The VM metadata export handler (/export_metadata) will output the metadata
of a VM, all its snapshots, and all their attached VDIs. However, it doesn't
walk the tree of VDIs defined by the VDI.sm_config["vhd_parent"] field. For
a full-fidelity representation, having the parent VDIs is very useful.
This patch adds an "include_vhd_parents=(true|false)" option to the the
/export_metadata handler. With this option on, the entire tree of VDIs is
This patch does not change the /export URL handler, does not change any
behaviour when include_vhd_parents is false or missing, and copes gracefully
with a missing or malformed vhd_parent entry.
diff -r 5be897c9bd07 ocaml/xapi/
--- a/ocaml/xapi/ Sat Jun 19 13:41:12 2010 +0100
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/ Mon Jul 05 11:58:53 2010 +0100
@@ -49,11 +49,31 @@
incr counter;
"Ref:" ^ (string_of_int this)
-let rec update_table ~__context ~include_snapshots ~preserve_power_state
~table vm =
+let rec update_table ~__context ~include_snapshots ~preserve_power_state
~include_vhd_parents ~table vm =
let add r =
if not (Hashtbl.mem table (Ref.string_of r)) then
Hashtbl.add table (Ref.string_of r)(make_id ()) in
+ let rec add_vdi v =
+ add v;
+ let r = Db.VDI.get_record ~__context ~self:v in
+ add r.API.vDI_SR;
+ if include_vhd_parents then
+ begin
+ let sm_config = r.API.vDI_sm_config in
+ if List.mem_assoc Xapi_globs.vhd_parent sm_config then
+ begin
+ let parent_uuid = List.assoc Xapi_globs.vhd_parent sm_config in
+ try
+ let parent_ref = Db.VDI.get_by_uuid ~__context ~uuid:parent_uuid
+ in add_vdi parent_ref
+ with _ ->
+ warn "VM.export_metadata: lookup of parent VDI %s failed"
+ parent_uuid
+ end
+ end
+ in
if Db.is_valid_ref vm && not (Hashtbl.mem table (Ref.string_of vm)) then
add vm;
let vm = Db.VM.get_record ~__context ~self:vm in
@@ -69,22 +89,18 @@
let vbd = Db.VBD.get_record ~__context ~self:vbd in
if not(vbd.API.vBD_empty)
- let vdi = vbd.API.vBD_VDI in
- add vdi;
- let vdi = Db.VDI.get_record ~__context ~self:vdi in
- add vdi.API.vDI_SR end)
+ add_vdi vbd.API.vBD_VDI
+ end)
(* If we need to include snapshots, update the table for VMs in the
'snapshots' field *)
if include_snapshots then
- (fun snap -> update_table ~__context ~include_snapshots:false
~preserve_power_state ~table snap)
+ (fun snap -> update_table ~__context ~include_snapshots:false
~preserve_power_state ~include_vhd_parents ~table snap)
(* If VM is suspended then add the suspend_VDI *)
let vdi = vm.API.vM_suspend_VDI in
if preserve_power_state && vm.API.vM_power_state = `Suspended &&
Db.is_valid_ref vdi then begin
- add vdi;
- let vdi = Db.VDI.get_record ~__context ~self:vdi in
- add vdi.API.vDI_SR
+ add_vdi vdi
(* Add also the guest metrics *)
add vm.API.vM_guest_metrics;
@@ -94,7 +110,7 @@
add vm.API.vM_affinity;
(* Add the parent VM *)
- if include_snapshots then update_table ~__context ~include_snapshots:false
~preserve_power_state ~table vm.API.vM_parent
+ if include_snapshots then update_table ~__context ~include_snapshots:false
~preserve_power_state ~include_vhd_parents ~table vm.API.vM_parent
(** Walk the graph of objects and update the table of Ref -> ids for each
object we wish
@@ -271,9 +287,9 @@
(* on normal export, do not include snapshot metadata;
on metadata-export, include snapshots fields of the exported VM as well as
the VM records of VMs
which are snapshots of the exported VM. *)
-let vm_metadata ~with_snapshot_metadata ~preserve_power_state ~__context ~vms =
+let vm_metadata ~with_snapshot_metadata ~preserve_power_state
~include_vhd_parents ~__context ~vms =
let table = create_table () in
