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[Xen-API] [PATCH 1 of 4] CA-35397: add a simple cache of per-domain data

To: xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-API] [PATCH 1 of 4] CA-35397: add a simple cache of per-domain data in the ballooning daemon
From: David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2009 13:57:49 +0000
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# HG changeset patch
# User David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1259589188 0
# Node ID c90daafe028b57f2b597c4a8961355e23770ff93
# Parent  91eb1c3b26e7c10b249c0a2a2197587abb0c9a92
CA-35397: add a simple cache of per-domain data in the ballooning daemon.

The cache stores:
* values of xenstore keys written only by the ballooning daemon
* values of maxmem (set only by the ballooning daemon)
but not
* values of dynamic-min, dynamic-max, written by the toolstack.

Signed-off-by: David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

diff -r 91eb1c3b26e7 -r c90daafe028b ocaml/xenops/squeeze_xen.ml
--- a/ocaml/xenops/squeeze_xen.ml       Wed Nov 25 16:01:11 2009 -0800
+++ b/ocaml/xenops/squeeze_xen.ml       Mon Nov 30 13:53:08 2009 +0000
@@ -25,13 +25,14 @@
 let debug = Squeeze.debug
 let error = Squeeze.error 
-let initial_reservation_path dom_path = dom_path ^ 
-let target_path              dom_path = dom_path ^ "/memory/target"
-let dynamic_min_path         dom_path = dom_path ^ "/memory/dynamic-min"
-let dynamic_max_path         dom_path = dom_path ^ "/memory/dynamic-max"
-let feature_balloon_path     dom_path = dom_path ^ "/control/feature-balloon"
-let memory_offset_path       dom_path = dom_path ^ "/memory/memory-offset"
-let uncooperative_path       dom_path = dom_path ^ "/memory/uncooperative"
+let _initial_reservation = "/memory/initial-reservation"  (* immutable *)
+let _target              = "/memory/target"               (* immutable *)
+let _feature_balloon     = "/control/feature-balloon"     (* immutable *)
+let _memory_offset       = "/memory/memory-offset"        (* immutable *)
+let _uncooperative       = "/memory/uncooperative"        (* mutable: written 
by us *)
+let _dynamic_min         = "/memory/dynamic-min"          (* mutable: written 
by domain manager *)
+let _dynamic_max         = "/memory/dynamic-max"          (* mutable: written 
by domain manager *)
 let ( ** ) = Int64.mul
 let ( +* ) = Int64.add
@@ -42,70 +43,156 @@
 let low_mem_emergency_pool = 1L ** mib (** Same as xen commandline *)
-let exists xs path = try ignore(xs.Xs.read path); true with Xb.Noent -> false
-let xs_read xs path = try xs.Xs.read path with Xb.Noent as e -> begin debug 
"xenstore-read %s returned ENOENT" path; raise e end
 (** Return the extra amount we always add onto maxmem *) 
-let xen_max_offset_kib di =
-  let maxmem_mib = if di.Xc.hvm_guest then Memory.HVM.xen_max_offset_mib else 
Memory.Linux.xen_max_offset_mib in
+let xen_max_offset_kib hvm =
+  let maxmem_mib = if hvm then Memory.HVM.xen_max_offset_mib else 
Memory.Linux.xen_max_offset_mib in
   Memory.kib_of_mib maxmem_mib
-let domain_setmaxmem_noexn xc domid target_kib = 
-  let di = Xc.domain_getinfo xc domid in
-  let maxmem_kib = xen_max_offset_kib di +* target_kib in
-  try
-    let existing_maxmem_kib = Xc.pages_to_kib (Int64.of_nativeint 
di.Xc.max_memory_pages) in
-    if existing_maxmem_kib <> maxmem_kib then begin
-      debug "Xc.domain_setmaxmem domid=%d target=%Ld max=%Ld" domid target_kib 
-      Xc.domain_setmaxmem xc domid maxmem_kib
-    end
-  with e ->
-    (* someone probably just destroyed the domain *)
-    error "Xc.domain_setmaxmem domid=%d max=%Ld: %s" domid maxmem_kib 
