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[Xen-API] [PATCH] Split off bond/VLAN reconstruction code from Dbsync_sl

To: xen-api <xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Xen-API] [PATCH] Split off bond/VLAN reconstruction code from Dbsync_slave
From: Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 17:12:02 +0100
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# HG changeset patch
# User Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>
Split off bond/VLAN reconstruction code from Dbsync_slave

When a pool slave starts up, it needs synchronise its bonds and VLANs with the 
pool master. This code is in the Dbsync_slave module, but does not really 
belong there (DBsync_slave is for synchronising DB fields such as 
PIF.currently_attached with the state of the physical system). This patch gives 
the bond/VLAN recreation code its own module.

Signed-off-by: Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>

diff -r 0330decaabcb ocaml/xapi/OMakefile
--- a/ocaml/xapi/OMakefile
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/OMakefile
@@ -180,6 +180,7 @@
        dbsync \
        dbsync_slave \
        dbsync_master \
+       sync_networking \
        storage_access \
        events \
        import_xva \
diff -r 0330decaabcb ocaml/xapi/dbsync_slave.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/dbsync_slave.ml
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/dbsync_slave.ml
@@ -115,151 +115,6 @@
     end else
       Db.Host.remove_from_other_config ~__context ~self:host 
-(** Copy Bonds from master *)
-let copy_bonds_from_master ~__context =
-  if Pool_role.is_master () then () (* if master do nothing *)
-  else
-    Helpers.call_api_functions ~__context
-      (fun rpc session_id ->
-        (* if slave: then inherit network config (bonds and vlans) from master 
(if we don't already have them) *)
-        let me = !Xapi_globs.localhost_ref in
-        let pool = List.hd (Db.Pool.get_all ~__context) in
-        let master = Db.Pool.get_master ~__context ~self:pool in
-        let all_pifs = Db.PIF.get_records_where ~__context 
~expr:Db_filter_types.True in
-        let all_master_pifs = List.filter (fun (_, prec) -> 
prec.API.pIF_host=master) all_pifs in
-        let my_pifs = List.filter (fun (_, pif) -> pif.API.pIF_host=me) 
all_pifs in
-        (* Consider Bonds *)
-        debug "Resynchronising bonds";
-        let all_bonds = Db.Bond.get_records_where ~__context 
~expr:Db_filter_types.True in
-        let maybe_create_bond_for_me bond = 
-          let network = Db.PIF.get_network ~__context 
~self:bond.API.bond_master in
-          let slaves_to_mac_and_device_map =
-            List.map (fun self -> self, Db.PIF.get_MAC ~__context ~self, 
Db.PIF.get_device ~__context ~self) bond.API.bond_slaves in
-          (* Take the MAC addr of the bond and figure out whether this is the 
MAC address of any of the
-             slaves. If it is then we will use this to ensure that we inherit 
the MAC address from the _same_
-             slave when we re-create on the slave *)
-          let master_bond_mac = Db.PIF.get_MAC ~__context 
~self:bond.API.bond_master in
-          let master_slaves_with_same_mac_as_bond (* expecting a list of at 
most 1 here *) =
-            List.filter (fun (pifref,mac,device)->mac=master_bond_mac) 
slaves_to_mac_and_device_map in
-          (* This tells us the device that the master used to inherit the 
bond's MAC address
-             (if indeed that is what it did; we set it to None if we think it 
didn't do this) *)
-          let device_of_primary_slave =
-            match master_slaves_with_same_mac_as_bond with
-              [] -> None
-            | [_,_,device] ->
-                debug "Master bond has MAC address derived from %s" device;
-                Some device (* found single slave with mac matching bond 
master => this was one that we inherited mac from *)
-            | _ -> None in
-          (* Look at the master's slaves and find the corresponding slave 
PIFs. Note that the slave
-             might not have the necessary devices: in this case we'll try to 
make partial bonds *)
-          let slave_devices = List.map (fun (_,_,device)->device) 
slaves_to_mac_and_device_map in
-          let my_slave_pifs = List.filter (fun (_, pif) -> List.mem 
pif.API.pIF_device slave_devices && pif.API.pIF_VLAN = (-1L)) my_pifs in
-          let my_slave_pif_refs = List.map fst my_slave_pifs in
-          (* Do I have a pif that I should treat as a primary pif - i.e. the 