- List.iter (update_table ~__context ~include_snapshots:with_snapshot_metadata
~preserve_power_state ~table) vms;
+ List.iter (update_table ~__context ~include_snapshots:with_snapshot_metadata
~preserve_power_state ~include_vhd_parents ~table) vms;
let objects = make_all ~with_snapshot_metadata ~preserve_power_state table
__context in
let header = { version = this_version __context;
objects = objects } in
@@ -287,19 +303,20 @@
with _ -> "invalid"
(** Export a VM's metadata only *)
-let export_metadata ~__context ~with_snapshot_metadata ~preserve_power_state
~vms s =
+let export_metadata ~__context ~with_snapshot_metadata ~preserve_power_state
~include_vhd_parents ~vms s =
begin match vms with
| [] -> failwith "need to specify at least one VM"
- | [vm] -> info "VM.export_metadata: VM = %s; with_snapshot_metadata =
'%b'; preserve_power_state = '%s"
+ | [vm] -> info "VM.export_metadata: VM = %s; with_snapshot_metadata =
'%b'; include_vhd_parents = '%b'; preserve_power_state = '%s"
(string_of_vm ~__context vm)
+ include_vhd_parents
(string_of_bool preserve_power_state)
| vms -> info "VM.export_metadata: VM = %s; with_snapshot_metadata =
'%b'; preserve_power_state = '%s"
(String.concat ", " ( (string_of_vm
~__context) vms))
(string_of_bool preserve_power_state) end;
- let _, ova_xml = vm_metadata ~with_snapshot_metadata
~preserve_power_state ~__context ~vms in
+ let _, ova_xml = vm_metadata ~with_snapshot_metadata
~preserve_power_state ~include_vhd_parents ~__context ~vms in
let hdr = Tar.Header.make Xva.xml_filename (Bigbuffer.length ova_xml) in
Tar.write_block hdr (fun s -> Tar.write_bigbuffer s ova_xml) s
@@ -308,7 +325,7 @@
(string_of_vm ~__context vm_ref)
(string_of_bool preserve_power_state);
- let table, ova_xml = vm_metadata ~with_snapshot_metadata:false
~preserve_power_state ~__context ~vms:[vm_ref] in
+ let table, ova_xml = vm_metadata ~with_snapshot_metadata:false
~preserve_power_state ~include_vhd_parents:false ~__context ~vms:[vm_ref] in
debug "Outputting ova.xml";
@@ -361,10 +378,16 @@
~__context (fun rpc session_id -> Client.VM.get_by_uuid rpc session_id
+let bool_from_request ~__context (req: request) k =
+ if List.mem_assoc k req.query
+ then bool_of_string (List.assoc k req.query)
+ else false
let export_all_vms_from_request ~__context (req: request) =
- if List.mem_assoc "all" req.query
- then bool_of_string (List.assoc "all" req.query)
- else false
+ bool_from_request ~__context req "all"
+let include_vhd_parents_from_request ~__context (req: request) =
+ bool_from_request ~__context req "include_vhd_parents"
let metadata_handler (req: request) s =
debug "metadata_handler called";
@@ -373,6 +396,7 @@
(* Xapi_http.with_context always completes the task at the end *)
Xapi_http.with_context "VM.export_metadata" req s
(fun __context ->
+ let include_vhd_parents =
include_vhd_parents_from_request ~__context req in
let export_all = export_all_vms_from_request ~__context
req in
(* Get the VM refs. In case of exporting the metadata
of a particular VM, return a singleton list containing the vm ref. *)
@@ -405,7 +429,7 @@
(* lock all the VMs before exporting their metadata *)
List.iter (fun vm -> lock_vm ~__context ~vm ~task_id
`metadata_export) vm_refs;
- (fun () -> export_metadata
~with_snapshot_metadata:true ~preserve_power_state:true ~__context ~vms:vm_refs
+ (fun () -> export_metadata
~with_snapshot_metadata:true ~preserve_power_state:true ~include_vhd_parents
~__context ~vms:vm_refs s)
(fun () ->
List.iter (fun vm -> unlock_vm
~__context ~vm ~task_id) vm_refs;
Tar.write_end s);
Description: Text Data
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