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[Xen-API] [PATCH 7 of 7] CA-34933: do not kill sessions children of sess

To: xen-api <xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Xen-API] [PATCH 7 of 7] CA-34933: do not kill sessions children of sessions with running tasks
From: Marcus Granado <marcus.granado@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 14:46:10 +0100
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 ocaml/idl/datamodel.ml     |   1 +
 ocaml/xapi/db_gc.ml        |  22 +++++++++++++++++++++-
 ocaml/xapi/xapi_session.ml |   9 +++++----
 3 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

# HG changeset patch
# User Marcus Granado <marcus.granado@xxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1274449016 -3600
# Node ID 093a35d8808a40adf8468d185944c5131dcc165b
# Parent  a402deb8e3cfdccc5fd3383d7fb96a76a07917a2
CA-34933: do not kill sessions children of sessions with running tasks

Signed-off-by: Marcus Granado <marcus.granado@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

diff -r a402deb8e3cf -r 093a35d8808a ocaml/idl/datamodel.ml
--- a/ocaml/idl/datamodel.ml
+++ b/ocaml/idl/datamodel.ml
@@ -2859,6 +2859,7 @@
                  field ~in_product_since:rel_midnight_ride 
~qualifier:DynamicRO ~default_value:(Some(VString(""))) ~ty:String 
"auth_user_name" "the subject name of the user that was externally 
authenticated. If a session instance has is_local_superuser set, then the value 
of this field is undefined.";
                  field ~in_product_since:rel_midnight_ride ~qualifier:StaticRO 
~default_value:(Some(VSet [])) ~ty:(Set(String)) "rbac_permissions" "list with 
all RBAC permissions for this session";
                  field ~in_product_since:rel_midnight_ride 
~qualifier:DynamicRO ~ty:(Set(Ref _task)) "tasks" "list of tasks created using 
the current session";
+                 field ~in_product_since:rel_midnight_ride ~qualifier:StaticRO 
~default_value:(Some (VRef (Ref.string_of Ref.null))) ~ty:(Ref _session) 
"parent" "references the parent session that created this session"; 
diff -r a402deb8e3cf -r 093a35d8808a ocaml/xapi/db_gc.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/db_gc.ml
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/db_gc.ml
@@ -207,7 +207,27 @@
     (task_status=`success) || (task_status=`failure) || 
 let timeout_sessions_common ~__context sessions =
-  let unused_sessions = List.filter (fun (_, y) -> List.for_all (fun t -> 
task_status_is_completed (Db.Task.get_status ~__context ~self:t)) 
y.Db_actions.session_tasks) sessions in
+  let unused_sessions = List.filter
+    (fun (x, _) -> 
+         let rec is_session_unused s = 
+        if (s=Ref.null) then true (* top of session tree *)
+        else 
+        try (* if no session s, assume default value true=unused *)
+          let tasks = (Db.Session.get_tasks ~__context ~self:s) in
+          let parent = (Db.Session.get_parent ~__context ~self:s) in
+             (List.for_all
+            (fun t -> task_status_is_completed
+              (* task might not exist anymore, assume completed in this case *)
+              (try Db.Task.get_status ~__context ~self:t with _->`success)
+            ) 
+            tasks
+          )
+          && (is_session_unused parent)
+        with _->true
+      in is_session_unused x
+    )
+    sessions
+  in
   let disposable_sessions = unused_sessions in
   (* Only keep a list of (ref, last_active, uuid) *)
   let disposable_sessions = List.map (fun (x, y) -> x, Date.to_float 
y.Db_actions.session_last_active, y.Db_actions.session_uuid) 
disposable_sessions in
diff -r a402deb8e3cf -r 093a35d8808a ocaml/xapi/xapi_session.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/xapi_session.ml
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/xapi_session.ml
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
   (* CP-982: create tracking id in log files to link username to actions *)
   info "Session.destroy %s" (trackid self);
        Rbac_audit.session_destroy ~__context ~session_id:self;
-  Db.Session.destroy ~__context ~self;
+  (try Db.Session.destroy ~__context ~self; with _->());
   Rbac.destroy_session_permissions_tbl ~session_id:self
 (* CP-703: ensure that activate sessions are invalidated in a bounded time *)
@@ -271,6 +271,7 @@
        let session_id = Ref.make () in
        let uuid = Uuid.to_string (Uuid.make_uuid ()) in
        let user = Ref.null in (* always return a null reference to the 
deprecated user object *)
+       let parent = try Context.get_session_id __context with _ -> Ref.null in
          (*match uname with   (* the user object is deprecated in favor of 
subject *)
              Some uname -> Helpers.get_user ~__context uname
            | None -> Ref.null in*)
@@ -280,14 +281,14 @@
        (* see also task creation in context.ml *)
        (* CP-982: promote tracking debug line to info status *)
        (* CP-982: create tracking id in log files to link username to actions 
-       info "Session.create %s pool=%b uname=%s is_local_superuser=%b 
-               (trackid session_id) pool (match uname with None->""|Some u->u) 
is_local_superuser auth_user_sid;
+       info "Session.create %s pool=%b uname=%s is_local_superuser=%b 
auth_user_sid=%s parent=%s"
+               (trackid session_id) pool (match uname with None->""|Some u->u) 
is_local_superuser auth_user_sid (trackid parent);
        Db.Session.create ~__context ~ref:session_id ~uuid
                          ~this_user:user ~this_host:host ~pool:pool
                          ~last_active:(Date.of_float (Unix.time ())) 
                          ~auth_user_sid ~validation_time:(Date.of_float 
(Unix.time ()))
-                         ~auth_user_name ~rbac_permissions;
+                         ~auth_user_name ~rbac_permissions ~parent;
        Rbac_audit.session_create ~__context ~session_id ~uname;
        (* At this point, the session is created, but with an incorrect time *)
        (* Force the time to be updated by calling an API function with this 
session *)

Attachment: xen-api.hg-7.patch
Description: Text Data

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