# HG changeset patch
# User David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1263553029 0
# Node ID 6c0dc1298ff409515511ca313480ad1c7cb3a32f
# Parent c2268131edc640465fed22cef492b2e10b8a4579
CA-36384: [experimental PCI passthrough]: unplug/plug devices around
Also refactor the Device.PCI.* functions to make it clear that a response
("pci-inserted", "pci-removed") is always expected from a hotplug/unplug.
Signed-off-by: David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
diff -r c2268131edc6 -r 6c0dc1298ff4 ocaml/xapi/vmops.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/vmops.ml Tue Jan 12 23:37:40 2010 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/vmops.ml Fri Jan 15 10:57:09 2010 +0000
@@ -494,7 +494,7 @@
(* Hotplug the PCI devices into the domain (as opposed to 'attach_pcis') *)
-let plug_pcidevs ~__context ~vm domid pcidevs =
+let plug_pcidevs_noexn ~__context ~vm domid pcidevs =
Helpers.log_exn_continue "plug_pcidevs"
(fun () ->
if List.length pcidevs > 0 then begin
@@ -515,6 +515,26 @@
) ()
+(* Hot unplug the PCI devices from the domain. Note this is done serially due
to a limitation of the
+ xenstore protocol. *)
+let unplug_pcidevs_noexn ~__context ~vm domid pcidevs =
+ Helpers.log_exn_continue "unplug_pcidevs"
+ (fun () ->
+ Vmopshelpers.with_xc_and_xs
+ (fun xc xs ->
+ if (Xc.domain_getinfo xc
domid).Xc.hvm_guest then begin
+ List.iter
+ (fun (devid, devices) ->
+ List.iter
+ (fun device ->
debug "requesting hotunplug of PCI device %s" (Device.PCI.to_string device);
Device.PCI.unplug ~xc ~xs device domid;
+ ) devices
+ ) (sort_pcidevs pcidevs)
+ end
+ )
+ ) ()
let has_platform_flag platform feature =
try bool_of_string (List.assoc feature platform) with _ -> false
@@ -1018,7 +1038,7 @@
progress_cb 0.80;
debug "creating device emulator";
let vncport = create_device_emulator ~__context
~xc ~xs ~self:vm domid vifs snapshot in
- if hvm then plug_pcidevs ~__context ~vm domid
+ if hvm then plug_pcidevs_noexn ~__context ~vm
domid pcidevs;
create_console ~__context ~vM:vm ~vncport ();
debug "writing memory policy";
write_memory_policy ~xs snapshot domid;
diff -r c2268131edc6 -r 6c0dc1298ff4 ocaml/xapi/xapi_vm.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/xapi_vm.ml Tue Jan 12 23:37:40 2010 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/xapi_vm.ml Fri Jan 15 10:57:09 2010 +0000
@@ -737,11 +737,15 @@
(* Balloon down the guest as
far as we can to force it to clear
unnecessary caches etc. *)
- debug "suspend phase 0/3:
asking guest to balloon down";
+ debug "suspend phase 0/4:
asking guest to balloon down";
~xs ~min ~max:min domid;
~__context ~xc ~xs;
- debug "suspend phase 1/3:
calling Vmops.suspend";
+ debug "suspend phase 1/4:
hot-unplugging any PCI devices";
+ let hvm = (Xc.domain_getinfo xc
domid).Xc.hvm_guest in
+ if hvm then
Vmops.unplug_pcidevs_noexn ~__context ~vm domid (Device.PCI.list xc xs domid);
+ debug "suspend phase 2/4:
calling Vmops.suspend";
(* Call the memory image
creating 90%, *)
(* the device un-hotplug the
final 10% *)
Vmops.suspend ~__context ~xc
~xs ~vm ~live:false
@@ -749,7 +753,7 @@
~__context (x
*. 0.9)
- debug "suspend phase 2/3:
recording memory usage";
+ debug "suspend phase 3/4:
recording memory usage";
(* Record the final memory
usage of the VM, so *)
(* that we know how much memory
to free before *)
(* attempting to resume this VM
in future. *)
@@ -758,7 +762,7 @@
debug "total_memory_pages=%Ld;
storing target=%Ld" (Int64.of_nativeint di.Xc.total_memory_pages)
(* CA-31759: avoid using the
LBR to simplify upgrade *)
~__context ~self:vm ~value:final_memory_bytes;
- debug "suspend phase 3/3:
destroying the domain";
+ debug "suspend phase 4/4:
destroying the domain";
~__context ~xc ~xs
~self:vm domid `Suspended;
with e ->
@@ -811,13 +815,15 @@
~__context ~xc ~xs ~self:vm domid;
~__context ~self:vm
~value:(Int64.of_int domid);