one to inherit the MAC address from on my bond create? *)
-          let my_primary_slave =
-            match device_of_primary_slave with
-              None -> None (* don't care cos we couldn't even figure out who 
master's primary slave was *)
-            | Some master_primary ->
-                begin
-                  match List.filter (fun (_,pif) -> 
pif.API.pIF_device=master_primary) my_slave_pifs with
-                    [] -> None
-                  | [pifref,_] ->
-                      debug "I have found a PIF to use as primary bond slave 
(will inherit MAC address of bond from this PIF).";
-                      Some pifref (* this is my pif corresponding to the 
master's primary slave *)
-                  | _ -> None
-                end in
-          (* If I do have a pif that I need to treat as my primary slave then 
I need to put it first in the list so the
-             bond master will inherit it's MAC address *)
-          let my_slave_pif_refs =
-            match my_primary_slave with
-              None -> my_slave_pif_refs (* no change *)
-            | Some primary_pif -> primary_pif :: (List.filter (fun x-> 
x<>primary_pif) my_slave_pif_refs) (* remove primary pif ref and stick it on 
the front *) in
-          match List.filter (fun (_, pif) -> pif.API.pIF_network = network) 
my_pifs, my_slave_pifs with
-          | [], [] ->
-              (* No bond currently exists but neither do any slave interfaces 
-> do nothing *)
-              warn "Cannot create bond %s at all: no PIFs exist on slave" 
-          | [], _ ->
-              (* No bond currently exists but some slave interfaces do -> 
create a (partial?) bond *)
-              let (_: API.ref_Bond) = Client.Bond.create rpc session_id 
network my_slave_pif_refs "" in ()
-          | [ _, { API.pIF_bond_master_of = [ slave_bond ] } ], _ ->
-              (* Some bond exists, check whether the existing set of slaves is 
the same as the potential set *)
-              let current_slave_pifs = Db.Bond.get_slaves ~__context 
~self:slave_bond in
-              if not (List.set_equiv (List.setify current_slave_pifs) 
(List.setify my_slave_pif_refs)) then begin
-                debug "Partial bond exists; recreating";
-                Client.Bond.destroy rpc session_id slave_bond;
-                let (_: API.ref_Bond) = Client.Bond.create rpc session_id 
network my_slave_pif_refs "" in ()
-              end
-          | [ _, { API.pIF_uuid = uuid } ], _ ->
-              warn "Couldn't create bond on slave because PIF %s already on 
network %s"
-                uuid (Db.Network.get_uuid ~__context ~self:network) in
-        let master_bonds = List.filter (fun (_, b) -> List.mem 
b.API.bond_master (List.map fst all_master_pifs)) all_bonds in
-        List.iter (Helpers.log_exn_continue "resynchronising bonds on slave" 
-          (List.map snd master_bonds))
-(** Copy VLANs from master *)
-let copy_vlans_from_master ~__context =
-  if Pool_role.is_master () then () (* if master do nothing *)
-  else
-    (* Consider VLANs after bonds so we can add VLANs on top of bonded 
interface (but not v.v.) *)
-    (* Here's how we do vlan resyncing:
-       We take a VLAN master and record (i) the n/w it's on; (ii) it's VLAN 
tag; (iii) the network of the pif that underlies the VLAN [e.g. eth0 underlies 
-       We then look to see whether we already have a VLAN record that is (i) 
on the same network; (ii) has the same tag; and (iii) also has a pif underlying 
it on the same network
-       If we do not already have a VLAN that falls into this category then we 
make one (as long as we already have a suitable pif to base the VLAN off -- if 
we don't have such a
-       PIF [e.g. if the master has eth0.25 and we don't have eth0] then we do 
-    *)
-    Helpers.call_api_functions ~__context
-      (fun rpc session_id ->
-        debug "Resynchronising VLANs";
-        let me = !Xapi_globs.localhost_ref in
-        let pool = List.hd (Db.Pool.get_all ~__context) in
-        let master = Db.Pool.get_master ~__context ~self:pool in
-        let all_pifs = Db.PIF.get_records_where ~__context 
~expr:Db_filter_types.True in
-        let all_master_pifs = List.filter (fun (_, prec) -> 
prec.API.pIF_host=master) all_pifs in
-        let my_pifs = List.filter (fun (_, pif) -> pif.API.pIF_host=me) 
all_pifs in
-        let master_vlan_pifs = List.filter (fun (_,prec) -> prec.API.pIF_VLAN 
<> -1L) all_master_pifs in
-        let my_vlan_pifs = List.filter (fun (_,prec) -> prec.API.pIF_VLAN <> 
