Re: [Xen-API] [PATCH] CA-40882: In the SLES 10SP2 kernel the 3 VIF limit
Hi Jonathan,
Please feel free to modify the patch and resubmit. I chose the cut'n'paste
method because it was easier to get right, and I'm not an ocaml programmer :-)
Jonathan Knowles wrote:
Hi Alex
Thanks for sending in this patch.
This patch duplicates the sles10 template function, so that we end
up with two almost identical copies of the same section of code:
On 27/04/10 15:58, Alex Zeffertt wrote:
+let sles10sp1_template name architecture flags =
+ let name = make_long_name name architecture in
+ let install_arch = technical_string_of_architecture architecture in
+ let bt = eli_install_template (default_memory_parameters 512L) name "sleslike"
true "console=ttyS0 xencons=ttyS" in
+ { bt with
+ vM_other_config = (install_methods_otherconfig_key, "cdrom,nfs,http,ftp")
:: ("install-arch",install_arch) :: bt.vM_other_config;
+ vM_recommendations = recommendations ~memory:32 ~vifs:3 ();
+ }
let sles10_template name architecture flags =
let name = make_long_name name architecture in
let install_arch = technical_string_of_architecture architecture in
let bt = eli_install_template (default_memory_parameters 512L) name "sleslike"
true "console=ttyS0 xencons=ttyS" in
{ bt with
vM_other_config = (install_methods_otherconfig_key, "cdrom,nfs,http,ftp")
:: ("install-arch",install_arch) :: bt.vM_other_config;
- vM_recommendations = recommendations ~memory:32 ~vifs:3 ();
+ vM_recommendations = recommendations ~memory:32 ();
Why not instead parameterize the function, so that we have
something like:
let sles10_template name architecture flags ?vifs =
let name = make_long_name name architecture in
let install_arch = technical_string_of_architecture architecture in
let bt = eli_install_template (default_memory_parameters 512L) name "sleslike"
true "console=ttyS0 xencons=ttyS" in
{ bt with
vM_other_config = (install_methods_otherconfig_key, "cdrom,nfs,http,ftp")
:: ("install-arch",install_arch) :: bt.vM_other_config;
vM_recommendations = recommendations ~memory:32 ?vifs ();
And then at the call sites we can write:
sles_9_template "SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 SP4" X32 [ ] ;
sles10_template "SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP1" X32 [ ] 3;
sles10_template "SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP2" X32 [ ] ;
sles11_template "SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11" X32 [ ] ;
sles10_template "SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP1" X64 [ ] 3;
sles10_template "SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP2" X64 [ ] ;
sles10_template "SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP3" X64 [ ] ;
sles11_template "SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11" X64 [ ] ;
Or similar?
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