(Printexc.to_string e)
-let set_target_noexn xs dom_path target_kib = 
-  let path = target_path dom_path in
-  try
-    Xs.transaction xs
-      (fun t ->
-        (* make sure no-one deletes the tree *)
-        let existing_target_kib = Int64.of_string (t.Xst.read path) in
-        if existing_target_kib <> target_kib then begin
-          debug "xenstore-write %s = %Ld" path target_kib;
-          t.Xst.write path (Int64.to_string target_kib)
-        end
-      )
-  with e ->
-    (* someone probably just destroyed the domain *)
-    error "xenstore-write %s = %Ld: %s" path target_kib (Printexc.to_string e)
+(** Cache of per-domain info, to avoid repeated per-domain queries *)
+module Domain = struct
+  type per_domain = { path: string;
+                                         hvm: bool;
+                                         mutable maxmem: int64;
+                                         keys: (string, string option) 
Hashtbl.t }
+  type t = (int, per_domain) Hashtbl.t
+  let cache = Hashtbl.create 10
+  let get_per_domain (xc, xs) domid = 
+       if Hashtbl.mem cache domid
+       then Hashtbl.find cache domid
+       else 
+         let di = Xc.domain_getinfo xc domid in
+      let maxmem = Xc.pages_to_kib (Int64.of_nativeint di.Xc.max_memory_pages) 
+         let d = { path = xs.Xs.getdomainpath domid;
+                               hvm = di.Xc.hvm_guest;
+                               maxmem = maxmem;
+                               keys = Hashtbl.create 10 } in
+         Hashtbl.replace cache domid d;
+         d
+  let get_hvm cnx domid = (get_per_domain cnx domid).hvm
+  let get_maxmem cnx domid = (get_per_domain cnx domid).maxmem
+  let set_maxmem_noexn (xc, xs) domid m = 
+       let per_domain = get_per_domain (xc, xs) domid in
+       if per_domain.maxmem <> m then begin
+      debug "Xc.domain_setmaxmem domid=%d max=%Ld" domid m;      
+         try
+               Xc.domain_setmaxmem xc domid m;
+               per_domain.maxmem <- m
+         with e ->
+               error "Xc.domain_setmaxmem domid=%d max=%Ld: %s" domid m 
(Printexc.to_string e)
+       end
-let set_uncooperative_noexn xs dom_path x =
-  try
-    if x 
-    then 
-      Xs.transaction xs
-       (fun t ->
-          (* make sure no-one deletes the tree *)
-          ignore (t.Xst.read dom_path);
-          t.Xst.write (uncooperative_path dom_path) ""
-       )
-    else xs.Xs.rm (uncooperative_path dom_path)
-  with e ->
-    error "set_uncooperative %s %b: %s" dom_path x (Printexc.to_string e)
+  (** Read a particular domain's key, using the cache *)
+  let read (xc, xs) domid key = 
+       let per_domain = get_per_domain (xc, xs) domid in
+       let x = 
+         if Hashtbl.mem per_domain.keys key
+         then Hashtbl.find per_domain.keys key
+         else begin
+               let x = (try Some (xs.Xs.read (per_domain.path ^ key))
+                                with Xb.Noent -> None) in
+               Hashtbl.replace per_domain.keys key x;
+               x
+         end in
+       match x with
+       | Some y -> y
+       | None ->
+                 debug "xenstore-read %s%s returned ENOENT" per_domain.path 
+                 raise Xb.Noent
-let get_uncooperative_noexn xs dom_path = exists xs (uncooperative_path 
+  (** Read a particular domain's key from xenstore, for when we believe the 
cache is out of date *)
+  let read_nocache (xc, xs) domid key = 
+       let per_domain = get_per_domain (xc, xs) domid in
+       if Hashtbl.mem per_domain.keys key then Hashtbl.remove per_domain.keys 
+       read (xc, xs) domid key
+  (** Write a new (key, value) pair into a domain's directory in xenstore. 