-1L) my_pifs in
-        let get_network_of_pif_underneath_vlan vlan_pif_ref =
-          let pif_underneath_vlan = Helpers.get_pif_underneath_vlan ~__context 
vlan_pif_ref in
-          let network_of_pif_underneath_vlan = Db.PIF.get_network ~__context 
~self:pif_underneath_vlan in
-          network_of_pif_underneath_vlan in
-        let maybe_create_vlan_pif_for_me (master_pif_ref, master_pif_rec) =
-          (* check to see if I have any existing pif(s) that for the specified 
device, network, vlan... *)
-          let existing_pif = List.filter 
-            (fun (my_pif_ref,my_pif_record) -> 
-               (* Is my VLAN PIF that we're considering (my_pif_ref) the one 
that corresponds to the master_pif we're considering (master_pif_ref)? *)
-               true 
-                && my_pif_record.API.pIF_network = 
-                && my_pif_record.API.pIF_VLAN = master_pif_rec.API.pIF_VLAN
-                && ((get_network_of_pif_underneath_vlan my_pif_ref) = 
(get_network_of_pif_underneath_vlan master_pif_ref)) 
-            ) my_vlan_pifs in
-          (* if I don't have any such pif(s) then make one: *)
-          if List.length existing_pif = 0 
-          then
-            begin
-              (* On the master, we find the pif, p, that underlies the VLAN 
(e.g. "eth0" underlies "eth0.25") and then find the network
-                 that p's on:
-              *)
-              let network_of_pif_underneath_vlan_on_master = 
get_network_of_pif_underneath_vlan master_pif_ref in
-              match List.filter (fun (_,prec) -> 
prec.API.pIF_network=network_of_pif_underneath_vlan_on_master ) my_pifs with
-                  [] -> () (* we have no PIF on which to make the vlan; do 
nothing *)
-                | [(pif_ref,_)] -> (* this is the PIF on which we want to base 
our vlan record; let's make it *)
-                    ignore (Client.VLAN.create ~rpc ~session_id 
~tagged_PIF:pif_ref ~tag:master_pif_rec.API.pIF_VLAN 
-                | _ -> () (* this should never happen cos we should never have 
more than one of _our_ pifs on the same nework *)
-            end in 
-        (* for each of the master's pifs, create a corresponding one on this 
host if necessary *)
-        List.iter maybe_create_vlan_pif_for_me master_vlan_pifs
-      )
 (* CA-25162: Dechainify VLANs. We're actually doing this for _all_
  * PIFs, not just those relevant to localhost. Mostly this will be
  * a no-op, and it shouldn't matter if we fix problems for other hosts
@@ -707,21 +562,6 @@
     fix_chained_vlans ~__context
-  switched_sync Xapi_globs.sync_copy_pifs_from_master (fun () ->
-    debug "resynchronising bonded and vlan pif records with pool master";
-(* If you're considering merging up bonds/vlans into a single
-   phase, then be careful. I separated them explicitly because previously
-   the vlan copy-phase was using out-of-date PIF.get_all_records for itself,
-   even though new bonds had been inherited and it needed to
-   explicitly refresh its list of PIFs before proceeding to the VLAN phase.. *)
-    try
-      copy_bonds_from_master ~__context;
-      copy_vlans_from_master ~__context;
-    with e -> (* Errors here are non-data-corrupting hopefully, so we'll just 
carry on regardless... *)
-      error "Caught exception syncing PIFs from the master: %s" 
(ExnHelper.string_of_exn e);
-      log_backtrace ()
-  );
   switched_sync Xapi_globs.sync_resynchronise_pif_currently_attached (fun () ->
     debug "resynchronising PIF.currently_attached";
     resynchronise_pif_currently_attached ~__context;
diff -r 0330decaabcb ocaml/xapi/sync_networking.ml
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/sync_networking.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Citrix Systems Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 only. with the special
+ * exception on linking described in file LICENSE.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *)
+open Listext
+open Client
+module D=Debug.Debugger(struct let name="sync_networking" end)
+open D
+(** Copy Bonds from master *)
+let copy_bonds_from_master ~__context =
+       Helpers.call_api_functions ~__context (fun rpc session_id ->
+               (* if slave: then inherit network config (bonds and vlans) from 
master (if we don't already have them) *)
+               let me = !Xapi_globs.localhost_ref in
+               let pool = List.hd (Db.Pool.get_all ~__context) in
+               let master = Db.Pool.get_master ~__context ~self:pool in
