[Xen-API] [PATCH] CA-36013: Various fixes to the session cache handling.
# HG changeset patch
# User Thomas Gazagnaire <thomas.gazagnaire@xxxxxxxxxx>
CA-36013: Various fixes to the session cache handling.
* invalidate the local session cache when an INVALID_SESSION has been caught
and retry the current function at most 5 times;
* also add a maximum life-length for the cached session (of 1h).
Signed-off-by: Thomas Gazagnaire <thomas.gazagnaire@xxxxxxxxxx>
diff -r fedd6ba286b7 ocaml/xapi/helpers.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/helpers.ml Fri Jan 15 18:07:00 2010 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/helpers.ml Mon Jan 18 15:29:20 2010 +0000
@@ -99,6 +99,33 @@
~port:!Xapi_globs.https_port ~path:"/" xml
(* No auth needed over unix domain socket *)
+(* Cache an internal session with its timestamp of creation *)
+let internal_session : ([`session] Ref.t * float) option ref = ref None
+ (* Cached internal session are refreshed every hour for security reasons *)
+let internal_session_timeout = 60. *. 60.
+let internal_session_mutex = Mutex.create ()
+(* Reset the internal session cache *)
+let reset_internal_session_cache () =
+ debug "Reseting the internal session cache";
+ Mutex.execute internal_session_mutex (fun () -> internal_session :=
+let rec get_internal_session login_fn =
+ Mutex.execute internal_session_mutex (fun () ->
+ match !internal_session with
+ | None ->
+ let session = login_fn () in
+ internal_session := Some (session, Unix.time ());
+ session
+ | Some (session, timestamp) ->
+ if Unix.time() -. timestamp > internal_session_timeout
then begin
+ reset_internal_session_cache ();
+ get_internal_session login_fn;
+ end else
+ session)
let do_internal_login ~__context =
let login =
if Pool_role.is_master () then
@@ -117,14 +144,19 @@
let session_id =
Client.Client.Session.slave_login rpc (get_localhost ~__context)
!Xapi_globs.pool_secret in
debug "slave login done";
session_id) in
- Xapi_globs.get_internal_session login
+ get_internal_session login
-let with_cached_session ~__context fn =
+let rec with_cached_session ~__context ?(iter=1) fn =
try fn (do_internal_login ~__context)
- with Api_errors.Server_error (error,_) as e when error =
Api_errors.session_authentication_failed ->
- Xapi_globs.reset_internal_session_cache ();
- debug "remote client call finished with exception %s; cleaning
the session cache" (Printexc.to_string e);
- raise e
+ with Api_errors.Server_error (error,_) as e when error =
Api_errors.session_invalid ->
+ if iter <= 5 then begin
+ let delay = 0.5 *. exp (float_of_int iter) in
+ debug "The master does not recognize the cached session
anymore; cleaning-up the cache and waiting for %fs before retrying (attempt
%d/5)." delay iter;
+ reset_internal_session_cache ();
+ Thread.delay delay;
+ with_cached_session ~__context ~iter:(iter+1) fn
+ end else
+ raise e
(** Log into pool master using the client code, call a function
passing it the rpc function and session id, logout when finished. *)
diff -r fedd6ba286b7 ocaml/xapi/xapi_globs.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/xapi_globs.ml Fri Jan 15 18:07:00 2010 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/xapi_globs.ml Mon Jan 18 15:29:20 2010 +0000
@@ -23,20 +23,6 @@
let pool_secret_path = "/etc/xensource/ptoken"
let pool_secret = ref ""
-let internal_session : [`session] Ref.t option ref = ref None
-let internal_session_mutex = Mutex.create ()
-let get_internal_session login_fn =
- Mutex.execute internal_session_mutex (fun () ->
- match !internal_session with
- | None ->
- let session = login_fn () in
- internal_session := Some session;
- session
- | Some session -> session)
-let reset_internal_session_cache () =
- Mutex.execute internal_session_mutex (fun () -> internal_session :=
let localhost_ref : [`host] Ref.t ref = ref Ref.null
(* xapi version *)
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- [Xen-API] [PATCH] CA-36013: Various fixes to the session cache handling.,
Thomas Gazagnaire <=