# HG changeset patch
# User Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1278671598 -3600
# Node ID db0b2881600350f6051dbfd2ca8b8dd7237fab4d
# Parent d60a95ace2e413722fe60aa2161330d6dc56f60c
Tunnelling: add datamodel objects
This includes a new "tunnel" class and fields in the PIF class to link PIFs to
Signed-off-by: Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>
diff -r d60a95ace2e4 -r db0b28816003 ocaml/idl/datamodel.ml
--- a/ocaml/idl/datamodel.ml
+++ b/ocaml/idl/datamodel.ml
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
let _subject = "subject"
let _role = "role"
let _secret = "secret"
+let _tunnel = "tunnel"
(** All the various static role names *)
@@ -4004,13 +4005,15 @@
field ~in_oss_since:None ~ty:String ~in_product_since:rel_miami
~qualifier:DynamicRO "netmask" "IP netmask" ~default_value:(Some (VString ""));
field ~in_oss_since:None ~ty:String ~in_product_since:rel_miami
~qualifier:DynamicRO "gateway" "IP gateway" ~default_value:(Some (VString ""));
field ~in_oss_since:None ~ty:String ~in_product_since:rel_miami
~qualifier:DynamicRO "DNS" "IP address of DNS servers to use"
~default_value:(Some (VString ""));
- field ~in_oss_since:None ~ty:(Ref _bond) ~in_product_since:rel_miami
~qualifier:DynamicRO "bond_slave_of" "indicates which bond this interface is
part of" ~default_value:(Some (VRef ""));
- field ~in_oss_since:None ~ty:(Set(Ref _bond))
~in_product_since:rel_miami ~qualifier:DynamicRO "bond_master_of" "indicates
this PIF represents the results of a bond";
- field ~in_oss_since:None ~ty:(Ref _vlan) ~in_product_since:rel_miami
~qualifier:DynamicRO "VLAN_master_of" "indicates wich VLAN this interface
receives untagged traffic from" ~default_value:(Some (VRef ""));
- field ~in_oss_since:None ~ty:(Set(Ref _vlan))
~in_product_since:rel_miami ~qualifier:DynamicRO "VLAN_slave_of" "indicates
which VLANs this interface transmits tagged traffic to";
- field ~in_oss_since:None ~ty:Bool ~in_product_since:rel_miami
~qualifier:DynamicRO "management" "indicates whether the control software is
listening for connections on this interface" ~default_value:(Some (VBool
- field ~in_product_since:rel_miami ~default_value:(Some (VMap []))
~ty:(Map(String, String)) "other_config" "additional configuration";
- field ~in_product_since:rel_orlando ~default_value:(Some (VBool false))
~ty:Bool "disallow_unplug" "prevent this PIF from being unplugged; set this to
notify the management tool-stack that the PIF has a special use and should not
be unplugged under any circumstances (e.g. because you're running storage
traffic over it)";
+ field ~in_oss_since:None ~ty:(Ref _bond) ~in_product_since:rel_miami
~qualifier:DynamicRO "bond_slave_of" "Indicates which bond this interface is
part of" ~default_value:(Some (VRef ""));
+ field ~in_oss_since:None ~ty:(Set(Ref _bond))
~in_product_since:rel_miami ~qualifier:DynamicRO "bond_master_of" "Indicates
this PIF represents the results of a bond";
+ field ~in_oss_since:None ~ty:(Ref _vlan) ~in_product_since:rel_miami
~qualifier:DynamicRO "VLAN_master_of" "Indicates wich VLAN this interface
receives untagged traffic from" ~default_value:(Some (VRef ""));
+ field ~in_oss_since:None ~ty:(Set(Ref _vlan))
~in_product_since:rel_miami ~qualifier:DynamicRO "VLAN_slave_of" "Indicates
which VLANs this interface transmits tagged traffic to";
+ field ~in_oss_since:None ~ty:Bool ~in_product_since:rel_miami
~qualifier:DynamicRO "management" "Indicates whether the control software is
listening for connections on this interface" ~default_value:(Some (VBool
+ field ~in_product_since:rel_miami ~default_value:(Some (VMap []))
~ty:(Map(String, String)) "other_config" "Additional configuration";