+               let all_pifs = Db.PIF.get_records_where ~__context 
~expr:Db_filter_types.True in
+               let all_master_pifs = List.filter (fun (_, prec) -> 
prec.API.pIF_host=master) all_pifs in
+               let my_pifs = List.filter (fun (_, pif) -> pif.API.pIF_host=me) 
all_pifs in
+               (* Consider Bonds *)
+               debug "Resynchronising bonds";
+               let all_bonds = Db.Bond.get_records_where ~__context 
~expr:Db_filter_types.True in
+               let maybe_create_bond_for_me bond = 
+                       let network = Db.PIF.get_network ~__context 
~self:bond.API.bond_master in
+                       let slaves_to_mac_and_device_map =
+                               List.map (fun self -> self, Db.PIF.get_MAC 
~__context ~self, Db.PIF.get_device ~__context ~self)
+                               bond.API.bond_slaves in
+                       (* Take the MAC addr of the bond and figure out whether 
this is the MAC address of any of the
+                        * slaves. If it is then we will use this to ensure 
that we inherit the MAC address from the _same_
+                        * slave when we re-create on the slave *)
+                       let master_bond_mac = Db.PIF.get_MAC ~__context 
~self:bond.API.bond_master in
+                       let master_slaves_with_same_mac_as_bond (* expecting a 
list of at most 1 here *) =
+                               List.filter (fun (pifref,mac,device) -> 
mac=master_bond_mac) slaves_to_mac_and_device_map in
+                       (* This tells us the device that the master used to 
inherit the bond's MAC address
+                        * (if indeed that is what it did; we set it to None if 
we think it didn't do this) *)
+                       let device_of_primary_slave =
+                               match master_slaves_with_same_mac_as_bond with
+                               | [] -> None
+                               | [_,_,device] ->
+                                       debug "Master bond has MAC address 
derived from %s" device;
+                                       (* found single slave with mac matching 
bond master =>
+                                        * this was one that we inherited mac 
from *)
+                                       Some device
+                               | _ -> None
+                       in
+                       (* Look at the master's slaves and find the 
corresponding slave PIFs. Note that the slave
+                        * might not have the necessary devices: in this case 
we'll try to make partial bonds *)
+                       let slave_devices = List.map (fun (_,_,device)->device) 
slaves_to_mac_and_device_map in
+                       let my_slave_pifs = List.filter
+                               (fun (_, pif) -> List.mem pif.API.pIF_device 
slave_devices && pif.API.pIF_VLAN = (-1L)) my_pifs in
+                       let my_slave_pif_refs = List.map fst my_slave_pifs in
+                       (* Do I have a pif that I should treat as a primary pif 
+                        * i.e. the one to inherit the MAC address from on my 
bond create? *)
+                       let my_primary_slave =
+                               match device_of_primary_slave with
+                               | None -> None (* don't care cos we couldn't 
even figure out who master's primary slave was *)
+                               | Some master_primary ->
+                                       begin
+                                               match List.filter (fun (_,pif) 
-> pif.API.pIF_device=master_primary) my_slave_pifs with
+                                               | [] -> None
+                                               | [pifref,_] ->
+                                                       debug "I have found a 
PIF to use as primary bond slave (will inherit MAC address of bond from this 
+                                                       Some pifref (* this is 
my pif corresponding to the master's primary slave *)
+                                               | _ -> None
+                                       end
+                       in
+                       (* If I do have a pif that I need to treat as my 
primary slave then I need to put it
+                        * first in the list so the bond master will inherit 
it's MAC address *)
+                       let my_slave_pif_refs =
+                               match my_primary_slave with
+                               | None -> my_slave_pif_refs (* no change *)
