __context:Context.t -> self:API.ref_VMPP -> unit
+let create ~__context ~name_label ~name_description ~is_policy_enabled
+  ~backup_type ~backup_retention_value ~backup_frequency ~backup_schedule 
+  ~archive_target_type ~archive_target_config ~archive_frequency 
~archive_schedule  ~archive_last_run_time
+  ~is_alarm_enabled ~alarm_config
+: API.ref_VMPP =
+  let ref=Ref.make() in
+  let uuid=Uuid.to_string (Uuid.make_uuid()) in
+  Db.VMPP.create ~__context ~ref ~uuid
+    ~name_label ~name_description ~is_policy_enabled
+    ~backup_type ~backup_retention_value
+    ~backup_frequency ~backup_schedule ~backup_last_run_time
+    ~is_backup_running:false ~is_archive_running:false
+    ~archive_target_config ~archive_target_type
+    ~archive_frequency ~archive_schedule ~archive_last_run_time
+    ~is_alarm_enabled ~alarm_config ~recent_alerts:[];
+  ref
+let destroy ~__context ~self = 
+  Db.VMPP.destroy ~__context ~self
+let protect_now ~__context ~vmpp = ()
+let archive_now ~__context ~snapshot = ()
+let set_is_backup_running ~__context ~self ~value =
+  Db.VMPP.set_is_backup_running ~__context ~self ~value
+let set_is_archive_running ~__context ~self ~value =
+  Db.VMPP.set_is_archive_running ~__context ~self ~value

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