+ field ~in_product_since:rel_orlando ~default_value:(Some (VBool false))
~ty:Bool "disallow_unplug" "Prevent this PIF from being unplugged; set this to
notify the management tool-stack that the PIF has a special use and should not
be unplugged under any circumstances (e.g. because you're running storage
traffic over it)";
+ field ~in_oss_since:None ~ty:(Set(Ref _tunnel)) ~lifecycle:[]
~qualifier:DynamicRO "tunnel_access_PIF_of" "Indicates to which tunnel this PIF
gives access";
+ field ~in_oss_since:None ~ty:(Set(Ref _tunnel)) ~lifecycle:[]
~qualifier:DynamicRO "tunnel_transport_PIF_of" "Indicates to which tunnel this
PIF provides transport";
@@ -4099,6 +4102,38 @@
field ~in_product_since:rel_miami ~default_value:(Some (VMap []))
~ty:(Map(String, String)) "other_config" "additional configuration";
+let tunnel_create = call
+ ~name:"create"
+ ~doc:"Create a tunnel"
+ ~params:[ Ref _pif, "transport_PIF", "PIF which receives the tagged
+ Ref _network, "network", "Network to receive the tunnelled
traffic" ]
+ ~result:(Ref _tunnel, "The reference of the created tunnel object")
+ ~lifecycle:[]
+ ~allowed_roles:_R_POOL_OP
+ ()
+let tunnel_destroy = call
+ ~name:"destroy"
+ ~doc:"Destroy a tunnel"
+ ~params:[Ref _tunnel, "self", "tunnel to destroy"]
+ ~lifecycle:[]
+ ~allowed_roles:_R_POOL_OP
+ ()
+let tunnel =
+ create_obj ~in_db:true ~lifecycle:[] ~in_oss_since:None
~persist:PersistEverything ~gen_constructor_destructor:false ~name:_tunnel
~descr:"A tunnel for network traffic" ~gen_events:true
+ ~doccomments:[]
+ ~messages_default_allowed_roles:_R_POOL_OP
+ ~messages:[ tunnel_create; tunnel_destroy ]
+ ~contents:([
+ uid _tunnel ~lifecycle:[];
+ field ~qualifier:StaticRO ~ty:(Ref _pif) ~lifecycle:[]
"access_PIF" "The interface through which the tunnel is accessed"
~default_value:(Some (VRef ""));
+ field ~qualifier:StaticRO ~ty:(Ref _pif) ~lifecycle:[]
"transport_PIF" "The interface used by the tunnel" ~default_value:(Some (VRef
+ field ~ty:(Map(String, String)) ~lifecycle:[] "status" "Status
information about the tunnel" ~default_value:(Some (VMap [VString "active",
VString "false"]));
+ field ~lifecycle:[] ~default_value:(Some (VMap []))
~ty:(Map(String, String)) "other_config" "Additional configuration";
+ ])
+ ()
let pbd_set_device_config = call
@@ -6045,6 +6080,7 @@
+ tunnel;
(** These are the pairs of (object, field) which are bound together in the
database schema *)
@@ -6063,6 +6099,8 @@
(_pif, "bond_slave_of"), (_bond, "slaves");
(_bond, "master"), (_pif, "bond_master_of");
(_vlan, "tagged_PIF"), (_pif, "VLAN_slave_of");
+ (_tunnel, "access_PIF"), (_pif, "tunnel_access_PIF_of");
+ (_tunnel, "transport_PIF"), (_pif, "tunnel_transport_PIF_of");
(_pbd, "host"), (_host, "PBDs");
(_pbd, "SR"), (_sr, "PBDs");
@@ -6142,7 +6180,7 @@
or SR *)
let expose_get_all_messages_for = [ _task; (* _alert; *) _host; _host_metrics;
_hostcpu; _sr; _vm; _vm_metrics; _vm_guest_metrics;
_network; _vif; _vif_metrics; _pif; _pif_metrics; _pbd; _vdi; _vbd;
_vbd_metrics; _console;
- _crashdump; _host_crashdump; _host_patch; _pool; _sm; _pool_patch;
_bond; _vlan; _blob; _subject; _role; _secret ]
+ _crashdump; _host_crashdump; _host_patch; _pool; _sm; _pool_patch;
_bond; _vlan; _blob; _subject; _role; _secret; _tunnel ]
let no_task_id_for = [ _task; (* _alert; *) _event ]
diff -r d60a95ace2e4 -r db0b28816003 ocaml/xapi/OMakefile
--- a/ocaml/xapi/OMakefile
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/OMakefile
@@ -121,6 +121,7 @@
xapi_hooks \
xapi_bond \
xapi_vlan \
+ xapi_tunnel \
xapi_sr \
xapi_sm \
xapi_pbd \
diff -r d60a95ace2e4 -r db0b28816003 ocaml/xapi/api_server.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/api_server.ml