+                               | Some primary_pif -> primary_pif :: 
(List.filter (fun x-> x<>primary_pif) my_slave_pif_refs) (* remove primary pif 
ref and stick it on the front *)
+                       in                               
+                       match List.filter (fun (_, pif) -> pif.API.pIF_network 
= network) my_pifs, my_slave_pifs with
+                       | [], [] ->
+                               (* No bond currently exists but neither do any 
slave interfaces -> do nothing *)
+                               warn "Cannot create bond %s at all: no PIFs 
exist on slave" bond.API.bond_uuid
+                       | [], _ ->
+                               (* No bond currently exists but some slave 
interfaces do -> create a (partial?) bond *)
+                               let (_: API.ref_Bond) = Client.Bond.create rpc 
session_id network my_slave_pif_refs "" in ()
+                       | [ _, { API.pIF_bond_master_of = [ slave_bond ] } ], _ 
+                               (* Some bond exists, check whether the existing 
set of slaves is the same as the potential set *)
+                               let current_slave_pifs = Db.Bond.get_slaves 
~__context ~self:slave_bond in
+                               if not (List.set_equiv (List.setify 
current_slave_pifs) (List.setify my_slave_pif_refs)) then
+                               begin
+                                       debug "Partial bond exists; recreating";
+                                       Client.Bond.destroy rpc session_id 
+                                       let (_: API.ref_Bond) = 
Client.Bond.create rpc session_id network my_slave_pif_refs "" in ()
+                               end
+                       | [ _, { API.pIF_uuid = uuid } ], _ ->
+                               warn "Couldn't create bond on slave because PIF 
%s already on network %s"
+                                       uuid (Db.Network.get_uuid ~__context 
+               in
+               let master_bonds =
+                       List.filter (fun (_, b) -> List.mem b.API.bond_master 
(List.map fst all_master_pifs)) all_bonds in
+               List.iter (Helpers.log_exn_continue "resynchronising bonds on 
slave" maybe_create_bond_for_me)
+               (List.map snd master_bonds)
+       )
+(** Copy VLANs from master *)
+(* Here's how we do VLAN resyncing:
+   We take a VLAN master and record (i) the Network it is on; (ii) its VLAN 
+   (iii) the Network of the PIF that underlies the VLAN (e.g. eth0 underlies 
+   We then look to see whether we already have a VLAN record that is (i) on 
the same Network;
+   (ii) has the same tag; and (iii) also has a PIF underlying it on the same 
+   If we do not already have a VLAN that falls into this category then we make 
+   as long as we already have a suitable PIF to base the VLAN off -- if we 
don't have such a
+   PIF (e.g. if the master has eth0.25 and we don't have eth0) then we do 
+let copy_vlans_from_master ~__context =
+       Helpers.call_api_functions ~__context (fun rpc session_id ->
+               debug "Resynchronising VLANs";
+               let me = !Xapi_globs.localhost_ref in
+               let pool = List.hd (Db.Pool.get_all ~__context) in
+               let master = Db.Pool.get_master ~__context ~self:pool in
+               let all_pifs = Db.PIF.get_records_where ~__context 
~expr:Db_filter_types.True in
+               let all_master_pifs = List.filter (fun (_, prec) -> 
prec.API.pIF_host=master) all_pifs in
+               let my_pifs = List.filter (fun (_, pif) -> pif.API.pIF_host=me) 
all_pifs in
+               let master_vlan_pifs = List.filter (fun (_,prec) -> 
prec.API.pIF_VLAN <> -1L) all_master_pifs in
+               let my_vlan_pifs = List.filter (fun (_,prec) -> 
prec.API.pIF_VLAN <> -1L) my_pifs in
+               let get_network_of_pif_underneath_vlan vlan_pif_ref =
+                       let pif_underneath_vlan = 
Helpers.get_pif_underneath_vlan ~__context vlan_pif_ref in
+                       let network_of_pif_underneath_vlan = Db.PIF.get_network 
~__context ~self:pif_underneath_vlan in
+                       network_of_pif_underneath_vlan
+               in
+               let maybe_create_vlan_pif_for_me (master_pif_ref, 
master_pif_rec) =
+                       (* check to see if I have any existing pif(s) that for 
the specified device, network, vlan... *)
+                       let existing_pif = List.filter (fun 
(my_pif_ref,my_pif_record) -> 