Don't write anything
+         if the domain's directory doesn't exist. Don't throw exceptions. *)
-let set_memory_offset_noexn xs dom_path offset_kib =
-  try
-    Xs.transaction xs
-      (fun t ->
-        (* Make sure the domain still exists *)
-        ignore (xs.Xs.read dom_path);
-        t.Xst.write (memory_offset_path dom_path) (Int64.to_string offset_kib)
-      )
-  with e ->
-    error "set_memory_offset_noexn %s %Ld: %s" dom_path offset_kib 
(Printexc.to_string e)
+  let write_noexn (xc, xs) domid key value = 
+       let per_domain = get_per_domain (xc, xs) domid in
+       if not(Hashtbl.mem per_domain.keys key) || Hashtbl.find per_domain.keys 
key <> (Some value) then begin
+         try
+               Xs.transaction xs
+                       (fun t ->
+                                (* Fail if the directory has been deleted *)
+                                ignore (xs.Xs.read per_domain.path);
+                                t.Xst.write (per_domain.path ^ key) value
+                       );
+                 Hashtbl.replace per_domain.keys key (Some value);
+         with e ->
+                 (* Log but don't throw an exception *)
+                 error "xenstore-write %d %s = %s failed: %s" domid key value 
(Printexc.to_string e)
+       end
+  (** Returns true if the key exists, false otherwise *)
+  let exists (xc, xs) domid key = try ignore(read (xc, xs) domid key); true 
with Xb.Noent -> false
+  (** Delete the key. Don't throw exceptions. *)
+  let rm_noexn (xc, xs) domid key = 
+       let per_domain = get_per_domain (xc, xs) domid in
+       Hashtbl.replace per_domain.keys key None;
+       try
+         xs.Xs.rm (per_domain.path ^ key)
+       with e ->
+               error "xenstore-rm %d %s: %s" domid key (Printexc.to_string e)
+  (** {High-level functions} *)
+  (** Set a domain's memory target. Don't throw an exception if the domain has 
been destroyed. *)
+  let set_target_noexn cnx domid target_kib = 
+       write_noexn cnx domid _target (Int64.to_string target_kib)
+  (** Get a domain's memory target. Throws Xb.Noent if the domain has been 
destroyed *)
+  let get_target cnx domid = 
+       Int64.of_string (read cnx domid _target)
+  (** Mark a domain as uncooperative. Don't throw an exception if the domain 
has been destroyed. *)
+  let set_uncooperative_noexn cnx domid x =
+       if x
+       then write_noexn cnx domid _uncooperative ""
+       else rm_noexn cnx domid _uncooperative
+  (** Query a domain's uncooperative status. Throws Xb.Noent if the domain has 
been destroyed *)
+  let get_uncooperative_noexn cnx domid = exists cnx domid _uncooperative
+  (** Set a domain's memory-offset. Don't throw an exception if the domain has 
been destroyed *)
+  let set_memory_offset_noexn cnx domid offset_kib =
+       write_noexn cnx domid _memory_offset (Int64.to_string offset_kib)
+  (** Query a domain's memory-offset. Throws Xb.Noent if the domain has been 
destroyed *)
+  let get_memory_offset cnx domid =
+       Int64.of_string (read cnx domid _memory_offset)
+  (** Set a domain's maxmem. Don't throw an exception if the domain has been 
destroyed *)
+  let set_maxmem_noexn cnx domid target_kib = 
+       let maxmem_kib = xen_max_offset_kib (get_hvm cnx domid) +* target_kib in
+       set_maxmem_noexn cnx domid maxmem_kib
+  (** Return true if feature_balloon has been advertised *)
+  let get_feature_balloon (xc, xs) domid = 
+       (* Cache the presence of this key when it appears but always read 
through when it hasn't yet *)
+       let per_domain = get_per_domain (xc, xs) domid in
+       if Hashtbl.mem per_domain.keys _feature_balloon && Hashtbl.find 
per_domain.keys _feature_balloon <> None
+       then true
+       else (try ignore (read_nocache (xc, xs) domid _feature_balloon); true 
with Xb.Noent -> false)
+  (** Query a domain's initial reservation. Throws Xb.Noent if the domain has 
been destroyed *)
+  let get_initial_reservation cnx domid = 
+       Int64.of_string (read cnx domid _initial_reservation)
+  (** Query a domain's dynamic_min. Throws Xb.Noent if the domain has been 
destroyed *)
+  let get_dynamic_min cnx domid = 
+       Int64.of_string (read_nocache cnx domid _dynamic_min)
