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[Xen-API] [PATCH] CA-38328: improve obj-create parameter reporting in th

To: xen-api <xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Xen-API] [PATCH] CA-38328: improve obj-create parameter reporting in the audit log
From: Marcus Granado <marcus.granado@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2010 17:13:10 +0000
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# HG changeset patch
# User Marcus Granado <marcus.granado@xxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1267117896 0
# Node ID aebc9b3ce802446fb51cbdfb793ac970836558af
# Parent  0ad09f688aba02df7bd5d55d8d12781e0c1e2719
CA-38328: improve obj-create parameter reporting in the audit log

Signed-off-by: Marcus Granado <marcus.granado@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

diff -r 0ad09f688aba -r aebc9b3ce802 ocaml/idl/ocaml_backend/rbac_audit.ml
--- a/ocaml/idl/ocaml_backend/rbac_audit.ml     Thu Feb 25 16:07:09 2010 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/idl/ocaml_backend/rbac_audit.ml     Thu Feb 25 17:11:36 2010 +0000
@@ -104,17 +104,21 @@
 let get_obj_of_ref_common obj_ref fn =
                let indexrec = Ref_index.lookup obj_ref in
                match indexrec with
-               |       None ->
-                               if Stringext.String.startswith Ref.ref_prefix 
-                               then Some("") (* it's a ref, just not in the db 
cache *)
-                               else None
+               | None -> None
                | Some indexrec -> fn indexrec
+let get_obj_of_ref obj_ref =
+       get_obj_of_ref_common obj_ref
+               (fun irec -> Some(irec.Ref_index.name_label, 
irec.Ref_index.uuid, irec.Ref_index._ref))
 let get_obj_name_of_ref obj_ref =
        get_obj_of_ref_common obj_ref (fun irec -> irec.Ref_index.name_label)
 let get_obj_uuid_of_ref obj_ref =
        get_obj_of_ref_common obj_ref (fun irec -> Some(irec.Ref_index.uuid))
+let get_obj_ref_of_ref obj_ref =
+       get_obj_of_ref_common obj_ref (fun irec -> Some(irec.Ref_index._ref))
 let get_sexpr_arg name name_of_ref uuid_of_ref ref_value : SExpr.t =
@@ -187,6 +191,36 @@
+(* Map selected xapi call arguments into audit sexpr arguments.
+    Not all parameters are mapped into audit log arguments because
+    some, like passwords, are sensitive and should not be persisted
+    into the audit log. Use heuristics to map non-sensitive parameters.
+let sexpr_args_of name xml_value =
+       (* heuristic 1: print descriptive arguments in the xapi call *)
+       if (List.mem name 
+       then
+       ( match xml_value with
+               | Xml.PCData value -> Some (get_sexpr_arg name value "" "")
+               |_->None
+       )
+       else
+       (* heuristic 2: print uuid/refs arguments in the xapi call *)
+       match xml_value with
+       | Xml.PCData value -> (
+               let name_uuid_ref = get_obj_of_ref value in
+               match name_uuid_ref with
+               | None ->
+                       if Stringext.String.startswith Ref.ref_prefix value
+                       then (* it's a ref, just not in the db cache *)
+                               Some (get_sexpr_arg name "" "" value)
+                       else (* ignore values that are not a ref *)
+                               None
+               | Some(_name_of_ref_value, uuid_of_ref_value, ref_of_ref_value) 
+                       let name_of_ref_value = (match _name_of_ref_value 
with|None->""|Some a -> a) in
+                       Some (get_sexpr_arg name name_of_ref_value 
uuid_of_ref_value ref_of_ref_value)
+               )
+       |_-> None
 (* Given an action and its parameters, *)
 (* return the marshalled uuid params and corresponding names *)
@@ -198,29 +232,15 @@
        if (List.length str_names) <> (List.length xml_values)
                ( (* debug mode *)
-               D.debug "cannot marshall arguments for the action %s: name and 
value list lengths don't match" action;
-               D.debug "str_names=[%s]" ((List.fold_left (fun ss s->ss^s^",") 
"" str_names));
-               D.debug "xml_values=[%s]" ((List.fold_left (fun ss 
s->ss^(Xml.to_string s)^",") "" xml_values));
+               D.debug "cannot marshall arguments for the action %s: name and 
value list lengths don't match. str_names=[%s], xml_values=[%s]" action 
((List.fold_left (fun ss s->ss^s^",") "" str_names)) ((List.fold_left (fun ss 
s->ss^(Xml.to_string s)^",") "" xml_values));
-       List.fold_left2
-               (fun (params:SExpr.t list) str_name xml_value ->
+       List.fold_right2
+               (fun str_name xml_value (params:SExpr.t list) ->
                        if str_name = "session_id" 
                        then params (* ignore session_id param *)
-                       let sexpr_args_of name xml_value =
-                               match xml_value with
-                               | Xml.PCData value -> (
-                                       match (get_obj_name_of_ref value, 
get_obj_uuid_of_ref value ) with
-                                               |Some name_of_ref_value, Some 
uuid_of_ref_value ->
-                                                       let (myparam:SExpr.t) = 
-                                                               get_sexpr_arg 
name name_of_ref_value uuid_of_ref_value value
-                                                       in myparam::params
-                                               |_,_ -> params (* ignore values 
that are not a ref *)
-                                       )
-                               |_-> params
-                       in
                        (* if it is a constructor structure, need to rewrap 
params *)
                        if str_name = "__structure"
                        then match xml_value with 
@@ -232,26 +252,21 @@
xml_arg with
Xml.Element ("member",_,
        (Xml.Element ("name",_,(Xml.PCData xn)::[])
        ::Xml.Element ("value",_,x)
        ::(Xml.Element ("value",_,x) as xv)
) -> ( 
        match x with
        | (Xml.Element ("string",_,xv)::[])
        | ((Xml.Element ("struct",_,_)::[]) as xv)
        | ((Xml.Element ("array",_,_)::[]) as xv)
                -> let xvv = Xml.Element ("value",[],xv) in
                        xn::acc_xn, xvv::acc_xv
        | _ -> acc_xn,acc_xv
) -> xn::acc_xn, xv::acc_xv
                                                                        | _ -> 
-                                               in params@myparam
-                               | xml_value -> sexpr_args_of str_name xml_value
+                                               in myparam@params
+                               | xml_value ->
+                                       (match (sexpr_args_of str_name 
+                                        with None->params|Some p->p::params
+                                       )
                        (* the expected list of xml arguments *)
@@ -261,18 +276,18 @@
                                        | Xml.Element ("value", _, v::[]) ->
                                                        (match v with
                                                        | Xml.Element 
("string",_,v::[]) -> str_name,v
-                                                       | Xml.Element 
("struct",_,_) -> str_name,v
-                                                       | Xml.Element 
("array",_,_) -> str_name,v
                                                        | _ -> str_name,v
                                        | _ -> str_name,xml_value
-                               sexpr_args_of name filtered_xml_value
+                               (match (sexpr_args_of name filtered_xml_value)
+                                with None->params|Some p->p::params
+                               )
-               []
+               []
 let has_to_audit action =
1 file changed, 52 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)
ocaml/idl/ocaml_backend/rbac_audit.ml |   89 +++++++++++++++++++--------------

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  • [Xen-API] [PATCH] CA-38328: improve obj-create parameter reporting in the audit log, Marcus Granado <=