- Vmops.plug_pcidevs
~__context ~vm domid (Vmops.pcidevs_of_vm ~__context ~vm);
debug "resume phase
3/3: %s unpausing domain"
start_paused then "not" else "");
if not start_paused
then begin
~xc domid;
Vmops.plug_pcidevs_noexn ~__context ~vm domid (Vmops.pcidevs_of_vm ~__context
(* VM is now resident
here *)
let localhost =
Helpers.get_localhost ~__context in
Helpers.call_api_functions ~__context
diff -r c2268131edc6 -r 6c0dc1298ff4 ocaml/xapi/xapi_vm_migrate.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/xapi_vm_migrate.ml Tue Jan 12 23:37:40 2010 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/xapi_vm_migrate.ml Fri Jan 15 10:57:09 2010 +0000
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
let (id, device) = List.hd devices in
let (domain, bus, dev, func) = device in
debug "requesting unplug of %.4x:%.2x:%.2x.%.1x" domain bus dev
- Device.PCI.unplug ~xc ~xs device domid (-1);
+ Device.PCI.unplug ~xc ~xs device domid;
pci_devices_to_unplug := [ device ]
end) () in
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@
debug "Receiver 7b. unpausing domain";
Domain.unpause ~xc domid;
- Vmops.plug_pcidevs ~__context ~vm domid (Vmops.pcidevs_of_vm ~__context ~vm);
+ Vmops.plug_pcidevs_noexn ~__context ~vm domid (Vmops.pcidevs_of_vm
~__context ~vm);
Db.VM.set_domid ~__context ~self:vm ~value:(Int64.of_int domid);
Helpers.call_api_functions ~__context
diff -r c2268131edc6 -r 6c0dc1298ff4 ocaml/xenops/device.ml
--- a/ocaml/xenops/device.ml Tue Jan 12 23:37:40 2010 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/xenops/device.ml Fri Jan 15 10:57:09 2010 +0000
@@ -1159,19 +1159,25 @@
let be_path = xs.Xs.getdomainpath be_domid in
Printf.sprintf "%s/backend/pci/%d/0" be_path fe_domid
let signal_device_model ~xc ~xs domid cmd parameter =
debug "Device.Pci.signal_device_model domid=%d cmd=%s param=%s" domid
cmd parameter;
let be_domid = 0 in (* XXX: assume device model is in domain 0 *)
let be_path = xs.Xs.getdomainpath be_domid in
+ (* Currently responses go in this global place. Blank it to prevent
request/response/request confusion *)
+ xs.Xs.rm (device_model_state_path xs be_domid domid);
Xs.transaction xs (fun t ->
t.Xst.writev be_path [ Printf.sprintf "device-model/%d/command"
domid, cmd;
"device-model/%d/parameter" domid, parameter ];
- (* Currently responses go in this global place. Blank it to
prevent request/response/request confusion *)
- t.Xst.rm (device_model_state_path xs be_domid domid)
- );
- (* XXX: no response protocol *)
- ()
+ )
+let wait_device_model ~xc ~xs domid =
+ let be_domid = 0 in
+ let answer = Watch.wait_for ~xs (Watch.value_to_appear
(device_model_state_path xs be_domid domid)) in
+ xs.Xs.rm (device_model_state_path xs be_domid domid);
+ answer
(* Return a list of PCI devices *)
let list ~xc ~xs domid =
let path = device_model_pci_device_path xs 0 domid in
@@ -1191,21 +1197,25 @@
let pci = to_string (domain, bus, dev, func) in
signal_device_model ~xc ~xs domid "pci-ins" pci;
- xs.Xs.write (device_model_pci_device_path xs 0 domid ^ "/dev-" ^
(string_of_int next_idx)) pci
-let unplug ~xc ~xs (domain, bus, dev, func) domid devid =
+ match wait_device_model ~xc ~xs domid with
+ | "pci-inserted" ->
+ (* success *)
+ xs.Xs.write (device_model_pci_device_path xs 0 domid ^
"/dev-" ^ (string_of_int next_idx)) pci;
+ | x -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Waiting for state=pci-inserted; got
state=%s" x)
+let unplug ~xc ~xs (domain, bus, dev, func) domid =
let current = list ~xc ~xs domid in
- let pci = (domain, bus, dev, func) in
- let idx = fst (List.find (fun x -> snd x = pci) current) in
- signal_device_model ~xc ~xs domid "pci-rem" (to_string (domain, bus,
dev, func));
- xs.Xs.rm (device_model_pci_device_path xs 0 domid ^ "/dev-" ^
(string_of_int idx))
-(* XXX: this really should be tied to the device rather than being global.