+                               (* Is my VLAN PIF that we're considering 
(my_pif_ref) the one that corresponds to the master_pif we're considering 
(master_pif_ref)? *)
+                               true 
+                               && my_pif_record.API.pIF_network = 
+                               && my_pif_record.API.pIF_VLAN = 
+                               && ((get_network_of_pif_underneath_vlan 
my_pif_ref) =
+                                       (get_network_of_pif_underneath_vlan 
+                               ) my_vlan_pifs in
+                       (* if I don't have any such pif(s) then make one: *)
+                       if List.length existing_pif = 0 
+                       then
+                               begin
+                                       (* On the master, we find the pif, p, 
that underlies the VLAN 
+                                        * (e.g. "eth0" underlies "eth0.25") 
and then find the network that p's on: *)
+                                       let 
network_of_pif_underneath_vlan_on_master = get_network_of_pif_underneath_vlan 
master_pif_ref in
+                                       match List.filter (fun (_,prec) -> 
prec.API.pIF_network=network_of_pif_underneath_vlan_on_master ) my_pifs with
+                                       | [] -> () (* we have no PIF on which 
to make the vlan; do nothing *)
+                                       | [(pif_ref,_)] -> (* this is the PIF 
on which we want to base our vlan record; let's make it *)
+                                               ignore (Client.VLAN.create ~rpc 
~session_id ~tagged_PIF:pif_ref
~tag:master_pif_rec.API.pIF_VLAN ~network:master_pif_rec.API.pIF_network)
+                                       | _ -> () (* this should never happen 
cos we should never have more than one of _our_ pifs on the same nework *)
+                               end
+               in 
+               (* for each of the master's pifs, create a corresponding one on 
this host if necessary *)
+               List.iter maybe_create_vlan_pif_for_me master_vlan_pifs
+       )
+let sync_slave_with_master ~__context () =
+       if Pool_role.is_master () then () (* if master do nothing *)
+       else begin
+               debug "resynchronising bonded and vlan pif records with pool 
+               try
+                       (* Sync VLANs after bonds so we can add VLANs on top of 
bonded interfaces (but not v.v.) *)
+                       copy_bonds_from_master ~__context;
+                       copy_vlans_from_master ~__context
+               with e -> (* Errors here are non-data-corrupting hopefully, so 
we'll just carry on regardless... *)
+                       error "Caught exception syncing PIFs from the master: 
%s" (ExnHelper.string_of_exn e);
+               log_backtrace ()
+       end
diff -r 0330decaabcb ocaml/xapi/sync_networking.mli
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/sync_networking.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Citrix Systems Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 only. with the special
+ * exception on linking described in file LICENSE.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *)
+ * @group Main Loop and Start-up
+ *)
+val sync_slave_with_master : __context:Context.t -> unit -> unit
diff -r 0330decaabcb ocaml/xapi/xapi.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/xapi.ml
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/xapi.ml
@@ -821,6 +821,7 @@
     Startup.run ~__context [
+      "Synchronising bonds/VLANs on slave with master", [], 
Sync_networking.sync_slave_with_master ~__context;
       "Initialise Monitor_rrds.use_min_max", [], 
       "Initialising licensing", [], handle_licensing;
       "control domain memory", [ Startup.OnThread ], control_domain_memory;
diff -r 0330decaabcb ocaml/xapi/xapi_globs.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/xapi_globs.ml
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/xapi_globs.ml
@@ -342,7 +342,6 @@
 let sync_crashdump_resynchronise = "sync_crashdump_resynchronise"
 let sync_update_vms = "sync_update_vms"
 let sync_remove_leaked_vbds = "sync_remove_leaked_vbds"
-let sync_copy_pifs_from_master = "sync_copy_pifs_from_master"
 let sync_resynchronise_pif_currently_attached = 
 let sync_patch_update_db = "sync_patch_update_db"
 let sync_pbd_reset = "sync_pbd_reset"

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  • [Xen-API] [PATCH] Split off bond/VLAN reconstruction code from Dbsync_slave, Rob Hoes <=