+  (** Query a domain's dynamic_max. Throws Xb.Noent if the domain has been 
destroyed *)
+  let get_dynamic_max cnx domid = 
+       Int64.of_string (read_nocache cnx domid _dynamic_max)
+  (** Expire old domain information from the cache *)
+  let gc live_domids = 
+       let cached_domids = Hashtbl.fold (fun d _ ds -> d::ds) cache [] in
+       let to_remove = set_difference cached_domids live_domids in
+       List.iter (Hashtbl.remove cache) to_remove
 (** Record when the domain was last co-operative *)
@@ -127,13 +214,12 @@
            ) host.Squeeze.domains
 (** Update all the flags in xenstore *)
-let update_cooperative_flags xs = 
+let update_cooperative_flags cnx = 
   let now = Unix.gettimeofday () in
   Hashtbl.iter (fun domid last_time ->
-                 let dom_path = xs.Xs.getdomainpath domid in
-                 let old_value = get_uncooperative_noexn xs dom_path in
+                 let old_value = Domain.get_uncooperative_noexn cnx domid in
                  let new_value = now -. last_time > 20. in
-                 if old_value <> new_value then set_uncooperative_noexn xs 
dom_path new_value
+                 if old_value <> new_value then Domain.set_uncooperative_noexn 
cnx domid new_value
@@ -171,30 +257,30 @@
        and total_pages_kib = Xc.pages_to_kib (Int64.of_nativeint 
physinfo.Xc.total_pages) in
        let free_mem_kib = free_pages_kib +* scrub_pages_kib in
+       let cnx = xc, xs in
        let domains = List.concat
                        (fun di ->
-                                       let path = xs.Xs.getdomainpath 
di.Xc.domid in
                                        let memory_actual_kib = Xc.pages_to_kib 
(Int64.of_nativeint di.Xc.total_memory_pages) in
                                        (* dom0 is special for some reason *)
                                        let memory_max_kib = if di.Xc.domid = 0 
then 0L else Xc.pages_to_kib (Int64.of_nativeint di.Xc.max_memory_pages) in
                                        (* Misc other stuff appears in 
max_memory_pages *)
-                                       let memory_max_kib = max 0L 
(memory_max_kib -* (xen_max_offset_kib di)) in
-                                       let can_balloon = exists xs 
(feature_balloon_path path) in
+                                       let memory_max_kib = max 0L 
(memory_max_kib -* (xen_max_offset_kib di.Xc.hvm_guest)) in
+                                       let can_balloon = 
Domain.get_feature_balloon cnx di.Xc.domid in
                                        (* Once the domain tells us it can 
balloon, we assume it's not currently ballooning and
                                           record the offset between 
memory_actual and target. We assume this is constant over the 
                                           lifetime of the domain. *)
-                                       let offset_kib = 
+                                       let offset_kib : int64 = 
                                          if not can_balloon then 0L
                                          else begin
-                                             Int64.of_string (xs_read xs 
(memory_offset_path path))
+                                             Domain.get_memory_offset cnx 
                                            with Xb.Noent ->
-                                             let target_kib = Int64.of_string 
(xs_read xs (target_path path)) in
+                                             let target_kib = 
Domain.get_target cnx di.Xc.domid in
                                              let offset_kib = 
memory_actual_kib -* target_kib in
                                              debug "domid %d just exposed 
feature-balloon; calibrating total_pages offset = %Ld KiB" di.Xc.domid 
-                                             set_memory_offset_noexn xs path 
+                                             Domain.set_memory_offset_noexn 
cnx di.Xc.domid offset_kib;
                                          end in
                                        let memory_actual_kib = 
memory_actual_kib -* offset_kib in
@@ -218,7 +304,7 @@
                                        (* If the domain has yet to expose it's 
feature-balloon flag then we assume it is using at least its