Also we should make it clear that 'unplug'
- is asynchronous. *)
-let unplug_wait ~xc ~xs domid =
- match Watch.wait_for ~xs (Watch.value_to_appear (device_model_state_path xs
0 domid)) with (* XXX: assume dom0 *)
- | "pci-removed" -> () (* success *)
- | x -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Waiting for state=pci-removed; got
state=%s" x)
+ let pci = to_string (domain, bus, dev, func) in
+ let idx = fst (List.find (fun x -> snd x = (domain, bus, dev, func))
current) in
+ signal_device_model ~xc ~xs domid "pci-rem" pci;
+ match wait_device_model ~xc ~xs domid with
+ | "pci-removed" ->
+ (* success *)
+ xs.Xs.rm (device_model_pci_device_path xs 0 domid ^ "/dev-" ^
(string_of_int idx))
+ | x -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Waiting for state=pci-removed; got
state=%s" x)
diff -r c2268131edc6 -r 6c0dc1298ff4 ocaml/xenops/device.mli
--- a/ocaml/xenops/device.mli Tue Jan 12 23:37:40 2010 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/xenops/device.mli Fri Jan 15 10:57:09 2010 +0000
@@ -128,6 +128,9 @@
resources: (int64 * int64 * int64) list;
driver: string;
+ type dev = int * int * int * int
+ val to_string: dev -> string
+ val of_string: string -> dev
exception Cannot_use_pci_with_no_pciback of t list
@@ -140,8 +143,7 @@
val plug : xc:Xc.handle -> xs:Xs.xsh
-> (int * int * int * int) -> Xc.domid -> int -> unit
val unplug : xc:Xc.handle -> xs:Xs.xsh
- -> (int * int * int * int) -> Xc.domid -> int -> unit
- val unplug_wait : xc:Xc.handle -> xs:Xs.xsh -> Xc.domid -> unit
+ -> (int * int * int * int) -> Xc.domid -> unit
val list : xc:Xc.handle -> xs:Xs.xsh -> Xc.domid -> (int * (int * int *
int * int)) list
diff -r c2268131edc6 -r 6c0dc1298ff4 ocaml/xenops/xenops.ml
--- a/ocaml/xenops/xenops.ml Tue Jan 12 23:37:40 2010 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/xenops/xenops.ml Fri Jan 15 10:57:09 2010 +0000
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@
let unplug_pci ~xc ~xs ~domid ~devid ~pci =
let pcidev = pci_of_string pci in
- Device.PCI.unplug ~xc ~xs pcidev domid devid
+ Device.PCI.unplug ~xc ~xs pcidev domid
let del_pci ~xc ~xs ~hvm ~domid ~devid ~pci =
let pcidevs = List.map (fun d ->
6 files changed, 67 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
ocaml/xapi/vmops.ml | 24 ++++++++++++++++++++--
ocaml/xapi/xapi_vm.ml | 16 ++++++++++----
ocaml/xapi/xapi_vm_migrate.ml | 4 +--
ocaml/xenops/device.ml | 44 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
ocaml/xenops/device.mli | 6 +++--
ocaml/xenops/xenops.ml | 2 -
Description: Text Data
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