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[Xen-API] [PATCH 6 of 8] [CA-39589] Refactoring: extracts out the "do_su

To: xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-API] [PATCH 6 of 8] [CA-39589] Refactoring: extracts out the "do_suspend" function from a deeply-nested block
From: Jonathan Knowles <jonathan.knowles@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2010 11:53:45 +0100
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# HG changeset patch
# User Jonathan Knowles <jonathan.knowles@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1269859683 -3600
# Node ID 3b5a7e206b6d6891070caca584b1398c6d2f535f
# Parent  e6d4f3a5b318bf0503270b4b7252344468af4bf3
[CA-39589] Refactoring: extracts out the "do_suspend" function from a 
deeply-nested block.

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Knowles <jonathan.knowles@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Acked-by: Marcus Granado <Marcus.Granado@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

diff -r e6d4f3a5b318 -r 3b5a7e206b6d ocaml/xapi/vmops.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/vmops.ml       Mon Mar 29 11:48:02 2010 +0100
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/vmops.ml       Mon Mar 29 11:48:03 2010 +0100
@@ -919,48 +919,51 @@
                                                ~xal ~__context ~self:vm domid 
+       let do_suspend () =
+               (* Balloon down the guest as far as we can to force it to clear 
unnecessary caches etc. *)
+               debug "suspend phase 0/4: asking guest to balloon down";
+               Domain.set_memory_dynamic_range ~xs ~min ~max:min domid;
+               Memory_control.balance_memory ~__context ~xc ~xs;
+               debug "suspend phase 1/4: hot-unplugging any PCI devices";
+               let hvm = (Xc.domain_getinfo xc domid).Xc.hvm_guest in
+               if hvm then unplug_pcidevs_noexn ~__context ~vm domid 
(Device.PCI.list xc xs domid);
+               Sm_fs_ops.with_new_fs_vdi __context
+                       ~name_label:"Suspend image" ~name_description:"Suspend 
+                       ~sR:suspend_SR ~_type:`suspend ~required_space
+                       ~sm_config:[Xapi_globs._sm_vm_hint, uuid]
+                       (fun vdi_ref mount_point ->
+                               let filename = sprintf "%s/suspend-image" 
mount_point in
+                               debug "suspend: phase 2/4: opening suspend 
image file (%s)"
+                                       filename;
+                               (* NB if the suspend file already exists it 
will be *)
+                               (* overwritten. *)
+                               let fd = Unix.openfile filename
+                                       [ Unix.O_WRONLY; Unix.O_CREAT ] 0o600 in
+                               finally
+                                       (fun () ->
+                                               debug "suspend: phase 3/4: 
suspending to disk";
+                                               suspend_domain ~fd ~hvm ();
+                                               (* If the suspend succeeds, set 
the suspend_VDI *)
+                                               Db.VM.set_suspend_VDI 
~__context ~self:vm ~value:vdi_ref;)
+                                       (fun () -> Unix.close fd);
+                               debug "suspend: complete");
+               debug "suspend phase 4/4: recording memory usage";
+               (* Record the final memory usage of the VM, so *)
+               (* that we know how much memory to free before *)
+               (* attempting to resume this VM in future.     *)
+               let di = with_xc (fun xc -> Xc.domain_getinfo xc domid) in
+               let final_memory_bytes = Memory.bytes_of_pages 
(Int64.of_nativeint di.Xc.total_memory_pages) in
+               debug "total_memory_pages=%Ld; storing target=%Ld" 
(Int64.of_nativeint di.Xc.total_memory_pages) final_memory_bytes;
+               (* CA-31759: avoid using the LBR to simplify upgrade *)
+               Db.VM.set_memory_target ~__context ~self:vm 
+       in
                (fun () ->
                                (fun xc xs ->
                                        if is_paused then Domain.unpause ~xc 
-                                       finally (fun () ->
-                                               (* Balloon down the guest as 
far as we can to force it to clear unnecessary caches etc. *)
-                                               debug "suspend phase 0/4: 
asking guest to balloon down";
-                                               Domain.set_memory_dynamic_range 
~xs ~min ~max:min domid;
-                                               Memory_control.balance_memory 
~__context ~xc ~xs;
-                                               debug "suspend phase 1/4: 
hot-unplugging any PCI devices";
-                                               let hvm = (Xc.domain_getinfo xc 
domid).Xc.hvm_guest in
-                                               if hvm then 
unplug_pcidevs_noexn ~__context ~vm domid (Device.PCI.list xc xs domid);
-                                               Sm_fs_ops.with_new_fs_vdi 
-                                                       ~name_label:"Suspend 
image" ~name_description:"Suspend image"
-                                                       ~sR:suspend_SR 
~_type:`suspend ~required_space
~sm_config:[Xapi_globs._sm_vm_hint, uuid]
-                                                       (fun vdi_ref 
mount_point ->
-                                                               let filename = 
sprintf "%s/suspend-image" mount_point in
-                                                               debug "suspend: 
phase 2/4: opening suspend image file (%s)"
-                                                               (* NB if the 
suspend file already exists it will be *)
-                                                               (* overwritten. 
-                                                               let fd = 
Unix.openfile filename
-                                                                       [ 
Unix.O_WRONLY; Unix.O_CREAT ] 0o600 in
-                                                               finally
-                                                                       (fun () 
debug "suspend: phase 3/4: suspending to disk";
suspend_domain ~fd ~hvm ();
(* If the suspend succeeds, set the suspend_VDI *)
Db.VM.set_suspend_VDI ~__context ~self:vm ~value:vdi_ref;)
-                                                                       (fun () 
-> Unix.close fd);
-                                                               debug "suspend: 
-                                               debug "suspend phase 4/4: 
recording memory usage";
-                                               (* Record the final memory 
usage of the VM, so *)
-                                               (* that we know how much memory 
to free before *)
-                                               (* attempting to resume this VM 
in future.     *)
-                                               let di = with_xc (fun xc -> 
Xc.domain_getinfo xc domid) in
-                                               let final_memory_bytes = 
Memory.bytes_of_pages (Int64.of_nativeint di.Xc.total_memory_pages) in
-                                               debug "total_memory_pages=%Ld; 
storing target=%Ld" (Int64.of_nativeint di.Xc.total_memory_pages) 
-                                               (* CA-31759: avoid using the 
LBR to simplify upgrade *)
-                                               Db.VM.set_memory_target 
~__context ~self:vm ~value:final_memory_bytes;)
+                                       finally
+                                               (do_suspend)
                                        (fun () ->
~xs ~min ~max domid;
~__context ~xc ~xs;
1 file changed, 40 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)
ocaml/xapi/vmops.ml |   77 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------

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