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[Xen-API] [PATCH] add some missing Windows template

To: xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-API] [PATCH] add some missing Windows template
From: David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2010 10:35:44 +0000
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# HG changeset patch
# User David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1265711718 0
# Node ID 05178032440e1887ed885d3ebeb82115c21320da
# Parent  0f62b99789edced317aac2935d9bdcb244606837
CA-37574: add in some missing Windows templates

We really ought to move this template creation code out of xapi at some point.

Signed-off-by: David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

diff -r 0f62b99789ed -r 05178032440e ocaml/xapi/create_templates.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/create_templates.ml    Fri Feb 05 12:08:04 2010 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/create_templates.ml    Tue Feb 09 10:35:18 2010 +0000
@@ -277,41 +277,32 @@
 (** Makes a Windows template using the given memory parameters in MiB, root 
 size in GiB, and version string. *)
-let windows_template memory root_disk_size version = 
+let windows_template ?(nx=false) ?cps memory root_disk_size version = 
        let root = {
                device = "0";
                size = (root_disk_size ** gib);
                sr = preferred_sr;
                bootable = false;
                _type = `system
-       } in {
-               (other_install_media_template memory) with
-               vM_name_label = Printf.sprintf "Windows %s" version;
+       } in 
+       let base = other_install_media_template memory in
+       {
+               base with
+               vM_name_label = Printf.sprintf "%sWindows %s" (Opt.default "" 
(Opt.map (fun cps -> cps ^ " on ") cps)) version;
                vM_name_description =
                        Printf.sprintf "Clones of this template will 
automatically \
                        provision their storage when first booted and then 
reconfigure \
-                       themselves with the optimal settings for Windows %s." 
+                       themselves with the optimal settings for %sWindows %s." 
+                               (Opt.default "" (Opt.map (Printf.sprintf 
"running %s on ") cps))
+                               version;
                vM_other_config = [
                        disks_key, Xml.to_string (xml_of_disks [ root ]);
                        install_methods_otherconfig_key, "cdrom"
-               ]
+               ] @ (Opt.default [] (Opt.map (fun _ -> [ 
"application_template", "1" ]) cps));
+               vM_platform = if nx then with_nx_platform_flags else 
+               vM_HVM_shadow_multiplier = Opt.default 
base.vM_HVM_shadow_multiplier (Opt.map (fun _ -> 4.0) cps);
-(* Make a Windows template which is the same as the normal Windows
-   one in everything except that the NX platform flag is turned on *)
-let windows_template_nx memory root_disk_size version =
-       let tmpl = windows_template memory root_disk_size version in 
-       { tmpl with vM_platform = with_nx_platform_flags }
-(* Create a CPS template for either 32- or 64-bit, with a higher shadow
-   multiplier and the application_template=1 set in other_config *)
-let cps_template tmplfn name = 
-  let shadow_multipler = 4.0 in 
-  let descr = Printf.sprintf "Clones of this template will automatically 
provision their storage when first booted, and then reconfigure themselves with 
the optimal settings for running %s on Windows 2003 Server." name in
-  let tmpl = tmplfn 8L "" in
-  { tmpl with vM_HVM_shadow_multiplier = shadow_multipler; 
-     vM_name_description = descr; vM_name_label = name;
-     vM_other_config = ("application_template", "1") :: tmpl.vM_other_config }
 let create_all_templates rpc session_id =
   let rhel45_install_template name =
@@ -418,15 +409,19 @@
                windows_template    (default_memory_parameters  256L)  8L "XP 
                windows_template    (default_memory_parameters  256L)  8L "XP 
                windows_template    (default_memory_parameters  256L)  8L 
"Server 2003";
-               windows_template_nx (default_memory_parameters  256L)  8L 
"Server 2003 x64";
-               windows_template_nx (default_memory_parameters  512L) 24L 
"Server 2008";
-               windows_template_nx (default_memory_parameters  512L) 24L 
"Server 2008 x64";
-               windows_template_nx (default_memory_parameters 1024L) 24L 
-               windows_template_nx (default_memory_parameters 1024L) 24L "7";
-               windows_template_nx (default_memory_parameters 2048L) 24L "7 
-               windows_template_nx (default_memory_parameters 2048L) 24L 
"Server 2008 R2 x64";
-               cps_template (windows_template    (default_memory_parameters 
256L)) "Citrix XenApp";
-               cps_template (windows_template_nx (default_memory_parameters 
256L)) "Citrix XenApp x64";
+               windows_template ~nx:true (default_memory_parameters  256L)  8L 
"Server 2003 x64";
+               windows_template ~nx:true (default_memory_parameters  512L) 24L 
"Server 2008";
+               windows_template ~nx:true  (default_memory_parameters  512L) 
24L "Server 2008 x64";
+               windows_template ~nx:true (default_memory_parameters 1024L) 24L 
+               windows_template ~nx:true (default_memory_parameters 1024L) 24L 
+               windows_template ~nx:true (default_memory_parameters 2048L) 24L 
"7 x64";
+               windows_template ~nx:true (default_memory_parameters 2048L) 24L 
"Server 2008 R2 x64";
+               windows_template ~cps:"Citrix XenApp" 
(default_memory_parameters 256L) 8L "Server 2003";
+               windows_template ~cps:"Citrix XenApp x64" ~nx:true 
(default_memory_parameters 256L) 8L "Server 2003 x64";
+               windows_template ~cps:"Citrix XenApp" ~nx:true 
(default_memory_parameters  512L) 24L "Server 2008";
+               windows_template ~cps:"Citrix XenApp x64" ~nx:true 
(default_memory_parameters  512L) 24L "Server 2008 x64";
+               windows_template ~cps:"Citrix XenApp x64" ~nx:true 
(default_memory_parameters 2048L) 24L "Server 2008 R2 x64";
                        let w2000sp4 = windows_template 
(default_memory_parameters 128L) 8L "2000 SP4" in
1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
ocaml/xapi/create_templates.ml |   55 ++++++++++++++++++----------------------

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