                                           "initial-reservation". *)
                                        if not can_balloon then begin
-                                               let initial_reservation_kib = 
Int64.of_string (xs_read xs (initial_reservation_path path)) in
+                                               let initial_reservation_kib = 
Domain.get_initial_reservation cnx di.Xc.domid in
                                                (* memory_actual_kib is memory 
which xen has accounted to this domain. We bump this up to
                                                   the "initial-reservation" 
and compute how much memory to subtract from the host's free
                                                   memory *)
@@ -233,13 +319,13 @@
                                                  } ]
                                        end else begin
-                                               let target_kib = 
Int64.of_string (xs_read xs (target_path path)) in
+                                               let target_kib = 
Domain.get_target cnx di.Xc.domid in
                                                (* min and max are written 
separately; if we notice they *)
                                                (* are missing set them both to 
the target for now.      *)
                                                let min_kib, max_kib =
-                                                       Int64.of_string 
(xs_read xs (dynamic_min_path path)),
-                                                       Int64.of_string 
(xs_read xs (dynamic_max_path path))
+                                                 Domain.get_dynamic_min cnx 
+                                                 Domain.get_dynamic_max cnx 
                                                with _ ->
                                                        target_kib, target_kib
@@ -252,7 +338,7 @@
                                | Xb.Noent ->
-                                   (* useful debug message is printed by the 
xs_read function *)
+                                   (* useful debug message is printed by the 
Domain.read* functions *)
                                |  e ->
                                        debug "Skipping domid %d: %s"
@@ -270,7 +356,9 @@
        let host = Squeeze.make_host ~domains ~free_mem_kib:(Int64.sub 
free_mem_kib !reserved_kib) in
        update_cooperative_table host;
-       update_cooperative_flags xs;
+       update_cooperative_flags cnx;
+       Domain.gc (List.map (fun di -> di.Xc.domid) domain_infolist);
        Printf.sprintf "F%Ld S%Ld R%Ld T%Ld" free_pages_kib scrub_pages_kib 
!reserved_kib total_pages_kib, host
@@ -278,18 +366,17 @@
 let execute_action ~xc ~xs action =
                let domid = action.Squeeze.action_domid in
-               let path = xs.Xs.getdomainpath domid in
                let target_kib = action.Squeeze.new_target_kib in
                if target_kib < 0L
                then failwith "Proposed target is negative (domid %d): %Ld" 
domid target_kib;
-               let di = Xc.domain_getinfo xc domid in
-               let memory_max_kib = Xc.pages_to_kib (Int64.of_nativeint 
di.Xc.max_memory_pages) in
+               let cnx = (xc, xs) in
+               let memory_max_kib = Domain.get_maxmem cnx domid in
                if target_kib > memory_max_kib then begin
-                 domain_setmaxmem_noexn xc domid target_kib;
-                 set_target_noexn xs path target_kib;
+                 Domain.set_maxmem_noexn cnx domid target_kib;
+                 Domain.set_target_noexn cnx domid target_kib;
                end else begin
-                 set_target_noexn xs path target_kib;
-                 domain_setmaxmem_noexn xc domid target_kib;
+                 Domain.set_target_noexn cnx domid target_kib;
+                 Domain.set_maxmem_noexn cnx domid target_kib;
        with e ->
                debug "Failed to reset balloon target (domid: %d) (target: 
%Ld): %s"
1 file changed, 176 insertions(+), 89 deletions(-)
ocaml/xenops/squeeze_xen.ml |  265 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------

Attachment: xen-api.hg-4.patch
Description: Text Data

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