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/api_server.ml
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@
module Blob = Xapi_blob
module Message = Xapi_message
module Secret = Xapi_secret
+ module Tunnel = Xapi_tunnel
(** Use the server functor to make an XML-RPC dispatcher. *)
diff -r d60a95ace2e4 -r db0b28816003 ocaml/xapi/message_forwarding.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/message_forwarding.ml
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/message_forwarding.ml
@@ -421,6 +421,12 @@
Ref.string_of vlan
with _ -> "invalid"
+ let tunnel_uuid ~__context tunnel =
+ try if Pool_role.is_master () then
+ Db.Tunnel.get_uuid __context tunnel
+ else
+ Ref.string_of tunnel
+ with _ -> "invalid"
let bond_uuid ~__context bond =
try if Pool_role.is_master () then
@@ -2332,6 +2338,21 @@
let local_fn = Local.VLAN.destroy ~self in
do_op_on ~local_fn ~__context ~host:(Db.PIF.get_host ~__context
~self:(Db.VLAN.get_tagged_PIF ~__context ~self)) (fun session_id rpc ->
Client.VLAN.destroy rpc session_id self)
+ module Tunnel = struct
+ let create ~__context ~transport_PIF ~network =
+ info "Tunnel.create: network = '%s'" (network_uuid
~__context network);
+ let local_fn = Local.Tunnel.create ~transport_PIF
~network in
+ do_op_on ~local_fn ~__context ~host:(Db.PIF.get_host
~__context ~self:transport_PIF)
+ (fun session_id rpc -> Client.Tunnel.create rpc
session_id transport_PIF network)
+ let destroy ~__context ~self =
+ info "Tunnel.destroy: tunnel = '%s'" (tunnel_uuid
~__context self);
+ let local_fn = Local.Tunnel.destroy ~self in
+ do_op_on ~local_fn ~__context ~host:(Db.PIF.get_host
+ ~self:(Db.Tunnel.get_transport_PIF ~__context
+ (fun session_id rpc -> Client.Tunnel.destroy
rpc session_id self)
+ end
module Bond = struct
let create ~__context ~network ~members ~mAC =
diff -r d60a95ace2e4 -r db0b28816003 ocaml/xapi/xapi_tunnel.ml
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/xapi_tunnel.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Citrix Systems Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 only. with the special
+ * exception on linking described in file LICENSE.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *)
+module D = Debug.Debugger(struct let name="xapi" end)
+open D
+let create ~__context ~transport_PIF ~network =
+ debug "CREATE TUNNEL";
+ Ref.make ()
+let destroy ~__context ~self =
+ ()
diff -r d60a95ace2e4 -r db0b28816003 ocaml/xapi/xapi_tunnel.mli
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/xapi_tunnel.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Citrix Systems Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 only. with the special
+ * exception on linking described in file LICENSE.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *)
+(** Module that defines API functions for tunnels
+ * @group Networking
+ *)
+(** Create a tunnel with... *)
+val create :
+ __context:Context.t ->
+ transport_PIF:[ `PIF ] Ref.t ->
+ network:[ `network ] Ref.t -> [ `tunnel ] Ref.t
+(** Destroy a tunnel. Removes the tunnel object as well as the tunnel access
PIF. *)
+val destroy : __context:Context.t -> self:[ `tunnel ] Ref.t -> unit
ocaml/idl/datamodel.ml | 54 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
ocaml/xapi/OMakefile | 1 +
ocaml/xapi/api_server.ml | 1 +
ocaml/xapi/message_forwarding.ml | 21 +++++++++++++++
ocaml/xapi/xapi_tunnel.ml | 24 +++++++++++++++++
ocaml/xapi/xapi_tunnel.mli | 25 ++++++++++++++++++
6 files changed, 118 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
Description: Text Data
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